WORKS FAST - Best Stabilization Exercises for Sacroiliac SI Joint Pain

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Four of the best home exercises to strengthen and stabilize your SI joint. Eliminate sacroiliac joint pain with these simple exercises as recommended by a physical therapist. Get rid of SI joint hip pain symptoms fast.

Your pelvis is made up of three bones. You have two large iliums and one sacrum in the back. Where each ilium (right and left) meets the sacrum in the back you have a sacroiliac, or “SI”, joint.

It is theorized that when your SI joint is “out of place”, or not seated correctly in its neutral position, this can be the cause of significant pain in your lower back/posterior pelvis area. This pain often refers up into the low back and occasionally radiates down the back of leg, but never below the knee.

SI joint pain is most-often caused by pregnancy and especially multiple pregnancies. Your ligaments and pelvic ring in general have to soften and stretch for childbirth to occur. This in and of itself can elicit SI joint pain, but these bones don’t always return back to their completely neutral position after childbirth. Other common causes include slip and fall, trauma, and other major incidences that transmit force through this area.


After realigning your SI joint, it’s crucial that you perform strengthening and stabilization exercises that will help to “keep it in place”. A strong muscle is a tight muscle; you want the muscles that cross and interact with the SI joint to be as strong as possible so as to avoid future movement and pain.

The exercises presented in this video are my favorite home exercises to give to patients suffering from SI joint pain. They are simple and highly effective. Please watch the video in its entirety to learn all the exercises, and then consult the list below for unique times stamps to each individual exercise.

These are the best home exercises for your SI joint. They require very little equipment and are simple to perform. These are the exercises I give to patients on a daily basis with much success appreciated; I hope you benefit from them as well.

CLAMSHELLS: (4:29): Lay on your side with your knees bent. Use your deep hip rotators to pull your knees apart.
SIDELYING ABDUCTION: (5:30): Lay on your side with your top leg straight. Use your hip abductors to lift your top leg up towards the ceiling.
BRIDGES: (6:56): Lay on your back with your knees bent. Contract your hip extensors and lift your pelvis up towards the ceiling.
SQUATS: (9:17): Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Drop down into a squat as low as you can comfortably go and return back upright to the starting position.

As always, thanks so much for watching my video; I hope it helps you out of some of the pain/discomfort that you might be experiencing.
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Thanks again for watching and I’ll see you again soon!



**DISCLAIMER:** This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this content to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless T&T Digital Media, LLC and its officers for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. T&T Digital Media, LLC makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. Use of this content is at your sole risk.
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you Jared for sharing your valuable knowledge! I need to fix my left side SI joint pain quickly because I'm on a 5 weeks contract for work overseas. I did these exercises first thing in the morning and felt a whole lot better. I truly appreciate your tip!!


You are the only person that says it goes out of place. Exactly what has happened to me and I am struggling to get it back. You are the only person who says that I have found on YouTube. The rest deny it’s possible. I will try these. Been struggling for a year now and I can feel the bones moving over each other and my spine as a result. It feels terrible and I have lost a lot of strength as a result. Cannot do jiu jitsu since it happened and certain excuses.


This changed my SI pain in a matter of days it’s insane. Thank you so much


This is so insane how well it works.. thank you so much for sharing it


Been doing these for weeks, my go to strengthening exercise after doing the companion adj/stabilization video first. Works wonders!!! My SI Thanks You!!


Thank you. I have been troubled with this for some time. Have seen practitioners (chiro/Acupuncturist) who have reduced the pain but nobody told me how to strengthen and prevent recurrence


Great presentation. Each stretch well explained. Thank you.


Sorcery! Witchcraft! If this were the 1600's you good sir would be burned at the stake for this magical ability to take away nearly a decade of untouchable pain in just 2 videos. 🤯🤯🤯


Thank you for literally saving my life with both these videos. I was about to give up due to the pain but after one round of these videos it’s given me relief so I’m positive if I keep going things will get a lot better 🙏 thank you


Yoga teacher here- these are great. Solid instruction for working with my own hyper mobility. Thanks so much!


Incredibly helpful video. I have so much pain in this area and am so excited that there is something I can do about it now. Thank you this will help me everyday!


Thank you for the video! I did these four exercises tonight and will continue to do them! First thing that has provided a bit of relief! Thank you again.


Thanks so much! My si joint went out during the coronavirus lockdown and the chiropractor and pt were closed. I did the movements with ball, belt and theracane and heard a pop and felt the movement at the pubic bone! Instant relief!!!! Great technique I will share!


Thank you so much! I will be Implementing these as often as I can!


Great information. I am doing these exercises from last month and I have lot of relief from pain


Great videos, thank you! Clear, concise and complete info to better care for myself and my patients. I’m a massage therapist with a variety of clients/patients and this is one of the most common issues across the board, whether from pregnancy, over activity, sedentary work, poor sleeping alignment. I’m so excited to pass along this self care tool. Thanks again for sharing your expertise in such an approachable way.


It’s really helpful I do that as well be hard with a band for me because my left legs goes in
Because I had a stroke, I got to fix my balance


Doctor you are real life Saint helping people at home correct their serious stabbing S.I. pain! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!


I am just seeing this video November 21, 2023 and I have had SI pain since 1997 and I did this today and tonight I feel so much better where have you been lol


Hi Jared, thank you so much for all your doing. All of Your physical therapy videos are really helping me. I have two bad knees, left hip problems, neck problems, and shoulders problems. I’ve had a lot of falls in my younger years and mid years and had some therapy, but old injuries tend to hunt me.
