TumbleDryer2 HeatTemperatureSensor

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This is the 2nd video to improve the performance of the Tumble Dryer that stops at middle of the cycle before clothes are getting dried completely.

The first video, "Bosch Tumble Dryer Stops Every 5 minutes" explained how to fix that frequent stop. This video explains why the Tumble dryer stops at beginning to the middle of the cycle, once or twice, particularly when starting with a lots of stuff inside the tumble dryer.

The video shows a humidity sensor, removed it and cleaned it. Also shows a temperature sensor and a limiter sensor, located at the back of the tumble dryer, and the hot air passage ducts and cleaned those.

Also the video explains how the tumble dryer works for drying stuff inside, by showing passages of 'Cold air flow' and 'Hot air flow' in the tumble dryer, and those 2 air flows are meeting at the 'Heat Exchanger' where the hot air becomes moisture, and change its shape from moisture to water, and the water drops into the sump.

I explained my theory of how the tumble dryer stops as its safety mechanism, based on the relationship between the limiter sensor and the temperature increase inside the tumble dryer.

Since the start of making this video and the initial activity was more than 6 weeks ago than present, and initially I thought the tumble dryer was fixed however, the symptom was back before completion of making this video. So the comment at beginning of the video and the last may not be same.

I'll update more of the activity after receiving a new heat exchanger, replace it and try it on the tumble dryer for a while.

Thank you,
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Dear Ken,
Thank you for great illustrations.

I got mine solved by changing the pump itself. For perspective, though the dryer is power rated @ 230v, 60Hz, I found out that the pump is rated at 230v 50Hz. Thus, as time passes by, the pump motor grows weaker and weaker as it draws higher amps than it is supposed to.

Changing the pump with a 60Hz one (Part# Bosch 00145623) fixed the problem.

Once again, I wouldn't have done it without your videos).

Thank you and best regards.


You can soak heat exchanger in the water and leave it there for a while, you don't need to buy new one. Or you can use high pressure water cleaner (usually to wash a car) and clean it from the side (where the machine sends cold air). I have Bosch tumble dryer 14 and a half years now and all I had to do is clean it (after 8 or 9 years I had to clean it just like you did in your first video and about 4 years ago I cleaned it just like you did in this video - heater and all inside). Now I clean it from 2-4 weeks just from inside the exchanger (I also open that water part and clean it with a sponge so that it is cleaned and dried - because it is cleaned once a month you can check that motor pump for water and sensor).
Great video! Keep up the good work.
I believe it useful at least for those that would need it when first opening Bosch's tumble dryer - it would be useful 6 years ago when I first opened it 🙂


Hi Ken, You are most diligent on your repair of this condenser dryer. I am a Sears technician of 7 years and we are the number 1 service provider in the USA.

Great news, your Dryer is operating as designed! Timed dry will deliver the unit to run and not stop for the set time you have selected. Auto dry will run the unit for the time show at the start or less. Auto dry will detect the clothes and turn off the dryer, in a shorter time, when the dryer determines the clothes are dry enough.

The key point is 'Dry Enough". Condenser dryers have moist air circulating in the drum where the clothes are. This vent-less condition will always prevent the clothes from feeling completely dry. More like Slightly Damp.

Reference video: Search: Cabana State of Mind > Customer review of 2 in 1 Combo Washer Dryer Review (3:55min mark)

Thank you for all the SERIOUS work done to your dryer and the many hours it took you to test the unit and document this video.


Thanks Ken, your persistence is admirable.
I would take that dryer up to the top of my house and throw it onto the concrete below to see if that fixes it.
My dryer looks the same as yours, but taking the back off looks too challenging to me.
No wonder the manual says to clean the heat exchanger every 2 weeks, mine was also full of sludge.
And still no water goes into the container.🤔


Hi Ken, I like your video! I have a container full warning, I checked out and cleaned the condensor and back panel, the sensor inside, than tested the pump outside the machine first it worked nicely so build it in again it worked nicely for 20 seconds, so thought problem solved, build it up again cutting myself on the very sharp edges unbelievable its the first thing you learn in metal working class to burr off all edges maybe to expensive for Bosch ?
Anyway in the end I found that the bearing of the pump is shot by ingress of water, so it worked intermittantly, new bearing or pump solved my problem,
Cheers from the Netherlands.


I bought a Bosch serie 6 dryer yesterday but already regret it ... but with this usefull tips and do preventive maintenance
i ll be probably tackling upcoming problems in the near future... when you do regular monthly maintenance on the heat exchanger compartiment en cleaning filters you probable have a machine that runs a lifetime without it wil stop .
Again thanks for your clear presentation and apply to Bosch as engineer for development ..🙂


Un très grand merci de France, tout est détaillé et grâce à vous il fonctionne à nouveau


well done ken they is light at the end of tunnel for a fix on our drayer thanks .great vid


Many thanks for your video. Was a succes for me.greetings from the netherlands


Ken, this was so informative and useful. I just found this video after watching video 1 and 3. Thanks for explaining the air flow. we’re still having the same problems with ours (heat sensor warning on). But i’m wondering now if the issue is the thermostat or high temp sensor. Again. Thank you!


you are very funny.. and quite professional


I had a bit of a fix by blowing-very hard, it started to hurt- into the end of the drain hose. Consider yourself warned about potential personal damage to your ear and nose parts. Probably best to try a safer way to force air in. Because the clog in my case recurs in the exit channel of the pump. Cool thing is, you can see it when you pull the pump, and unclip the white cover over the impeller that lives in the sludge pool. The clog is weirdly delicate and gooey. I found my pump wasn’t fully clear when I swapped it for new last year (fat lot of good that did). It was maybe 30% clogged. We’re talking about the part on the pump housing that goes from horizontal to vertical. It’s maybe 6-7mm diameter. Anyway, forcing air in basically pushes that thick glob back into the tank so you can wipe it out with a facecloth by reaching in from the front. I mean really, after dealing with this over 7 years, in my case-check drain error clears for a few cycles after clean the sludge tub-it’s basically a lint buildup issue. Lint is obviously blowing by the filter and seals and collecting in the channels instead of collecting in the fluff filter. Some weird dense fibrous blobs form in places and seem to to migrate to unfortunate places. I also get persistent dust buildup in my home after running the dryer, so I’m confident it’s not trapping the lint inside. Fun fact, the official Bosch how to clean dryer video shows an added filter between the condenser and the front cover, which mine doesn’t have, and there’s no room for. So maybe they recognize the “limitation” of this design? And good luck to you all who have read this far. Applause to Ken for this excellent video and guidance.


Thank you for help, becose of you i fixed my dryer


Thank you for sharing your experience. It is significant that your dryer stops without an error code. This suggests that it stops under “normal” conditions, or at least the condition that makes it stop is not defined as a fault in the dryer’s firmware. My very similar Bosch dryer always stops before the laundry is dry, but it runs for an hour or more before it stops. I have always suspected that the humidity sensor reads no conductivity many minutes before it should. Anyway, as a workaround or test, you could try the timed dry mode in the dial, and then add time by pressing the Time Dry button. My dryer runs for the preset time, independent of the dryness of the laundry. If yours also turns off during timed mode, wouldn’t that mean the limiter circuit is engaging?


I had the same problem and found out that it is the main motor overheating. I run the dryer with the side panel taken off, this would let lots of cool air in from the room. The machine didn't stop even once. My plan is to replace the motor, which costs around $150 or I will drill some more ventilation holes at the back of the dryer. For now, we are using the machine with the side panel off :)


Thank you so much for your informative videos! I have exactly the same dryer and problem, the dryer stops after some minutes and tells me to clean the filter although everything has been cleaned before. I removed and cleaned the sensor now, and there was a lot of dirt behind it. Although you say, with the humidity at the beginning of the process, the sensor should not have a problem, I think if there is too much dirt, the humidity can't reach the sensors well to connect them and this might tell the machine that everything is dry.
I'm curious whether my problem will be better now. Greetings from Germany!


Thanks. That helped me to fix mine. ;)


Dear Ken. I opened up the back of my machine and had zero sticky stuff. Suspect you use fabric softener in your washing machine and this is the sticky stuff?


My dryer won’t heat up. Do you think cleaning the sump and heat exchanger will work?
I will have to try and have a go at fixing it tomorrow.


Hi Ken, I have cleaned everything, but the error is still there. Now I am going after [POWER INTEGRATIONS TNY266PN AC/DC changer] on a control board which could be faulty. I got this inspiration on a forum in German language..
