Doctor explains potential SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS of OVARIAN CANCER

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In this video Dr O'Donovan explains possible SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS of OVARIAN CANCER, plus what happens when you go to see your doctor.


In the video we discuss:

00:00 Introduction
00:05 What is ovarian cancer
00:34 Potential signs and symptoms
02:33 What happens when you go to see your doctor?

Potential symptoms of ovarian cancer include:

Symptoms of ovarian cancer include frequently (roughly 12 or more times a month) having:

- a swollen tummy or feeling bloated
- pain or tenderness in your tummy or the area between the hips (pelvis)
- no appetite or feeling full quickly after eating
- an urgent need to pee or needing to pee more often

Other symptoms of ovarian cancer can include:

- indigestion
- constipation or diarrhoea
- back pain
- feeling tired all the time
- losing weight without trying (or occasionally weight gain due to ascites)
- bleeding from the vagina after the menopause

These symptoms can also be from other conditions, but it is important that you see your GP with any symptoms.

For more information please see the following trusted resources.


Information accurate as of 9th March 2023.

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Рекомендации по теме

I’m 68 and was diagnosed in December of 2021….I was going pee a lot and had a small discharge that was brownish in color…..I had an ultrasound and a biopsy was endometrial serous carcinoma……I had surgery (complete abdominal hysterectomy) on March 4th of 2022 followed by 6 rounds of chemotherapy finishing on July 12 of 2022….it’s now June 7th 2023 and I’m happy to say I’m still cancer free!! I’m checked once every 3 months ( exam and ca125 blood test)….I’m back to golfing 🏌️‍♀️ three times a week and walking everyday up to 7 miles….🤗❤️👍🙏. I’m very blessed!!


I was diagnosed at age 15. It was stage 4. I had bloating, coughing, anemia, vaginal bleeding, constipation, nausea, fatigue, anxiety, and intense abdominal pain.


Thanks doc. I came here and true I have all the symptoms highlighted here. Am going to book an appointment with a gynecologist tomorrow.


My aunt is suffering from this. She was diagnosed last year. Years before she used to feel bloated, full and she was constantly having stomach pains. She felt immensely tired after doing house chores. We jus presumed twas bcz of her age (shes prolly 62-65 rn) and we had no idea she had this all this while. Majority of the times it may go unnoticed or you'd jus rule out THIS possibility. I just pray for her well being daily its so painful duh


I was diagnosed 17th June 2020 my birthday. With grade 3c Ovarian Cancer. I 1st went to see my GP in March 2020 was told ibs/uti. When I told him my urine was clear as it was checked 3 times. By a nurse. In April I went back saw another GP female this tine at my surgery whare I was told the same thing. Being medically minded and a retired nurse i knew thete was something seriously wrong. My son who is a GP called my GP in May to get tests done as my pain was excruciating. I eventuly got a CT scan with contrast in 12th June. 5 dats later, it was confirmed I was not imagining my symptoms.


You forgot to mention that by the time these symptoms start your cancer has gone a way beyond curable. This cancer is almost never caught early, and in the rare occasions it's been caught early, it is usually by accident during a surgical or other medical procedure for something competently different.


I had a very rare cancer stage 3c
It was peritoneal cancer but comes under ovarian.I had everything that you go through them had full hysterectomy and 6 rounds of chemo.So glad to say i have just come out of 5yr remission and doing well.


I was having all these symptoms and the doctors have been blowing me off. Finally, I went urologist this week and she did Ct scan and I have tumor on my ovary and cyst on the other and Ct scan says it has grown a lot since my last scan. At least now I know what the problem could be after insisted to be checked. It’s been rough with the symptoms keep getting uti and bleeding and very painful. I’m really upset though to find out of mass/lesions growing but glad now that I know and going Monday to gynecologist. Hopefully, the doctor will remove them and get them tested.


Have my CA125 test & ultrasound on Tuesday. I’m in so much pain 😞💔 praying & hoping for a more positive test result as I’m only 27 😅 if you’re in the U.K. please please please go & get the help. It is free 🙏🏽


UK doctors just seem so much better than US doctors. It’s such a better place.


Im on urgent surgery wait list at minute to have my one remaining ovary removed as their is a tumour the size of a large orange on it. I dn't know if its cancer or not yet. Im 60yr, overweight with high BP so the surgery is very scary for me because of this. My mother past last year from cancer that orginated in her one ovary, but spread to her lungs before being discovered. My tumour was picked up during a CT colonography test for bowel problems so they referred me to rapid access gynae clinic. I have since had internal scan then an MRI and got phone call saying I am now on urgent wait list as it is pressing against bladder and bowel apparently. So Im finding all the not knowing whether its benign or malignant and worrying about surgery risks alot to handle. So I feel very emotional all the time. I am a person that copes better with straight up facts. I am glad I came across this video, it was very informative.
I wish all you ladies out there going through and been through this the best of luck for the future and of course to remain cancer free.xx


I think you need to teach your fellow doctors and ER in hospitals as I went for years until I told the doctor I needed a CT scan

he did and X-ray and ultrasound and couldn’t diagnose
Finally he did a CT scan and I had large ovarian cyst

I went through a lot of pain and anguish that I wouldn’t have gone through if I had a CT scan years earlier


My sister had a partial hysterectomy at 21, my mom had it at 29 and had a full hysterectomy and no more problems.. I’m 58 and have every single symptom, I can’t get new doctor and I need one in California in America. I’ve never looked up anything medically like this before.. I haven’t had a pap in years .. our medical system is so broken here.


I have an appointment on Wednesday to hopefully rule this out... very scary.


I went to get a ct scan ordered by my urologist and it showed several cysts on my ovaries. I’m getting an ultrasound next week. I have all of these symptoms and I have a history of ovarian cancer and breast cancer in my family


I have all the symptoms but all i can do is cry and resist the pain alone i cannot tell to my family about it bcus i dont want them to worry at same time financial issue i have 5 children im just 35 years old


Thank you doc am waiting on my result done three weeks now


I just got it this yr at 45 only caught on a ct for ovarian cancer with a bloaded abdomen with ascites n major severe pains n cramps started


Iv been to my GP with all these symptoms for about 6 months now. My official diagnosis is stress and anxiety. No internal exam has been offered or carried out. I’m worried my prior mental health issues are making the gp’s dismiss me entirely.


A doctor picked up this when I hospital especially when she pushed on my very large tummy It really hurt. My tummy is big it feels like someone has pumped it up. I'm not weeing very much and loosing the urge to go. She said ovetian cancer straight away. I'm 62 4 of my sister's had it. The doctor added another blood test c-25 she said to make a urgent GP appointment BUT it's Sep 23 so getting a appointment is very hard. I'm pretty scared at the mo as I have major heart issues going on now this😢😢😢
