Seminary or Fight a Calvinist?

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Kevin discusses what a person can actually learn from a Calvinist.

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I learned so much from Calvinists, mainly how you should never give your mind over to ANY MAN!!


By negating the need for a 'theological system' you pretty much flat out teach that seminary is not necessary, which is a huge slap in the face for the religious system built around expensive seminary education, careers, foundations, etc. That is a hard pill for them to swallow.


I'm only about 25 minutes then but having been raised in a church that taught a combination of covenant theology and Calvinism even with the explanations of the pastor once I got out from under that influence and was studying the Bible on my own I found exactly what you just said. What happens if they train you and terminology so that when you hear the terminology you have the suggestion in your mind of what the truth is so your mind automatically thinks that about it. And it takes time to read scripture to allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate the mind to break those misinterpretations down. You've got my attention though because I wasn't sure how to describe myself as she accept that I'm a biblicist. I'm not calvinist I'm not Armenian and I don't feel like I'm a dispensationalist either I'm somewhere in between and not the same time it drives my calvinistic parents crazy


"All means all, unless we need it to not mean all."

If you have to do things like that, it's time to probably step back and rethink your life a little. If you need little escape hatches like that to make yourself feel better, it's reset time. Time to start looking at things with a fresh mind. Don't feel bad, because we've all had to do it at some point. Just pony up and do it.


I took a class called Pentateuch at a Calvinistic Bible college, (Arlington Baptist College) back in the early '80s. The professor taught from A.W. Pinks's book called "Gleanings in Genesis". I later learned that Pink's book "Gleanings in Exodus" was plagiarized from an earlier book called "Typical Teaching of Exodus". Nothing like learning the Bible from a plagiarist.


Thank you once again Kevin...God Bless you.


"Christ is the true light that lights every man that already has light that comes into the world."

Honestly, playing Pokemon Go has more spiritual worth than a system reduced to that kind of madness.


This channel is the father of soteriology 101 of leighton flower


"If you are in a paradigm, although you may be saved, you are not following Jesus ('The Way')" -Kevin
Strong statement.
If true, it's eye-opening, for "Who is there among us that is without paradigm?" 🙏


In Calvinism, system precedes scripture.


your method takes the emotion away so a person can carefully consider what's written in the bible. PTL!


This is one of your best videos so far


Oh my gosh, Kevin, I didn’t realize that the “Pick a fight with a Calvinist” meme was actually intended to promote Calvinism until several minutes into your video. I thought it was biblicists who generated the meme to mock Calvinists, LoL. Just goes to show that unaware self-parody is a powerful argument in and of itself 😅


43:04 Wow! So true!! And hilariously delivered 😂 Brother Melms: "God can speak authoritatively and sanctimoniously in Romans 9:18, but over in Romans 11:32 he's kind of a little linguistic pansy, who doesn't really have his act together, and you probably should take that one with a grain of salt." Incredible that this is actually the true sylogism of their "hermeneutic" (air quotes required!), but they will never admit it.


26:22 Re; Jordan Peterson 🎯 I argued with a 'Calvinist' friend about that very thing. He claimed you could not learn anything from Dr. Peterson because he did not know the 'truth/Jesus'...???? Seriously, he said that. I believe that Peterson distanced himself from organized religion because his message could go farther and do more good that way. There is a benefit to the world in general for people to try and live as honestly as they can. Peterson has been attempting to remain 'neutral' theologically, as opposed to being 'pigeon-holed' and marginalized by a very large sector of those he is trying to help. Even though your neighbor rejects Christ, if you can convince him not to steal your lawnmower, or beat his wife as much as in the past... many lives will be better until Jesus comes regardless of his eternal destination. (which my Calvinist friend contends is predestined anyway🤔)... It's hilarious how impervious to cognitive dissonance he is... it's like some kind of super-power.🤣


Most Calvanists practice Narcegesis. That's the practice of reading yourself into the text.


Kevin referred a few times to his discussion with JD Martin and others. Where can I find that discussion?


Going to seminary is the prerequisite to 'fighting' a Calvinist 😂


your comment at 1hr16 reminds me of Scient*logy


I noticed that in the group we don't hear "you don't understand calvinism" much, if at all anymore.

the sad truth is that I do understand calvinism, they don't. I understand that every scriptural point they use to prove their doctrine is out of context, misquoted or misinterpreted, and every calvinist point they make ultimately calls God a liar.
