𝟒𝟓 𝐊𝐆 𝐈𝐍 𝟔 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 [⚠️wery powerful⚠️]

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hi bby🤍)


•I'm skinny
•I'm losing weight while breathing
•I'm losing weight while sleeping
•I'm losing weight while eating
•l have no leg fat
•I have no belly fat
•I have no face fat
•I have no body fat
•I have fast metabolism
•Everyone notices that I'm so skinny
•I have korean standards body
•I love my body
•I can't gain weight
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"remind me" then they disappear😭😭


This works FAST. I listened for a few days and I dropped 5lbs and my waist went from 28.5in to 27.5


I weight 45kgs. I will always be 45kgs. I have a thin body with a slim face, legs, arms and a flat stomach. I AM SKINNY


i've been listening for almost 2 weeks and im now 61??? i was 64 before this is crazy i love this


Day 1: 51.5kg
Day 2: 50.5kg
Day 3: 50.2kg
Day 4: 49.4kg
Day 5: 49.6kg
Day 6: 49.4kg


This is the first ever weight loss subliminal that actually worked for me




I will listen to this until Jan 1st 2025, and document my results. I have a high start weight. Today [11th December 2024] is day one. Feel free to reply and like to keep me reminded!

Note: I will actually make sure to update and come back to this video by putting it on my phone’s calendar for every day until Jan 1st 2025, with the final weigh in being the Jan 2nd 2025!

Important note!

I’m FTM (and only 5’2 🫠). I’m currently on Testosterone, so sometimes the weight may increase (muscle), so every day I will include:

- Weigh in date & time
- Weight (in Kg)
- Fat (%)
- Muscle (%)
- V-fat
- Amount of water consumed in a day (L/ml)
- Calories consumed (if I remember)
- Steps (I’m pretty inactive atm)

Date & Time: Wednesday 11th December 2024 at 2:38 AM
Weight: 88.55 Kg
BMI: 35.9
Fat: 35%
Muscle: 62.6%
V-fat: 19.5
Water consumed: 3.5 Litres (over the period of 10th dec - early hours 11th dec)
Calorie intake: N/A
Steps: N/A

Today’s note: I’m going to fall asleep to this subliminal (I’ll maybe update my weight when I wake up), it is currently 6:14 am (as of writing) so the water consumed will be updated later on tonight!

🦇Day 1🦇
Date & Time: Wednesday 11th December 2024 at 19:59 PM
Weight: 88.35 Kg
BMI: 35.8
Fat: 35%
Muscle: 62.7%
V-fat: 19.5
Water consumed: 4.5 Litres
Calorie intake: approx. 1.6k (forgot to track)
Steps: 2, 777
Notes (if any):
- I’ve not lost too much weight, but it’s slowly dropping. I’ve gained 0.1% of muscle, so I’m not complaining.
- I listened to this pretty much all day, and ate (approx.) 1.6k calories (I forgot to log).
- I weighed after I’ve eaten for the day. I’ll update my water intake and steps later on :)
- Updated and logged water consumption and steps.
- I feel a little bloated, but it’s definitely to do with me drinking so much water. I’m also ashamed of my steps, but admittedly, it’s more than a typical day.

🦇Day 2🦇
Date & Time: Thursday 12th December 2024 at 23:30 PM
Weight: 88.25 Kg
BMI: 35.8
Fat: 35%
Muscle: 62.7%
V-fat: 19.5
Water consumed: 3.5 Litres
Calorie intake: Approx. 1.3k
Steps: Didn’t count—most likely < 1k
Notes (if any):
- I slept a full 8 hours today (albeit in 3 naps).
- I don’t plan on eating anything else today, so I’ve logged the calories (rough estimate) early.
- I’m still currently drinking water so I’ll update after 23:59 PM circa 12:00 AM (GMT)
- Went and updated the water intake, definitely lower than yesterday

🦇Day 3🦇
Date & Time: Saturday 14th December 2024 at 00:35 AM (LATE WEIGH IN ALERT!)
Weight: 88.10 Kg
BMI: 35.7
Fat: 34.9%
Muscle: 62.8%
V-fat: 19
Water consumed: 2.5/3 Litres (guesstimate)
Calorie intake: 1.3k (Approx)
Steps: 6, 327
Notes (if any):
- I weighed in about 40 minutes late, and weighed after I had my dinner around
- I had said dinner around 12:20 AM (I don’t recommend it, definitely don’t eat like that)
- I went for a good walk today, I walked a lot more than I typically do, and I also managed to pick up a package that was dropped off at the post office.
- I was slightly more confident today, and had a good anxiety day (lack of social anxiety)
NOTE TO SELF: Maybe don’t eat after 21:00 PM, it’s probably the worst idea so far, and keep on top of your water intake 🥴

🦇Day 4🦇
Date & Time: Saturday 14th December 2024 at 18:13 PM
Weight: 88.6
Fat: N/A
Muscle: N/A
V-fat: N/A
Water consumed: 3.8 Litres
Calorie intake: 1, 152
Steps: 872 :(
Notes (if any):
- My smart scale isn’t working right now, so hence all the N/A on this day
- I weighed using a different scale, so who knows which scale is truly incorrect, etc. It seems to only be a 500 ish gram situation so I’m not too fussed.
- My calorie intake today is a little lower. I’ve found myself not being obsessed over food—which I struggle with regularly due to my EDNOS
- My mum definitely noticed my cut on food (this wasn’t even a conscious decision in my mind) and my mum asked “is that all you’re having?” When she saw my portion sizes.
- I’m still drinking water, so I’ll update just as the clock strikes 12:00 AM for me (approx 5 minutes)
- I honestly feel really full, and I’ve found myself with more energy
- I definitely haven’t walked much today, as I’ve been wrapping presents (which included resisting a bunch of chocolate, which I’m proud of, personally)
- I honestly feel much happier
- Update as of 00:02 AM (Sunday 15th), updated steps and water intake
- I also bought a walking pad! (But I’ve been unable to set it up as of currently, but I’m looking forward to when I can finally set it up, it’ll definitely help in the long run)

🦇Day 5🦇
Date & Time: Sunday 15th December 2024 at 16:29 PM
Weight: 87.3
BMI: 35.2
Fat: N/A
Muscle: N/A
V-fat: N/A
Water consumed: 3.5 Litres
Calorie intake: 1, 177
Steps: 712
Notes (if any):
- my smart scales are still not working properly, hence the N/A on fat, muscle and v-fat
- i wish I walked more today, but there’s always tomorrow
- I’ll update water intake at 12:00 AM GMT || updated water

🦇Day 6🦇
Date & Time: Monday 16th December 2024 at 10:02 AM
Weight: 87.5
BMI: 35.3
Fat: N/A
Muscle: N/A
V-fat: N/A
Water consumed: 3.5 Litres
Calorie intake: 1, 337
Steps: 874
Notes (if any):
- Most of my calories came from chocolate today (because I couldn’t be bothered to cook 😭) but most of them came from meal prep from the day prior, and it’s my mums birthday so—cheat day
- I low-key feel bloated, but it’s okay
- Pretty sure the weight gain is water weight from my testosterone wanting to hold onto the water, but who knows
- Hoping to use my walk pad tomorrow as I’ve finally unpackaged it, so my steps hopefully will be a bit better.
— Tomorrow’s goal: 2.5k+ steps

🦇Day 7🦇
Date & Time: Tuesday 17th December 2024 at 13:29 PM
Weight: 87
BMI: 35.1
Fat: N/A
Muscle: N/A
V-fat: N/A
Water consumed: 2.5 Litres
Calorie intake: 1, 156
Steps: 3, 257
Notes (if any):
- Going to try my smart scales tomorrow, hoping that it’s fixed to get fat, muscle and v-fat readings
- Got more steps than the goal set
- I need to drink a little bit more water during exercise!
- I ate 600 cals and felt full—but I knew I couldn’t sustain myself so I ate another 556 calories JUST before the clock hit 12:00 AM (I need to stop eating so late)
- I feel good today! Baby steps are happening, but I feel proud of myself for making them
- I know I’ve got a long way to go, but I’ve found myself not thinking as much of food (I used to binge eat [BED], hence the high weight)
- My mum has commented that she’s noticed I’ve lost weight again, even though I lost approximately 1.6 Kg (3.53 lbs or 0.25 stone)
— Goal for tomorrow: 4k+ steps & at least 3 Litres of water consumed :)

🦇Day 8🦇
Date & Time: Wednesday 13th December 2024 at 03:53 AM
Weight: 86.9
BMI: 35
Fat: 34.6%
Muscle: 63%
V-fat: 19
Water consumed: 3.8 Litres
Calorie intake: 1, 860
Steps: 3, 422
Notes (if any):
- Fat %, muscle % and v-fat is taken from my smart scales. They still aren’t accurate, but they’re better than what they were before. They added 0.06 grams onto my actual weight. It’s not a crazy difference, IMO so I’ll be using them (just note that they may be a little inaccurate) :)
- Had a metabolism day today, hence the higher calories. Still in a cal deficit (from BMR and exercise), albeit it being only a 300 cal deficit (better than nothing)!
- Beat my goal of drinking more
- Didn’t quite beat my goal with steps, a couple hundred away. This is because I’m exercise shy and everyone was up and down stairs whilst I was using my walking pad, but it’s better than what I normally get in terms of steps, so I’m not going to beat myself up over it :)
— Because I didn’t beat my step goal today, I’ll pass it over for tomorrow’s goal! Tomorrow’s goal: 4k+ steps.

🦇Day 9🦇
Date & Time: Thursday 20th December 2024 at 10:03 AM
Weight: 86.8 Kg
BMI: 35
Fat: 34.5%
Muscle: 63.1%
V-fat: 18.5
Water consumed: 3 Litres
Calorie intake: 1, 483
Steps: 4, 518
Notes (if any):
- I’m just weighing myself using my smart scales then I’ll update the fat%, muscle% and v-fat.
— Please note, like previous days: the scale hasn’t been accurate for a few days now, so truly take it with a grain of salt 🥲
- Step goal acquired, but there was one downside that I absolutely hated: My mum had ago at me for using my walking pad (I’m talking literal screaming fit, lol). Because of that, I’m NOT going to be setting step goals. She literally tried telling me I was on it for “two hours”, when in reality it was about 40 minutes maximum, and I took breaks because I’m OBVIOUSLY not fit! I’m obese (and always have been, unfortunately)
- Pretty sure my mum’s jealous, but whatever (jealous of me losing weight and bettering myself yet she isn’t). I’ll survive :)
- Just updated the smart scale stuff (fat, muscle, v-fat) and it’s pretty accurate. It seems to have sorted itself out (?) it calculated me at 86.9 Kg instead of 89.8 Kg, but it’s really not that bad 😮‍💨🙏

🦇Day 10🦇
Date & Time: Friday 20th December 2024 at 23:58 PM
Weight: 86.8 Kg
BMI: 35
Fat: 34.5%
Muscle: 63.1%
V-fat: 18.5
Water consumed: 2.25 Litres
Calorie intake: 1, 669
Steps: 517
Notes (if any):
- Lazy ass day for me! Didn’t even BOTHER putting the walking pad on, or leaving my room.
- Mum screamed at me about asking what happened yesterday, then blamed menopause and then threatened to call the cops. Obviously, menopause isn’t an excuse (I’m going through it too, as well as a secondary puberty)
- I binge ate chocolate (doesn’t rlly look like a binge) and in a 400 ish calorie deficit
- The water intake is… the worst yet?
- Water fast tmr

‼️Continued in the comments ‼️


this works guys i dropped 20 pounds in a week i no longer get hungry and im so happy


Day 1: 64.4kg
Day 2: 63.9kg
Day 3: 63.5kg
Day 4: 62.7kg
Day 5: 61.5kg
Day 6: 60.3kg


i weigh 45kgs. i will always stay 45kgs. i have a slim face. i have a great, sharp jawline. my cheekbones are so defined. my stomach stays flat always. i am tiny.


Day 1: 78.5kg
Day 2&3: Went on a trip so no time to listen
Day 5: 77.8kg
Update: It's been a week I think? I dropped down to 76.5kg and I'm making progress
Update: Its been 13 days since ive started listening to this. I have no kg update today but ive noticed my cravings have decreased a lot & im eating healthier!!!

Update: It's been 3 months and I decided to start listening again for a week!

Day 1: 75.6kg
Day 3: 75.6kg (I eat a lot these days but I do look skinnier)
Day 5: 75.4kg (my friend commented on how much skinnier i look)

Update: I got my period and it affects my weight/body image so i'll be starting again in a week & update consistently. my current weight is 76.9kg but there is no difference in how i look. I'll continue listening in the meantime!

Update: I'm starting this sub again (ik I'm late)
Day 1: 76.3kg
Day 3: 75.5kg

Edit: i've been listening to this on and off for a month or two (?) and my weight is 73.1kg. My bones are starting to show more (hips, knees, ribs and collarbones) and my weight loss is noticable to literally everyone i know, plus i've stopped binging. I'm still listening to this but i keep forgetting to update consistently, so when i notice a huge difference again i'll be back.


Will listen all year.
1/365: My love handles are looking a lil' smaller. I weight 65kg, I'm 155cm tall and 17 years old. I wanna be at 55-50kg by the end of the year.
2/365: Feeling skinnyyyy.
3/365: My belly looks a lil' flatter.
4/365: Even flatter.
5/365: My legs look slim
6/365: I've been feeling skinnyyyy.
7/365: Same old.
8/365: I've been eating a lot and gain very little weight.
9/365: My arms are slimmer.
10/365: Flatter belly.
11/365: Not much.
12/365: x2
13/365: My elbows had a lot of fat on the upper part now it's gone.
14/365: No results.
15/365: Oh wow my waist is smaller.


I've been listening to this for about 20 minutes now. I'll be listening to this until the holiday is over and I'll be weighing myself every few days.
My starting weight: 55


Day 1: started listening
Day 2: I’m feeling more tingles
Day 3: my face looks slimmer
Day 4: my tummy looks flatter
Day 5: still the same, but my appetite has changed, I eat only one plate. Not two anymore.

Final day: I got skinny, this works for me


I just listened to it on loop one night and now I woke up in the morning and my body aches like I worked out all night..!!!
I AM VERY Tysm Universe.


Oh my gosh.. this is so powerful
i feel it


wow... subliminal is so relaxing, I almost fell asleep listening to it ^^ and so, now I will leave the affs for you (if possible)
∆ I weigh 45 kg
∆ my weight will ALWAYS be 45 kg
∆ I have a thin, beautiful, slender, fit, anime, athletic, hot, ideal, and most importantly healthy body
∆ I have a stunning body
∆ my destiny gave me such a body
∆my body seems to be molded by the hands of a thousand/millions of angels
∆ my body is something incredible, because it’s so awesome ❤


i listened to this multiple times along with some other playlists and here are my results:
day 1: 55, 5
day 2: 55, 1
day 3: 54, 6
day 4 and 5: couldn't care less about the scale because of period pains 😭😭
day 6: 53, 7!!!
day 7: 53, 2
day 8: 52, I reached my goal :33


Will listen till 2025. I'm 16, 170 cm and weight 69 kg, my goal is to achieve 50-55 kg. Remind me every time you see this to update!!
Update: my clothes are feeling larger and my mom told that I look skinnier. Will update soon with my exact weight too
Update: since 2025 started i wanted some real change just yk "new year new me" so i started going to the gym and i'll start listening to this subliminal again along with others in my playlist
