My Blood Test Lab Results- Here is What I Found Out

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My Blood Test Lab Results- Here is What I Found Out- Thomas DeLauer

I got my blood test results back, and so in the spirit of transparency, we'll be taking a look at them together and will go over my cholesterol, thyroid, red blood cell, testosterone, SHBG, and Vitamin D levels, among others! Keep in mind that I largely follow a mediterranean style keto diet, while also implementing fasting from time to time. I also do a lot of endurance exercise, as well as HIIT, in addition to resistance training.
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Keto for 6 months and my cholesterol matches to the tee with your numbers....brought it down from 225 in just 6 months of keto and IF....rock on bro...


I grabbed my recent labs and followed along your video . It help me to understand the values in correlation with my diet and workouts. I am doing great, very similar to yours . I am on a 16/8 IF daily workouts and I was able to reverse my prediabetic condition in 12 months!!!


can we see your blood panel when you were 100 pounds heavier? that would be great to compare!


Low iron? Giving blood? Top of the range Hematocrit and RBC?

You’re not claiming you’ve always been natty are you? If so you just told on yourself.


Eating saturated fats increases your LDL but also increases your HDL which is what matters the most. I did an experiment and went low carb for 3 months (average 50-80g of net carbs a day), but added quite a bit of saturated fats that I was not eating before including bacon, heavy cream, beef and butter. My labs were always perfect and LDL never out of range before this change. I used to eat only chicken, turkey and fish. After adding all these fats my total cholesterol read 225, LDL 132 but HDL jumped up to 83!! My triglycerides low at 56, lower than years before. LDL/HDL ratio 1.6. My glucose is 86. I`m 40, 5`9 and 130 lb. LDL by itself doesn`t matter as long as all other things are looking good!! Don`t be afraid of sat fat when you eat low carb!!!


Thomas you are awesome so honest and sincere. You share your numbers with your Keto family. Ive learned so much. Please keep sharing your knowledge with us. Thankyou for being such a wonderful human being.❤


The satisfaction in your tone of voice in this vid... priceless. So happy this video exists, for all the haters. Keep up the great work. Your information and insight is life changing.


I wish you health Thomas, regardless of these values!


Ah mate we love you, please know this. You always bring the great content that were all thinking. Thanks so much bro!


I shared all my blood work too on YouTube (after 6 months on Keto). It’s not a big deal, in fact it is so so important for people to have scientific literacy and understand what their blood work says!! Mine was so good after 6 months on keto and helped motivate me and show my husband and kids that it was actually working rather than just waffling (so they thought!) about inflammation, plaguing, metabolic health, insulin resistance!! 😂😂 thanks for sharing!


Good content here. I have very recently begun the process of losing weight (55 y/o, currently 257lbs, trying to drop 80 to 90lbs). I'll be getting my blood work done in about a week. Thanks for breaking this down in a practical and understandable way.


Low iron and elevated ferritin means there is inflammation going on. Body locks up free iron in ferritin proteins when body detects inflammation. Eating fried and overcooked foods with oxidized monounsaturated fat can create oxidative stress. Only way to lower ferritin is to donate blood


Thank you for so much transparency, first hand knowledge and your experience.


Thank you for sharing, , I had a fatty liver for 8 yrs and I started intermittent fasting and keto in June and lost weight, , I feel amazing!, , and my liver tests are NORMAL!!!, , , , 👍👍🤗🤗❤️


Thomas, I'm a Data Scientist and I would just want to point out some things I noticed in your blood panel.
I'm not advising but just highlighting something since I'm not a medical doctor but yes, I delve into Data Analysis and based on that I can infer some really nice results that many of my doctor friends say is "correct".

So, here's it :

1)Thomas, habibi, please get an advanced lipid testing which includes :
LDL particle size (it's totally different than LDL),
hs-CRP levels.
Your lipid panel is very basic and is too outdated in terms of modern cardiology to predict anything.
High HDL is not always good. Since, I the particles are of overtly large size they'd not be flushing out the way the LDL particles well.

2) Also, there's a test called as Cystatin-C which gives very accurate renal functioning which is better than the average e-GFR or Bun/creatinine ratio.

3) Your Hemoglobin is pretty high and that is an indication of plenty of free radicals in my opinion that may not be very good to the jody and it's functioning. More Iron is not good, instead tose who donate blood regularly have the least chances of heart attacks and cancers. Also, to point out, Iron does not correlate to haemoglobin, as there is Folate and Vitamin B-12 which are directly related to haemoglobin. Iron is not a great thing because, more and more doctors say it's better to have a medicore iron than have a high range. But again, there's an issue with methylated vs no methylated forms. Ask your doctor if you have an MTHFR gene issue or not !

4) also, Vitamin B2 also has a relationship with how carbs are metabolised and Vitamin B-1 /benfothiamine is a something that you should discuss with your doctor about your insulin resistance. There's a lot of Ayurveda herbs like Indian Kino, to Gurmar(Gynomma something in English), again, ask your doctor first. I've seen cases with people with blood sugar as high as to the 600 mg/dL actually having their pancreatic function repaired and diabetes so controlled that it's better than a it doesn't exist( my father being a live example).

5) Also, your testosterone is low because your LDL is low. Don't trip due to this high TT madness that is crazy in the west as a fad. Your TT is normal because, your cholesterol isn't high but seeing how beautifully your Vitamin D3 levels are shows that your cholesterol is being used to synthesise apt level of TT that your body requires, purpose solved. That is all a half educated folklore that high TT is better, it's nit !! I'm a vegan and mine is 1102, doesn't make a difference. Also, don't be affected by anyone telling you anything because everyone has a view. I believe I'm a vegan and it helped me and everyone has a choice, to make, so I'm not gonna attack you for what you eat.

Kindly, see what Apo-E is about and how certain diets can cure unimaginable diseases through diet. So vegan for me doesn't mean it's good for you or keto for you won't be good for me. There's a lady by the name Pamela, she has some hair raising videos on how Apo-E can transform lives.

Also, since you're a keto consumer, keep checking your homocysteine every 6 months, if it's covered by your insurance term. It's always good to know that as well as seeing how the gut flora is by testing your stools (annually).

I know many would come trolling me in the comments because, maybe I'm not a doctor or that I'm not an English speaking American or from a backward country like India. But I am your subscriber and I learn many updates from you, thought I'd revert my thanks in a composition. I have typos because, English is my 9th spoken language in terms of speech but I tried.

You habe awesome content on your channel and keep your good work. 👍🏻


Thank you for your transparency, and for ALL you continuously do.


Very interesting! The very first thing I did after first trying keto a few years back was to check my blood parameters. Couldn't have been more happy about it :D


After 5 months on Keto I went for my blood work results yesterday. My doctor was very pleasantly surprised. My A1C went from between 6.5-6.9 to 4.6. My doctor does not have diabetes and said that is even lower than his. He then said let's look at your cholesterol. Is eyes lit up and he said, "Oh wow, your cholesterol levels are in the normal range. I expected them to be high". He then said ALL of my blood work looks fantastic. He also said I looked great because I had lost 33 lbs and he had no seen me since before I did Keto. He did say that since my weight and BMI were now normal that I should focus on maintaining my weight and not losing so I am not being quite as strict now as long as I am not gaining. If I go up 5 lbs then I will be strict for a few more weeks until I get back to my goal weight. I refuse to let my weight get out of control again. The keto diet is so easy for me and I love the fact that I really don't have cravings and my energy level has gone way up.


All I got out of this video is: Thomas DeLauer = Perfect Human Being.


Your triglyceride to HDL ratio = 0.85 which is very good (should be under 1.5 according to Dr. Robert Lustig who states that it is a greater indicator of cardiovascular health than total cholesterol (which he says should be in the thrash!). I am more keto than you so I eat a lot less carbs and mine is 0.423 but I don’t work out like you for so I’m definitely not as healthy! lol 😂 I’m quite lazy! I do have husband and kids on keto too, it has TRANSFORMED our lives. I’m the strictest but the rest are good. We eat a lot of eggs! And even my husband had great blood results after only 2 months on keto and not even being totally strict! It’s so amazing how we can feel so healthy mentally and physically on changing our foods. Thanks for your informative videos! 🎉❤
