Physical Therapy Hysterectomy Recovery Diet for FAST HEALING, GAS and CONSTIPATION
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Hysterectomy Recovery Diet Timestamps
1:02 Protein sources to promote healing
3:05 Prebiotic foods to restore the gut microbiome
5:01 Foods that cause painful gas and bloating
6:59 Diet for hysterectomy constipation
Hysterectomy Recovery Diet for Healing
The body uses protein from the diet for healing. After hysterectomy, protein requirements are increased. The body doesn’t store protein so it’s important to consume protein every day during hysterectomy recovery to optimize tissue healing
Most women require 2.5-3 daily servings of protein during hysterectomy recovery.
1 single serving of lean protein includes:
2 eggs
1 serve of low fat dairy eg ¾ cup yogurt, 1 cup of milk
65g or 2.2oz cooked lean red meat (e.g. beef, lamb, veal or pork)
100g or 3.5 oz cooked fish or small can tinned fish (tuna or salmon)
80g or 2.8oz lean (skinless) chicken or turkey
170g or 6oz tofu
Protein supplement drinks
Hysterectomy Recovery Diet to Restore the Gut Microbiome
Some women develop long-term bowel problems after hysterectomy which may be related to an altered microbiome. The microbiome consists of trillions of bacteria, viruses and fungi (microorganisms) that live in the bowel.
After hysterectomy the stress of surgery (2) and antibiotics can disturb the gut microbiome causing bloating and abdominal pain. Research suggests probiotics after antibiotics may not restore the original microbiome (3).
Prebiotic foods feed beneficial gut bacteria that should be included in the hysterectomy recovery diet:
Jerusalem artichoke
Root vegetables
Yogurt (Greek or homemade yogurt)
Kombucha or Kefir
Prebiotic foods that can cause gas and bloating include:
Diet to Reduce Gas and Bloating After Hysterectomy
Gas pain and bloating is a painful side effect after hysterectomy. If you’re suffering from gas and bloating then you may choose to temporarily reduce or eliminate gas producing foods including:
Brassica family vegetables e.g. cabbage, brussel sprouts, cauliflower
Peas and beans
Dried fruits e.g. figs, pears, apricots and prunes
Gas producing fluids include:
Soft drinks
Hysterectomy Recovery Diet for Constipation
Constipation is a common problem after hysterectomy.
The first step for overcoming constipation after hysterectomy is to soften the stool. Having a soft, well formed stool makes bowel emptying less painful and reduces the need to strain.
Hysterectomy recovery diet to soften the stool:
Fruit – peaches, plums, kiwi fruit, apricots
Vegetables – squash, capsicum, spinach, leafy greens
Cereals – oats, wholemeal bread, multigrain cereals
Fibre supplements – psyllium* husks (Metamucil)
Hysterectomy Constipation and High Fibre
Avoid the mistake of increasing high fibre intake when constipated after a hysterectomy which can worsen constipation.
When constipated reduce fibre and clear the bowel with appropriate laxatives advised by your doctor. This is usually an osmotic laxative (eg Miralax, Osmolax, Movicol) that act gently on the bowel and can usually be taken for at least 6 weeks post op.
Gradually reintroduce higher fibre foods as tolerated after bowel emptying into your hysterectomy recovery diet.
1. Y. Ringel, Y & Ringel-Kulka, T (2015). J. Clin. Gastroenterol. 49 Suppl 1 (2015) S56-59.
3. Suez, J. et al (2018) Post-Antibiotic Gut Mucosal Microbiome Reconstitution Is Impaired by Probiotics and Improved by Autologous FMT. Cell. Sep 6;174(6):1406-1423.
#hysterectomyrecoverydiet #gasafterhysterectomy #hysterectomyconstipation
Video editing Jonah Bobongie
Music That Kid Goran licensed user
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