'The True Nature of Reality' - Darryl Anka “Bashar” Full Interview with Kristin Gillespie

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If you liked this interview, please watch our documentary series starring Darryl Anka and many more world-renown Channels, Consciousness Pioneers and Way-Showers…
DECONSTRUCTING SENTIENCE: From Chaos to Coherence (FULL FILM 2020) [4K]
COSMIC SENTIENCE: Deconstructing Ascension (FULL FILM 2021) [4K]


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Rare, never-before-seen FULL INTERVIEW with DARRYL ANKA, heralded channel of “BASHAR,” packed full of cutting-edge info so needed to navigate our current TIMELINE BIFURCATION - on the nature of reality, parallel & overlapping realities, bleed-throughs, Earth splitting, glass walls, Mandala Effect, “All That Is” & so much more!

Other topics discussed: Ascension, self-limiting beliefs, reflective mirrors, dimensions vs densities, Universal Law, Higher / Future Self communication, abundance, synchronicity, path of least resistance, power point in paradox, deja vu, channelling, the man behind the curtain, gamma states, contact, critical mass, and what it means to be a sentient being as the 1st reflection of The One. (Filmed Spring 2019 for documentary series “Deconstructing Sentience”).

Darryl Anka, Channel “Bashar” & Writer, Producer, Director “First Contact”

More about Darryl Anka:

For over 35 years, individuals from all over the globe have made the journey to experience renown channel Darryl Anka as he brings through the remarkable non-physical being from the future known as Bashar.

Along with Edgar Cayce, Seth, and Abraham-Hicks, the Bashar material has been heralded as some of the most relevant, compelling and dynamic information delivered to the planet to date.

In addition to channeling Bashar, Darryl expresses his creative talents in the forms of writing, directing and producing films through his own production company, Zia Films.

Darryl’s recent documentary, which he wrote, produced and directed, entitled First Contact explores his life as a channel and the messages Bashar shares through him.

Рекомендации по теме

If you liked this interview, please watch our documentary series starring Darryl Anka and many more world-renown Channels, Consciousness Pioneers and Way-Showers…
DECONSTRUCTING SENTIENCE: From Chaos to Coherence (FULL FILM 2020) [4K]
COSMIC SENTIENCE: Deconstructing Ascension (FULL FILM 2021) [4K]


I’ve waited my whole life to hear ALL OF THIS!! I’m 55 and just coming ALIVE. That was the most mind blowing, empowering, love altering message I’ve ever seen. Blasted my heart/head wide open. So grateful for the timing, my life has forever changed❤️❤️‍🔥


You have just got Darryl Anka to pretty much cover all of the Bashar teachings in one interview, this is going to be so helpful to many, thank you for your exceptional work here Kristin.


I'm going to listen to this everyday until i absorb this information completely!


I’m a child abuse survivor, and been sober for 11 years now. My life was in SHAMBLES when I hit bottom and my entire recovery journey I always considered fear the opposite of love. The way Darryl explains how that’s not true is so profound to me because I carried SO much shame and guilt for years after getting sober and he’s right- THOSE feelings are the opposite of love, whereas fear still has SOME life in it, and it’s just the negative manifestation of love. It all makes so much sense to me. by the way for anyone reading this who is struggling with the same issue- I spent a good solid year working on self-love and self forgiveness, building my self-esteem back up and doing good things for other people. This is how I found a sense of purpose again. Today I can say I vibrate high. If you’re struggling, you CAN get out of it. Hang in there 💗

(And yes, addiction for me was all about numbing the pain, today I face it and overcome it (heal it). SOOOO grateful for that too!!


Bashar's triple AAA: Acknowledge what you have, Appreciate what you have and Allow what you need to come through. that's deep! AAA !! ❤😊


Anybody comment on the interviewer...she was awesome..asked all the questions needed to make this video top tier😊


best Bashar-Interview (Darryl Anka) I've ever watched, I'm following his readings since about 10 years... I'm still getting excited


Quite literally the greatest interview on the internet, I am so priveledged to hear this, thank you beyond words!!!


"The darkest hour of the night is just before sunrise" 🙏❤👽


Darryl is amazing. He speaks with such clarity !


This is pure wisdom no church will teach you this in 2000 years. Also I am sure there are moments in the interview Bashar is actually the one talking. This is a privilege to listen to. Thank you


I think it's extremely interesting that he's channeling his future self through his past self to talk to us.. to his future self that's him in the past but he's still talking to us through the link his past self used to connect to his own future that's wild., what even is time


WOW. No question this is the best interview and teaching from Bashar, given through Daryl in a down to earth human level that many can understand. Beautifully done ❤️❤️❤️


Ive watched about 500- 800 hours of bashar/darryl videos, and this interview is top top grreat !


If anyone wanted a good quick rundown of Bashar philosophy, this is a good video to watch.


I am so thankful I found Darryl and Bashar. I am in my 50s and have started my awakening and I have learned so much to help me continue my journey in a positive and successful manner. I have been totally over thinking all of this and Bashar's instructions have made it much more simple than I thought it could be.


so nice to get Darryl speaking naturally with all he has acquired from Bashar over the years.


Darryl sums up thousands of years of pontification: Be who you ARE. ❤


We need more interviews with Darryl! He is amaziing!
