The Low Potassium Epidemic: Dr. Berg Explains Symptoms, Signs, Diet, Causes, and Treatment

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Watch this video to learn about the top low potassium symptoms and how to treat low potassium.

For more details on this topic, check out the full article on the website:

0:00 Why most people with a potassium deficiency don’t know about it
0:39 Symptoms of potassium deficiency
2:40 How to get more potassium in your diet
3:44 Why I modified the keto diet
4:45 Why stress depletes potassium

In this video, I want to talk to you about the signs, symptoms, causes, and treatment of low potassium.

Low potassium is one of the number one deficiencies. However, it most often goes undetected. When you take a blood test, it simply doesn’t show up. Why? Because the majority of potassium resides inside the cell. You have to be very deficient in potassium for it to show up on a blood test.

The best way to find out if you have a potassium deficiency is to look at the symptoms.
Here are some of the common symptoms of a potassium deficiency:
• High blood pressure
• Muscle cramps
• Sugar cravings
• Constipation
• High insulin
• Muscle weakness
• Abnormal heartbeat
• Insomnia
• Anxiety

The need for insulin actually decreases when you have enough potassium.

What causes low potassium? There are numerous reasons you might have low potassium levels. Here are some of the most common ones:
• Vomiting
• Poor diet
• Ketosis
• Diuretic
• Diabetes
• High cortisol
• Excess H2O
• Sugar

How can you increase your potassium level? Many people believe that bananas are the best source of potassium. However, bananas contain only 300mg of potassium. You need 4,700mg of potassium. You would have to consume 15 bananas, which would add a lot of sugar to your diet.

Instead, you want to consume plenty of fresh vegetables. I recommend 7-10 cups each day. Avocados, spinach, salad, and cucumbers are great sources of potassium.

My healthy version of the keto diet includes plenty of vegetables to help replenish electrolytes.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Thanks for watching! I hope this video helped you understand the low potassium symptoms and why you might have low potassium.
Рекомендации по теме

Anybody else here on a Dr. Berg learning train? Just clicking from one video to the next absorbing all this information. Thank you Dr. Berg.


After watching some of ur videos I have diagnosed myself with everything deficiency!!


I just love his quiet way of speaking.


I've been dealing with this for years and couldn't figure for the life of me what's going on. Losing hair, muscle weakness, insomnia, muscle cramping, along with being supper jittery and feeling like I'm going to pass out at random times. Thank you!


I cannot thank you enough, Dr. Berg, for explaining low potassium thoroughly. I’ve had symptoms for four months now and have been to 10 different doctors who automatically assume it’s all anxiety. I told all the doctors I have anxiety because no doctors have been able to find or care to think that all my symptoms could be something else. I have all those symptoms you listed. I’ve looked over my basic lab work and saw that I have low K+ and high glucose. Why didn’t the doctors catch that is beyond me. I wish all doctors are in their field because they actually care about people. It’s hard to find a good doctor.


Sometimes I feel like I learn more from YouTube than my actual doctor. I go, I explain my symptoms I get blank stares. I type in my symptoms to Google, i get answers and reasonable suggestions.


Just a few months back, I was hospitalized for 4 days in the ICU unit of the hospital for low potassium level. I had a 2.1 level. I had most all the symptoms they talk about. I never knew that potassium was so important!


I can't get enough of this man's knowledge and he keeps it in layman's terms. Thanks Dr. Berg.


I don't normally post comments. I've been praying for an explanation and a solution for the symptoms I've been experiencing the last several months and the Lord led me to your videos. Thank you sir! Infinite blessings!


Dr Berg, You have NO IDEA how much you just helped me. Thank you times 10, 000!!


If I could afford his consultation and treatment this man would be my doctor.


I've been on the keto diet. A couple of times, I got real sluggish. After researching, I realized that my electrolytes might've been low. So yesterday evening, I went and bought "No Salt" which contains LOTS of potassium and omg, I noticed last night, I slept really good and wondered if that was why. This explains it! This may also explain my hair loss.


Ever since I watched a video of you saying we should take magnesium citrate I’ve been taking it and now I don’t suffer from insomnia. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!


Highest potassium content list: shown in Potassium mg per 100g:


I'm so grateful for your videos Dr Berg. I tell everyone about you! You helped me get well....
No Dr I paid could find anything wrong with me! They decided I needed PILLS and a Psychiatrist!!!
I never took their pills.. I'd come back in and they yelled at me! I think they noted in my chart as a trouble maker... Then none of them were nice or comassionate anymore!!
So I went home crying... I started praying to God to help me help myself! I found you through the Keto diet videos! I started at the beginning... WITH MY GUT! Then after I had those symptoms under control... I started my Keto diet after studying your videos like crazy!! Then I bought all my veggies like you said... And one week i was sickly- detoxing... I'm sure... But magnesium and potassium was low from symptoms. That went away finally! Then I became light as a feather! I lost 17 lbs in 7 weeks.
After this... I discovered what had been wrong with me at age 48- that the Drs couldn't- wouldn't find!!!
Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency!!!! It raised havoc on my body. I had loose bowls for 5 or 6 yrs. My left eye started bulging.. High blood pressure.. Couldn't sleep or do anything. My body was in total pain! If I did anything I was pulling muscles and tendons! Once I sneezed and pulled my muscle between my shoulder blades! ( still having problems with it) My knee took 1 year and 3 months to get well.. Both my forearms were too sore all the time to carry anything. It hurt to sleep.. Turn over. Then I started have both arms get horrific pains in them.. It would crawl down my arms and go numb!!!! I had to stop. Even if I was driving! It was VERY scary. I felt like I was waiting to die!!!! I kept losing my balance too.
Sorry this is so long.. But these are symptoms! I had them... Didn't know what it all meant...
Just one more thing! In 7 weeks.. My eye sight was corrected from astigmatism. Also I had tore retinas on both eyes. Those closed up!
So Thank You Dr


2017 I was hospitalized for low potassium, 1.8. I could not stand up nor walk when this happened.
After three days it finally leveled out and they sent me home. A specialist that I saw after that issue told me I am the first person he's ever known to still be living after having a potassium level so low, 1.8


I started watching and learning from Dr Berg back in 2016. He’s changed my life!


You are a heavenly gift to mankind. I respect your greeat work.


Explained perfectly!! I have been in and out of hospitals and they’ve never mentioned this with every single one of the symptoms you mentioned!! Your videos have saved me!!


I collapsed in an airport last week because my potassium was too low. We had been in Yellowstone for a few days, and I got dehydrated. I was taken to the emergency room and felt a lot better after getting help, but this can be a dangerous situation. Stay hydrated, especially at higher elevations.
