All the Labs You Need Checked [Does Your Doctor Know?] 2024

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Many doctors order a few lab tests & then tell you "All your labs are normal". But, what if your doctor neglected to order key lab tests that would have given you vital info about your health? You could be walking around with a chronic disease and have no idea!
In this video you'll learn all of the annual labs you need to make sure you are metabolically healthy and don't have a hidden illness. Remember, more is not always better, many gurus out there want to order many un-useful tests due to cupidity or other motivations. Ordering too few tests can miss chronic diseases, ordering too many can muddy the water and cost $$$$$!

----- Join me and let's optimize your health! -----

Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in Tennessee for over 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.
Consult your doctor. Don't use this video as medical advice.
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2:58 hemoglobin a1c
3:37 complete metabolic panel CMP
3:58 complete blood cell count with differential
4:06 c peptide or fasting insulin
4:38 vitamin d25
4:59 dheas
5:02 esr
5:15 ferritin level
5:31 fasting insulin or c peptide
6:03 ggt
6:50 homosystine level
7:05 high sensitivity crp
7:18 lipid panel triglycerides ldl cholesterol
7:44 magnesium level phosphorus level
8:23 TSH
8:48 urine analysis


I asked my doctor for a full metabolic panel and hormone blood panel as well. I asked both my OBGYN and my regular doctor and both of them don't want to do it. I asked for a c-peptide and fastimg Insulin, to also check my estrogen levels and thyroid and they said they see no reason why because I'm not diabetic and that they can't just do it because I want it, because they wouldn't know what to do with the information they are supposed to interpret for me. I assured both of them that I did not need them to interpret it for me I just wanted the information and that was it. But of course, they are used to prescribing something if they see fit. I told them I want it for my own peace of mind and it's my body and what happened to my body my choice? I also told them I am the customer and I should be able to order what I want since I'm paying for it. And the doctors both said that that is just how we've been taught, and I told him I understand I figured there would be some pushback but maybe they want might want to do their own research for their own personal benefit and to think about what I'm asking. My Obgyn said it is not necessary to test hormones that if you start losing your cycle at a certain age it just means that you are starting menopause and that they don't need to test the hormones before giving you estrogen or progesterone. And I told him that was utterly ridiculous. I said you check vitamin D levels before prescribing vitamin D don't you? It's the same thing. They just want to chock everything up to getting older and that's just how it is and we know better and you're just the stupid patient that can't read or interpret the outcomes of the blood work and just shut up and listen to us and do as we say.


I'm in UK and have not seen my doctor for 10 years. I also don't intend to get tested for anything.
I have lost faith in the entire medical system here.
I began the carnivore transition about 2 months ago. Feel fantastic and losing a little weight slowly.
I did not have any health condition reason for starting this lifestyle - just feels right.
Thank you for all your valuable info.


Excellent info as always. I made a list to bring with next time I'm in for lab work:
A1c - For prediabetic or type 2 diabetes
CMP (Comprehensive Metabolic Panel) - Checks for liver function as well
CBC (Complete Blood Panel w/Differential)
C peptide - For prediabetic
D-25 - Telling if enough vitamin D from the sun or diet
DHEA-S - Overall adrenal gland health
ESR (sed rate) - chronic inflammation
Ferritin - related to hyperinsulinemia or chronic inflammation
Fasting insulin - pancreas releasing to much, metabolic syndrome and prediabetic
GGT - gull bladder, pancreas and kidneys... not only liver damage if elevated. Replaces alkaline phosphatase
Homocystiene - B12 status and inflammation overall
hisCRP - If elevated inflammation or infection that needs to be investigated
Lipid Panel -
Magnesium -
Phosphorus -
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) - quick look at thyroid function, if low or abnormal than need full thyroid panel
Urinalysis - Ketones, infection, damage, etc.

? Sex hormones - Testosterone and Estrogen


I went to a new doctor last Wednesday. She ordered so many labs they drew 16 vials of blood. I think she is being very thorough. We shall see!


Thanks Dr. Berry. Get this, I gave my daughter this list. Her family doctor wouldn't order any inflammation marking labs because if they came back high she would have to treat it and that's out of her scope. So she only ordered what she could, what she considers inside her scope of practice. I'm beyond frustrated and disgusted with this line of thinking.


My doctor forgot to get me the Insulin test last physical which I requested (3.1!) so I looked a google seach for a lab to get it done at. Own Your Labs popped up and gives you a great description of the test and a price down to the cent. I signed up and paid for the test and was given instructions on the lab to go to to get it done locally. I did have to sign in for a portal for the lab. Then I compared the prices on their site to see if they were less expensive. OMG.

Here are some of the differences:
Complete blood count $7.35 $29
Thyroid panel $27.74 $89
A1C $7.50 $39
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel $8.75 $49
Testosterone $26.08 $69
Vitamin D $39 $99

Same test, same place, same quick results.

Just want to save people a ton of money if they don't want/need to pay a copay go get these tests done at their dr's office.

Happy Testing!


One day saw something on the internet that caused me concern about my Vit D level even though I had no symptoms of being deficient. Dr. blew me off the first time. The next time I insisted. He made a big deal about I would have to pay for it, insurance would not cover and had me sign for it. Well guess what?! I was EXTREMELY deficient and now on a supplement. AND insurance paid for it!! Stand your ground...don't take no for an answer!!😁


Today I went for my annual labs w a focus on Thyroid as it had been wonky in the past. I've been eating clean, high quality veg/meat for close to a year now. I love my GP and today she had a 4th year med student observing. She immediately noticed I'd lost weight (5kgs / I wasn't particularly heavy, just those post menopausal pounds) and was interested in my strategies/approach. So I gave a 10 minute lesson on ketogenic and clean eating and she agreed to the large panel of blood tests (per your book!) to set my new baseline. As I told the med student, patients can be partners in their care when they choose! I also encouraged him to do more independent study into new nutrition paradigms and get off any ultra processed foods. Will get the results in the next few days 🤞


Most doctors won't order labs we request. They don't want to be told what to do. Good thing is that we can order them ourselves but have to pay out of pocket or with HSA


I'm a former phlebotomist & I agree with this message!!!💯👍👍👍


Wow, I picked a great primary care nurse practitioner then. She orders every one for me. I knew I trusted her for a good reason.


My doc would only test 4 of those on your list and he said he didn't know what he could do with the information from them if he got them. Man I wish we had more Ken berry's around the USA so I could have you as my dr


I have a Doctor and at 70 i know all about Carnivore, lab tests, and what to do. Doc's name is Ken berry


Finding this video in the most difficult times of my husband and I’s life…Just last month, Early October at his annual physical he was told by pcp doc that his kidney needs to be check and ordered to be seen by a Nephrologist. Our world turned upside down 2 days after when Neph said his kidneys are failing and send us to Transplant center asap.
I don’t get how can a pcp missed this lab, when I called and asked our pcp she just said that she missed to call that egfr # last year which was already stage 4😢
Now all we have to do is move forward. Glad I’m my husband’s perfect kidney donor 💚 but my heart is still very heavy when I think of the what ifs…


My dr. is very good about just adding any labs I request. He is keto friendly, don't know about carnivore though. At age 70, I don't believe I've had any urinalysis for years. I haven't even had a cold since 2008, 12 years before going keto. I'm now at my high school weight of 160, haven't taken any otc pain meds in years because I have no pain.


Every time I have asked my doctor to order extra tests he seems to get very annoyed and pushes back. Last time I asked for A1c, fasting insulin, hsCRP, and D-25. He said "I don't think I'm a good doctor for you because you just want me to do what you want". Most doctors don't want to be questioned or told what to do. No customer/patient service. The healthcare system is trash. They don't want to prevent disease, only treat it with medication. I will be trying a new doctor next time by the way.


I’m at a point where I’m opting for self testing meaning I go directly to one of standard labs. My insurance has a high deductible and copay and I’ve determined that it’s more cost effective to forego the initial copay to the doctor, get tests done (I can uses HSA if I want). If my results are concerning then I can consult with the doctor. Many people don’t know you can get most of these blood tests without a doctor’s order.


I got so annoyed with the medical establishment that I quit going to the dr years ago and took my health into my own hands. However, now that I'm coming up on 54, I decided to schedule my first checkup in years, which is in a few weeks, so this is just the video I needed. I found a young D.O. with a solid reputation, so I hope he's a good fit for me.


Dr Berry Thank you !! My pancreas dr said about my recent abdomen mri that the fatty liver disease is gone, also fatty pancreas is resolved and I haven’t needed creon for the chronic pancreatitis hardly at all anymore. I thank God that I have found your channel🙏 thank you and God bless you and your family 💕. Ps. Dr told me to keep doing what I was doing that it was working 🎉 also I lost 32 pounds so far❤
