Shadow Work VS Inner Child Work

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Teal Swan is a bestselling Author and Speaker. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.

The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will be restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.

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I get smarter and more deeply self-aware with each Teal Swan video. Thank you.


Teal, I really hope you read this. I believe we met in the 5th grade. You changed my life. I never forgot you. Maybe I am mistaken but I don’t think so. It was only for a very short time and then you moved after going to the hospital. If this was you then I know you remember that time. You told me I would not have even recognize you and I had no idea what you were going through. I just want to say thank you. Your kindness and wisdom even at such a young age left an impression on me that has lasted my lifetime.


Absolutely, I’m very in touch with my inner child and “together” we do the shadow work needed to grow and enjoy consciousness ✨


Reconnecting our abandoned parts, we become whole again, the best possible version of ourselves to shine with the best possible company ✨


I am so thankful for our time on earth together! I’m working on healing my child self! Loving the good bad and ugly part of me has opened up a whole new life.


Shadow work brought me back to life through awareness, the healing and integration of the fragmented self that was deeply lost in the subconscious. Inner child work brought me back to peace, unconditional love and joy, releasing shame, guilt and blame. I'm still working in generational trauma which is heavy too and allow me to understand and integrate with unconditional love my family lineage traumas and conditioned programming which was passed to me to be integrated too. Thank you Teal for your guidence and healing contribution to humanity. 💯👍❤️


Not even so much as child self but uncontaminated purity of soul. Children are signs of freshness and purity. Keep the great work 👍🏿


I just found your page and it is beyond soul opening which is so amazing and terrifying at the same time .To let go of the heartbreak you must at the time feel that same heartbreak .I am blessed to have found your page .


The Shadow according to Carl Jung:

"The shadow is an archetype that consists of the sex and life instincts. The shadow exists as part of the unconscious mind and is composed of repressed ideas, weaknesses, desires, instincts, and shortcomings. The shadow forms out of our attempts to adapt to cultural norms and expectations."


11:11 is the time right now, as I was thinking that I'm so grateful you exist in the world and that for the last few years I've been "working" with one of your students.. Life changing experiences.. Thank you!


She speaks truth freely intuitively. Awareness is key to understanding.


Midline crossing exercises, alternate nostril breathing, learning new skills, EMDR, CBT, nurturing and empowering daily dialogue with inner child, automatic writing, journalling, get comfy with discomfort by writing and using right hand such as to brush teeth or use scissors if you're a lefty, are a few more examples that work to bring subconscious into our conscious awareness for retrieval of lost parts like disowned needs, emotions, beliefs, strengths, vulnerabilities, authentic self identity, preferences, skills, talents, etc., Awesome info thanks Teal! 💐💓👁️🧠🙌


Pretty sure weve all met someone like teal way back, like after a little weed the deep convos start!... Man the difference long dresses, big ornate chairs and social media makes theses days! Lol... Shes extremely intelligent in ways most of her audience wont ever realize!👍


I’m becoming more and more aware of these aspects of myself, each time at a much deeper level each time ❤


one of your best ones! You sum it all :) thank you for being youu ❤🧡


She broke it down perfectly just subbed


Your insight and mindfulness is absolute genius. I wonder how you obtained such wisdom every time I watch your videos


Thank you Teal for breaking it down. You're amazing. 💕


Oh my!
That’s the first time I’m associating “child” with “strength”.


❤ so true❤ It's there on our plate waiting....The issue is ....Are we willing to feel and dig in in our discomfort deeply enough?For many years i was one of those people who meditated just to feel good.I guess that's how we all start our journey with meditation....We meditated cause we cannot function with the shadows of ours getting louder and louder. Sooner or łater VIA any practice we do to calm down we will be LED to our repressed shadows😅 and IT will not feel good for the pleasure seekers... The strange thing is though we are being prepared to face the dark side year ago id run when i heard anything to do with the shadow, , today i consciously welcome my little crying children and i listen and listen with compassion and then we watch the fireworks together.That is how easy the whole process seems to be❤
