Red flags of Dating Sites: Signs You’re Wasting Your Time (Warning for Codependents)

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#redflag #redflags #datingapps In this video, you will learn about the red flags of dating, and how to know you might be wasting your time. In this day and age, many of us engage in dating sites and dating apps. However, there is a greater chance of having someone waste your time.

Are you new to online dating? Are you struggling to find someone genuine and don't want to waste your time endlessly texting people who may or may not be interested?

In our latest episode, we're discussing all the things you need to look out for if you're new to online dating. We know it can be challenging to navigate the online dating world, especially if you're not sure what you're looking for. That's why we're going to equip you with all the information you need to make informed decisions about who to talk to and who to avoid.

Online dating can be dangerous, and we're going to touch on the addictive nature of texting. It can be easy to fall into the trap of seeking instant gratification from texting, a dangerous and slippery slope that can lead to codependency. Instead of focusing on what someone is saying over the text, we should be giving equal importance to body language and other non-verbal cues.

We'll be providing useful tips on how to overcome codependency and how to manage your expectations when online dating. By the end of this episode, you'll feel empowered and able to handle the online dating landscape with ease.

Codependency recovery takes time. The best codependency treatment begins with acknowledging a problem exists. Getting codependency recovery support, on your healing journey is essential to heal. Feel free to join my codependency support group on Facebook. I also offer codependency books and you can find them here;

My Breakthrough Warrior Membership offers codependency resources, and codependency help all within one library. This membership is alive, meaning, every month, I create new resources to help you heal from codependency, childhood emotional neglect, abandonment trauma and narcissistic abuse.

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If you are ready to breakthrough the chains of the past, my 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program is for you. Take this program with me live with a moderated Facebook Group, or as a self study program.
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Lisa A. Romano is a certified life coach, bestselling author, and top leading expert in the field of mental wellness, codependency, and narcissistic abuse recovery. With over 20 years of experience in the field, Lisa has helped thousands of people heal from childhood trauma, codependency, narcissistic abuse, emotional neglect, and toxic relationships.

Her unique approach to healing focuses on empowering individuals to take control of their lives and break free from the patterns of codependency and narcissistic abuse. Through her books, online courses, and coaching programs, Lisa provides practical tools and strategies that help individuals rebuild their sense of self, set healthy boundaries, and create fulfilling relationships.

Lisa's work has been featured in major media outlets such as USA Today, Psychology Today, LA Times, The Huffington Post, and Yahoo Finance. She is also a sought-after speaker and hosts a top-leading podcast called Breakdown to Breakthrough.

If you're looking for a compassionate and knowledgeable expert to guide you on your journey towards healing and self-discovery, Lisa A. Romano is the perfect choice. Her expertise, creativity, and compassion, and ability to blend groundbreaking neuroscience, with cutting-edge trauma research with spiritual principles make her a standout in the field of mental wellness. Her 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program was recently endorsed by Robin Bryman Ph.D.

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So many daughters grow up in narcissistic families with no love, and they end up seeking love outside the family with men who take advantage of them.
I fell to victim to a man who groomed me at 17 years old.
This is why alot of women don't have self respect and it's because their families never told them they were worthy of respect.
This is why you must love your daughter's and show it and speak it to them so they won't seek it from other people.


I'm 42 and 9 years out a relationship with a abusive narcissist. Any guy I have talked to since has been from online. I deleted all my dating apps long ago and will never even consider meeting anyone that way again! I may never get married in my lifetime but anymore being single is the best option.


I think dating sites are full of broken people. Wouldn't go there. Instead of trying to find a date, why not meet people in their natural environment doing what you love? There're so much more chances of connecting with someone you share common interests with or passions or values. How about a value based approach?


I think this applies to friendships as well. I’ve had to realize when I’m putting more into the friendship aka the friend is just not responsive and let them go. It’s hard but it’s better than continually being disappointed and it’s taking my power back and investing it in friendships that are reciprocal.


Good tips.
I guess Im doomed, lol, cuz my biggest red flag is... Anyone who thinks they deserve nearly instant access to me simply because I own a cell phone!

I’m 68 and 5 yrs free and feel like I’ve done a lot of healing. I’m finally at a place I would like a platonic relationship. I think this advise would apply as well. Thanks so much Lisa.❤


I have been divorced for almost 7 years now and I’ll tell you, it is hard on the dating apps….I fell head over heals with the first guy that I met on there - so WRONG! He was just like my ex! I heard stories from him about other girls that left him during the first date..etc etc….I fell for it…friends told me about all of the ‘red flags’ I would talk about..and (of course) I thought they were wrong…they were right! Then I met a man that picked me…(instead of me picking him) and this is the one that worked!!! 6 1/2 years later we are still together and it is wonderful!! So don’t always fall for the first one….you may be sorry.


As a diagnosed co-dependent, I can testify that my skills at detecting a Narcissist via text messages is and has been disastrous.
Join a volunteer group, talk to friends and family about people they may know. Do what you need to do to get tête-à-tête (person to person conversation), with someone you are considering for a relationship. And then don't rush it.


Thanks Lisa, this was really great. Your advice is spot on with the red flags.
If your chasing someone that means they are running from you.😊


Hey Lisa...great video. I can relate to everything you've mentioned too..There just comes a time, when we all realize, can't chase and waste time about things that won't ever jell...It's a reality we all face. Or have I don't bother unless there is a solid thought happening about any type of future connection with someone...just makes a lot of sense to me.... thanks for another great talk session...steve


As always really good content Lisa, thank you ❤


Never will go on dating site. They're full on Narcissists looking for their next Supply. I had seriously bad experiences on dating sites. I'm planning on meeting men organically . I've signed up on a hobby site. I'd rather be single for rest of my life than chase the next man codependently. I've had at least 15 years of healing and ready-to-meet genuine people in a hobby setting.


Thank you so much it’s that simple honestly


I've been learning about coercive control. What it looks like, how to spot it early and recover from the effects.


The guy I'm still legally bound to has been a frequent flyer of dating and porn sites for damn near our 30 year


6:30 minutes in and she still hasn't mentioned any red flags 😑


A great idea for a father is to make a date to take his daughter out to dinner and treat her with respect and then tell her to never settle for less than how you treated her on your father-daughter date. SHOW her how a lady is supposed to be treated!


The Internet became a replacement for telepathy and we didn't realize how much that actually set us back into the stone age


On line could be emotional and when the good conversation goes you have to be strong


Hi Lisa, can you please provide the link to the "loving the self" app? I tried looking for it and there are a lot of similar apps showing up. However, I would like the one you suggested.
