Bosch Nexxt DLX dryer Electric stops after 5 min, won't restart for 30 min or more, Lint Filter ligh

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16 year old system, first problem. unit would run for a few minutes then stop and flash lint filter. This unit will flash lint filter at the end of every load as a factory setting. Was hard to troubleshoot. ended up testing all sensors, they tested good on ohms meter but I replaced them all. That didn't fix it. I tested the door switch and got funny readings after it got hot. door switch would get hot and fail making the computer think the door was opened. I used a jumper wire to make the make the machine think the door was closed and it ran several loads without problem. Super simple fix...replace door switch
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Having the same problem dismantled everything and this is awfully similar to my case... Thanks for posting this. For the record, it was trouble-free for 19 years, since I got it in 2005.


Thanks so much for posting this video. Ordered the switch and installed. Works great!!


Preciate ya… having same problem after I just replaced heater element. Shop vac Ed all the lint out of bottom and still flashing lint. Going to try this
