Why Weighted Dips Are Useless

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Weighted dips are one of the best exercises


That's like saying you injured yourself doing a heavy squat then promoting no squatting..
Weighted dips got me stronger thus allowing me to build more muscle
Just gotta play it safe


weighted dips is squat of upper body 👑


"I got injured like a dumbass si don't do dips guys "


Been doing dips for years. This one exercise gave me upper body press strength and great gains in my chest and triceps. One man's bad experience does do not apply to all. We are all built differently.


Weighted dips are a great exercise when performed with correct form.
There are some people who just tell everyone what they want to hear. This guy is a prime example


Costochondritis is caused by physical strain from repeated exercise. You could've just as easily developed this injury doing any chest focused exercise. It's also a relatively harmless injury that will usually go away without treatment. I'm not sure why it cost you months of progress. By your logic, any heavy repeated movement should be avoided for injury risk. Being in the gym over time increases your risk of injury in general. If you're training long enough and hard enough, you'll eventually get some bumps and bruises. If you're not training like an idiot most of those bumps and bruises will be very minor in severity. This video is fear mongering.


Bro I got big asf off weighted dips tf outta here


Weighted dips and incline bench for the chest


Bad video. I can dip almost six plates and it has massively built my chest and triceps since I do it. I have never benched and I can bench 3 plates because of it. It has huge carriover to pushing skills, especially dinamic skills. It is very easy to set up and proggresively overload. It is badass and impressive, like the weighted pull up


Weighted dips are probably the best calisthenics exercise tbh you’re just not built for them I guess


Weighted dips is greatest exercise of upper body


If you do dips with proper technique (controlled descent, deep stretch, pause at the bottom) you not only prevent injury risk, you also can easily progressively overload with mininum extra weight.


That’s like getting injured from bench pressing then making a video about bench pressing being useless


If you do slow, full range of motion dips, like you should, with proper tucking/flaring of elbows and scapular movement, the weight is automatically dramatically reduced, as is the risk of injury. I do these super deep dips at the gym and when people doing weighted dips with 45+ lbs see it, they give it a try and can hardly do one if any. The deeper stretch definitely builds more muscle and improves flexibility/mobility too


Lol I got that injury doing high volume dips. Went away in like a week. The thing is you don’t even need to go heavy on dips to build muscle and strength or even do a lot of volume. I just do 1 set to failure on it and grow just as good. No over use injuries and no need for heavier weight. If normal dips are too “easy” for you. Do slow motion dips, slow rep speed where it’s almost to a crawl. And pause at the bottom half of the dip before raising yourself back up. Adding in isometrics and using all muscle no momentum will give you gains.


You just gotta make sure you going down controlled and to a range comfortable for you. Recommend warming up shoulders with band or light dumbbell 😃


Came back to this after a year of consistently doing heavy weighted dips 2x a week. I used to think you were being dramatic because you weren't careful and put the blame on the exercise instead. Couldn't have been more wrong.

Like i was saying, I went from +35kg 1rm to +1x bodyweight(70kg). Hit the pr today. However, im considering leaving dips on the side from now on because today, i experienced the most amount of sudden sternum pain so far. Im guessing it is because of how heavy i went today, while having just recovered from being very sick.

I did not(thankfully), get an injury like yours, however, all these random sternum pains that ive experienced over the past 2 months+today's experience, made me rethink my view on the dip.

So, if you read this far(tldr ik), you were right(kinda). I still think the dip is top tier, but yeah, it indeed is really hard on the sternum.


I train with 30kg weight plates on dips and I would be VERY injured if I didn't do proper warmup for that, it takes 10-15 minutes but really worth it because dips build superhuman shoulder strength
