The One Small Change That Will Transform Your Lower Ab Workout

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The One Small Change That Will Transform Your Lower Ab Workout

One small tweak to a move can be exactly what we need to create progression and take our results to the next level.

That’s why I want to show you how just this small change in your bench positioning can progress the basic lower body crunch to challenge those lower abs even more.

If you haven’t yet tried Incline Abs, you’re going to want to.

In this video I want to break down how to do this move to get the most benefit as well as why it is so amazing.

Because this exercise is deceptively challenging and must be earned, I’ll also share ways to modify it and build up!

But first, why should you use this move?

Incline Abs are a move I’ve fallen in love with because they are a great way to create progression through the same but different from hanging abs, but also take the basic lower body crunch up a notch without adding weight.

And lower body crunch movements are a great way to target that lower portion of our rectus abdominis, or our lower abs, to a great extent.

This move reduces some of the strain on the upper body that comes with doing the hanging knees to elbows, while still giving you the benefit of engaging your upper body to pull down on the bench as you curl your knees up.

So you get the upper body bonus but with less upper body strain.

That upper body hold can be helpful to engage the lats and even your serratus to better help you active your abs and protect your lower back.

And because of the bench behind your back, you won’t be able to swing or use momentum as easily as you can with hanging knees to elbows.

The bench variation can help you really practice that spinal flexion to learn to control that knee tuck, even making it a great option if you’re working to build up to hanging core moves.

But don’t think that this move is easy just because it may be a way to build up.

It isn’t. And the harder you pull down on the bench and more you focus on that controlled roll up and down being powered by your abs over just flexing at the hips, the harder this move gets!

Now, breaking down how to do this move to maximize it before I share some modifications and variations…
Рекомендации по теме

I've been doing these reverse crunches on the bench for a while and it's amazing the impact it has. I went from using a lot of momentum to bring my knees up to a very controlled movement over time. Never thought to do them on an incline as the next progression. Brilliant! Thanks Cori!


Wow! Another great new (to me) move to try.


I don’t have workout equipment like a bench. Do you have suggestions on what I could use as substitute at home?


Good tips for beginners. I'll be trying this out!


This is fantastic! Was there a link for the other video w/ abs?


Your precisions abs videos have helped me so much! I enjoy targeting the lower abs! I plan on trying out the bench version!


Adding this exercise starting today. Thank you!


WOW - I was just thinking about this topic!! Can't wait to work this into my routine.
Q: where are the links to the next video(s) as mentioned at the end of this video - not sure where to look. TY


As always, perfect timing! My husband just got this bench. Lower abs seem to be that last stubborn area for me! But every time I get close to seeing them, my hormones (estrogen) tank and I feel terrible.
What do you think about working abs with weight to make them visible at a slightly higher body fat? Is that even possible?
I’m less than 10% bf currently.


I have a lower back pain will this make it worse? Any different modifications for this ab workout? Thanks 😊


I didn’t see the link to the other abs video in the description.


Hello from France.. Always good advices!!! Following dor years
Former fitness coach
