Why I Stopped Doing Dips 😭

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This channel turning from calisthenics channel to Austin’s health report channel


I never done weighted dips but watching other youtubers and doing work outs I was wondering why I was having this pain.. I'll keep my eye out from now on. Appreciate the Intel


I love that YouTube is maturing. the content creators are staying around long enough to show vulnerability instead of just the highlight reel of an easy life.


Costochondritis is mainly caused by poor mobility in the rib joints between the rib and the spine, not the rib and the sternum. Your spine-rib joint gets stiff and immobile, then your sternum-rib joint becomes hyper mobile to compensate, then it gets inflamed.

Your dip form may have been poor, or you may have over/under developed one muscle group. Work on your spine mobility and flexibility.


Thank you for this. I've also felt this pain, but I would just ignore it. I won't go as heavy when I do dips anymore


To anyone who might be feeling this, had something similar a couple of years ago. Not sure if it was exactly same, but once I started doing weighted dips, I felt a very sharp pinch of pain in the middle of my chest. Tried every warm up, and every exercise but it kept coming back. It was later on fixed when I took a long rest (2 months I guess from any weighted dips or directly training chest) and started training chest with rings after the cooldown. Since then I've never felt chest pain in dips, max dip right now is 2 reps with about 45 kgs (75kg current weight).


I do 2 sets of 15 no weight and 2 sets of 10-15 45lbs/20kg dips, havent seen any problems or injuries, only strenght increase.


Austin is the man... He just looking out for us...


For me the pain went away once i fixed my posture. It was just too much stress on the sternum being hunched 24/7.
To be more specific, i got it from sit ups when i was a kid and then couldnt work out for years cause of the sharp piercing pain in the sternum.
Worth a try before getting too paranoid, especially if you have lots of school work etc


Same thing happened to me, the sternal attachments just can’t keep up. As soon as your form collapses when you are a little tired, all the pressure goes into the joints.


Yeah the exact same thing happened to me and the culprit was weighted dips lol. Took 3 months off any horizontal push exercise. Just be careful guys, listen to your body


What I did to fix this problem was focus on pushing with more of your index fingers and puff out your chest. Also don’t go so deep into each dip just deep enough to where your arm has a 90 degree angle. Also do dips on a parallel bar. Hope this helps!


I believe that trainning any exercise with high intensity has higher risk of injury. So, we should scheduling them wisely. Doing weighted pullups or weighted dips for 5x5 over a year will probably lead to injuries. The key is periodization. I do weighted pullups and dips, but for a specific period of time, like over month. We could also periodize weekly, doing weighted pull or dips once a week, and doing lighter sessions the other days.


When I experienced this sort of sternum pain from dips, what worked for me was just starting over with my bodyweight and slowly working back up to my former weight over a couple months, intentionally only progressing in weight once the prior weight becomes too easy. I think this is caused by trying to progress in weight too fast, faster than the chest muscle can handle in this particular position. I no longer experience sternum pain at the same or heavier weights than before.


same here, I did weighted dips in the past but I stopped that, body weight is enough, sometimes in a controlled, slow fashion, other times in a faster, Arnold style


Awesome! Thank you for posting this video bro! Exactly what I was looking for! I got into the bad habit of doing way more dips than usual on chest day because I didnt have to take my eyes off the TV (I know). I noticed the other day how disproportionate my lower chest was to my upper chest. I'm going to chill on the dips for awhile and focus on inclined bench and declined pushups.


I stopped doing them because they’re exhausting. But when I was doing them I had this same pain. After researching why, it turns out it was poor form. What worked for me is doing them with good posture and looking ahead instead of down.


Thank you for speaking on this it hurts my eyes every-time I see someone do weighted dips


Thanks for this Austin. I got costochondritis from ring dips, and I've struggled to do even medium reps of normal dips since then without feeling a bit of chest pain. Glad to hear I'm not the only one and that I can do other things. Do you have any more info for how to recover and what movements help/what might need to change in form to avoid future sternum injuries?
