Teal Swan About Shadow Work and The Completion Process (1:2)

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Part 1. TEAL SWAN was born with a range of extrasensory abilities, including clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience. Because of these extrasensory abilities, she became the target of a cult where she survived 13 years of physical, mental, and sexual abuse before breaking free at age 19 and beginning her own process of recovery and transformation. Today she uses her extrasensory gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to help millions of people learn how to find forgiveness, happiness and freedom in their own lives. Her success has earned her the nickname “The Spiritual Catalyst.”

Teal Swan’s previous book, "Shadows Before Dawn", told the incredible story of how she survived 13 years of horrific abuse at the hands of a cult member in her community. After her escape at age 19, she forged a path back from the edge of despair and began the long process of making herself whole. Now, "The Completion Process" takes readers along on her restorative journey of healing and liberation. For anyone who has been fractured by trauma—and according to Teal, in one way or another, we all have—here is a way to put ourselves back together again, no longer inhibited by the past or terrified of the future.

“The Completion Process is not only a healing process,” Teal writes. “It’s also an enlightenment process.” It will leave readers with a sense of their value in the world and the assurance that life can be good again.

Find all links to my guest's official site


Music: Wisdom From North Theme Song by Ragnhild Barra Wisløff & Jannecke Øinæs (Oinaes). The song is available on iTunes and Amazon.

English subtitles by Lisa Madeja
Norwegian subtitles by Vanja Riksfjord
Subtítulos en español. Escrito por Carmen Azpíroz

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Music: Epidemic Sound

Jannecke Øinæs
Рекомендации по теме

Teal Swan....you are truly amazing. the earth is so lucky to have you. x


Thank u so much. I am low income, newly sober, with no help with real recovery, i watch your videos for hours every night trying to learn. U are my hero thank you. I'd do anything to have you work with me...i understand your words, n most concepts, but there's so much to figure out. Much love!


love these Teal Swan videos! she brings so much up ....makes me think...and yet brings me comfort to know I am not alone. thank you.


It's really sad to see so much negative comments towards Teal. The truth is how we feel about others whether it's good or bad is truly how we feel about ourselves. All these negative comments are just lower vibration densities. Many blessings, love, light & healing everyone🙇‍♀️


Planning to become an alternative therapist so I put your book on my wish list. Your videos are such a gift. Thank you Teal!


Sorry this may be beside the point but your makeup is always flawless


Thank you both so much:
Teal, for sharing The Completion Process with the world. And Jannecke, for asking the questions that I'm also wondering about! <3


I absolutely LOVE this process, being intrigued by psychology & the shamanic path bringing myself deep within, the healing is amazing.
Thank you Teal Swan for putting this out there. It is well needed.
Thank You Thank You Thank you. I have watched so many of your videos your knowledge, honesty and abilities are a fabulous breath of fresh. air ❤❤❤❤


Teal if you can help one person, you are doing a service to society., thank you


i am loving actually hearing your description of your experience while doing soul retrieval healing! as an energy worker it is always so amazing to hear things what other healers are discovering and experiencing


Teal, you are so right on the spot. I also have learned a lot from the teachings of Eckhart Tolle. His teachings lead me to you. I feel like we are living the same life. Thank you


Tael is helping me rise and dive. Helping me see my experience of life objectively and accepting the univers direction.


thank you for revealing this because it explains why i felt why pieces of my soul was missing or fragmented, i love how you present yourself and your concepts. could listen to your videos time after time.


thank you ladies for the timing of this video and the work that y'all do


Yes Teal,
You speak truth, most, most people need this help.
Some are not aware of this, and are like the little animal on the wheel, here the emotional wheel.
I used to watch that little animal and see my own life until i got off that wheel, your teachings help tremendously. THANKS FOR All YOU DO!!.
PS I am an empath, reading energy but not seeing it. I have accepted this in myself. That was great FREEDOM accepting myself embracing and loving myself.


Thank you for posting. I've been following you since 2011. Everything you teach correlates with my life on every level. If you ever have another seminar in Orlando I'll be there !! Thank you for all the information you provide, I always share your videos to people who can understand the meaning of your info. I look forward to meeting you one day ! it's someone like you who should be running this country. 😀


OMG. You've gotta be KIDDING Me!!! This is PERFECT :-)


is it OK to feel stuck when u can't be bothered with the day. some days I just stay in bed to watch things like this.


At the point where Teal says there is a conflict in the psychological community about if talking about your trauma is a good method or not, I very much agree to let people go back there if they feel it helps them. When you go back to the traumatic moment you can learn to accept it and let go. That is my opinion. I really wanted to heal from my trauma this way, but no psychiatrist could help me with that, as they kept concentrating n the here and now. I am now able to self help, but a lot of result of my trauma could have been prevented by listening to me, so they can understand where my responses come from. Now my healing took 10 years extra wasted time. In my eyes psychiatrists in general can have the attitude as if they know it all and are not willing to question what they have studied. Every patient is different and responses different to methods. There is not one single method for one mental disorder.


Thank you so much.., everything has a purpose and a time... And time is now ! Thank you for it makes so much sense. Finally someone to help me guide myself on this wonderful journey !
