AVOID Kurt Caz in Cuba!🇨🇺

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I need to share something that has been haunting me since my recent trip to Cuba. I came across a crazy situation involving the YouTuber, Kurt Caz, and I feel that I must speak up about it. Please bear with me as I'm sharing with you the truth...

Just a couple of months ago, Kurt began posting Cuban videos on Fb,Youtube, tiktok etc that went viral, receiving thousands of shares and views. These videos had a crazy impact on the Cuban people, leaving them shocked and deeply affected.

I'm sad to say this, but so many people in Cuba hate him now. People have been probably imprisoned, and they will likely remain behind bars for years, all because he chose to expose them for his own gain $$.

Even a police officer confessed to me that many of the individuals he exposed are no longer free!!! (I hope it's not true)

During my two-week stay in Cuba, I heard the pain and anger firsthand from locals who couldn't even express their true feelings on my camera. They feared how their words might be edited and worried that it could be perceived as hatred towards the government, risking their own freedom.

Every day wherever I was going, because I was also filming, I listened to their stories, witnessing their hate towards Kurt. .

And really makes no freaking sense!!

Guys you need to understand that Cuba is a unique country!!!!

Why would someone expose these Cuban people who struggle to survive on meager wages?

As YouTubers, we often expose scammers, and I don't support scams or illegal activities. I will personally do the same thing if someone scams me in another country!!

But exposing a scammer in India or Brazil is different from exposing illegal activities in Cuba. In India, the scammer may be upset about being exposed, but the government or police won't take drastic action against them. In Colombia too, filming prostitutes is permissible as it is legal there.

But in Cuba?????
These people are immediately sent to jail for yeaaaars!!

How can a Kurt Caz sleep well at night knowing that he filmed someone for a minute, made thousands of dollars from it, and that poor illegal person will end up spending many years behind bars?"

These girls make a mere $10 a month, while he makes thousands from his videos, essentially sealing their fate in prison for years to come. And he even f**cking approached them!!
They didn't bother him!! They didn't harass him.He knew exactly what he was doing and he even said it on his video!!!

Unless you hate humanity…You simply can’t do that!!!

In Cuba, I got scammed within the first hour ($30 for a mojito). I filmed the whole experience and it could easily go viral! Just walking around Havana for 15 minutes, you'll find many scammers, prostitutes, currency exchangers, and illegal cigar sellers. They're everywhere! They come to you; you don't have to seek them out.

But remember, this is Cuba, not the USA or Brazil. In Cuba, anyone who takes advantage of a tourist faces crazy consequences. So, what am I supposed to do?

Expose them??

It's heartbreaking to know that these people are barely making $12 a month, while a simple meal costs $20! They engage in illegal activities simply to survive and put food on the table. They'll never become wealthy.

I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that I made thousands of a poor Cuban scammer..and on the top of that!! I send him to PRISON for Years!! That’s f insane!!

Some people are simply evil. I don't claim to be an angel or perfect, but certain actions are universally condemned unless one harbors hatred towards humanity.

Unfortunately, I had the misfortune of meeting Kurt in person, and I can assure you that he fully hates anyone who doesn't worship him, especially women.

Please understand that I'm not driven by envy or animosity, regardless of his 2 million followers or wealth. It pains me deeply that I once cared for him, supported him, and loved him. He is aware of the impact I’ve had on his life.

I really hope that karma intervenes.

I feel disgusted knowing how Kurt deliberately shared these videos across various platforms: YouTube, YouTube Shorts, TikTok, Facebook, and even Facebook Reels.

And finally, I want you to know that I really didn't want to post this video. I have my own reasons for not liking Kurt, and I never planned to make a video targeting him. I really hate drama or starting fights on YouTube. All I wanted was to focus on my work and keep making videos.

But when I saw what happened and how Kurt's videos affected the people of Cuba, hearing their stories and seeing their fear of speaking up... It really upset me. And then seeing Kurt share those videos everywhere and the possibility of other YouTubers following suit just for more views... It put me in a tough spot.

Even though it goes against what I wanted, I have a responsibility as a man and as a creator to tell the truth. I have to speak up, even if it means facing the anger from his fans or you guys!

#timmykarter #kurtcaz #cuba
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fk kurt caz, his fans and their western arrogance, timmy. im 100% on your side. those people do not have the empathy to understand what it means to be locked up in a cuban prison for decades. and they dont think about the motivation why cubans (or other poor countries) try to scam tourists. they dont scam because they are greedy, they are trying to survive. the motivation behind someones actions is crucial! Much love and respect to you bro for being so passionate about this. None of these people that criticize you for calling out Kurt Caz have ever been close to being poor in their lifes. So dont take them serious. They are not in the position to judge.


Kurt Caz wasnt exposing anything. He was filming a video the same way he would in any other country.
How is it his fault he told people he wanted to go to the actual cigar vendor from the givernemtn and they scammed him into a private vendor.
How is it his fault hes riding in a taxi, and girls approach him. Lol. Your logic makes no sense Timmy.
You seem to be siding with the cubans because youre still in cuba and are scared


Timmy I am cuban and I am glad he showed what he showed the reality and I follow both of you.


Wait, he’s trying to say the 2 girls who just came up to him and said hi on the street are getting 20 years in prison because of Kurt? That literally makes zero sense at all your gonna have to explain that a bit more


Seems to me like some broke down on their luck addicted natives that found out they were filmed and outraged Kurt didn’t threw money at them. Kurt is by far not even close to being rich. He just has the money to fund his travels as he stated in an interview and you can see it in his videos aswell


Didn't you show in the last video where that girl asked you multiple times not to film her but you kept filming her?? She offered you 🍑 and you still kept on filming her so try to practice what you're preaching. Before you try to "expose" someone, it's best to get both sides... 💯


If someone were to come to my country and was openly filming, I am responsible for breaking or not breaking the law. I don’t expect anyone to watch out for me to obey my own country’s laws as a foreigner. Take some accountability. If they asked him not to film I understand but if they break their own laws on his video, that’s on them.


Criminals doing crimes while in the face of someone recording*
*They get caught*
" Omg how evil is Kurt😢" what is this negative IQ?


I love how people are upset at Kurt for filming and releasing the video but they're not upset at the government that put them in that situation in the first place. When Kurt went there, people knew they were being filmed and still decided to talk to him. I'm Cuban myself, I left when I was 3 years old, in this situation I would be calling out the communist government that took those people to jail and put them in a situation where they had to illegally exchange money, sell stolen/fake cigars, etc. not the tourist that went over there, spent money in local businesses, and filmed his stay, which he is 100% allowed to do.


Bro you just admitted to doing the same thing with him in Colombia with drugged out prostitutes and we’re supposed to believe “it was all him if I knew I would have left” Cmon man


This is deeply disturbing. As beautiful as Cuba seems to the eye, the more you learn about the Cuban people, the more I associate them with prisoners. They're trapped in a cycle of poverty with no voice to speak out.


Sadly does not surprise me. I loved Kurts vids and have been around since his early days. Anyone who's watched for a long time knows his ego and narcissism is getting worse with every video he posts. He's pretty disrespectful and rude these days... And thats just what he shows us on camera. I'm not surprised he's even worse off camera.


Thanks! Kurt humiliates poor people - it's great you told the truth.


I’m about 50/50 on your video. Seems very personal to you. Your also taking a few cheap shots at his character about prostitution which is probably true but regardless you seem to be spilling the beans on a now sour friendship.

I really hope none of this is true about the 6 people but it’s possible. I’ve been to Cuba and it could happen however these illegal activities (Money exchange, prostitution, and fake cigars). These activities are occurring about every 5 feet you walk in Havana.

I have met Kurt in person in Medellin at El Tesoro mall. He’s a prick. Not sure it’s any more than that. Doubt he intended to put 6 people in jail if it did happen.


I have been going to Cuba since 2000, about 50 trips. When I saw Kurt's video, I knew it was not going to end well for the people he exposed. I was lucky enough to have a man and his family take me under his wing and teach me the facts of REALITY for the Cuban people. Discretion is the key word for living in Cuba. Your actions can have long lasting effects for those people who are just trying to survive on $20.00 a month or less. I have written dozens of stories about my adventures in Cuba, usually with a humorous slant because when two cultures collide, really funny situations can happen, usually due to misinterpretation of the language. Respect is the key word down there and that is where Kurt failed miserably. He failed to respect the people, their culture or the realities of Cuban law. I wish the realities of life in Cuba were easier for the Cuban people but the cold hard truth of it is, as long as the Embargo is in place, nothing can change.


To be fair, we only are hearing one side of the story


I watched Kurt’s video, i saw nothing wrong. This video seems more personal, like Timmy trying to fit in with a certain demographic of people that got mad for being exposed for stuff they did that i got no sympathy for. Is there proof that the people Kurt “exposed” are actually in jail or is it hearsay? Its not like the people that got recorded don’t expose themselves on the daily. This video is really naive and hypocritical. Timmy shot himself in the foot with this one.


I’ve said this multiple times, Kurt Cuz COMPLETELY CHANGED as soon as he got famous and the money kept coming. It’s was around the same time he broke up with his girlfriend, after that he started to act like a complete d*ck in every single vlog, he lost the humbleness and positivity that made him succeed. Such a sad story, money show the true colors of every single person.


When you were in Cuba didn't you basically expose Pizza lady who was begging to go back to her home? I think that was obvious pay 2 play and isn't that what your are complaining about not doing in this video?


They let him come but they didn’t even mention for him to not post it. If they had asked, he wouldn’t have posted it.
It’s crazy to me that the people who are doing illegal stuff, or blaming somebody else even though they’re the ones taking the risk.
How about, don’t invite somebody who’s filming to your illegal business?
