What did Jesus mean when He said, “The kingdom of God is within you”? | GotQuestions.org

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What did Jesus mean when He said, “The kingdom of God is within you”? What is the Kingdom of God? Where is the Kingdom of God according to Luke 17:21? Is it true that the kingdom of God is within man? When people ask, “ was Jesus a mystic ” do they have a valid reason according to Luke 17 21? In this video, Pastor Nelson with Bible Munch answers the question, "What did Jesus mean when He said, ‘The kingdom of God is within you’?"

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Listen up - it means your soul is God - being human has separated us from him unless you awaken to your true identity - ego tells us we're seperate


Thank you for this video. I think the right interpretation is: the kingdom of God is within you.

Jesus changed hearts from within. He showed that if we acted properly, we could manifest the kingdom internally and therefore, influence our outer reality: our family, our friends, our communities, and eventually, the world.


It's funny how many Christians want to explain away what Christ himself said. He said “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you” (NKJV)

So to pretend that he was merely saying that the kingdom of God was standing amongst them is pretty silly. If the king is standing amongst you, you will observe him and say "look here".

But if Christ-nature is within us (for God is love and he who loves knows God) then it makes sense for Jesus to clarify that “The kingdom of God does not come with observation", and that you shouldn't say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ "For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you”.


It’s incredible the length we will go to exclude those we see as ‘other’ from Gods Kingdom. Christ was trying to awaken them to the reality that Gods presence in dwells from within. Gods breath is in us, the Kingdom of God are the activities of God. The Kingdom is where the fruit of the spirit lie. These are present, but hidden to us because of our misunderstanding of who we ALL are IN Christ. ‘Christ in you, the hope of Glory’ - this is what Paul says as a cry to humanity as a whole. Jesus wanted us to see that the Kingdom has come, it is here and has always been. It’s time to awaken to it.


The Kingdom of God is spiritual although Jesus will literally rule and reign on earth in the future.
As of now, the Kingdom of God is God ruling over the lives of those born again through the power of the Holy spirit.


The kingdom of God is not primarily a noun, meaning place or people. It is a verb, meaning God's way of interacting with creation. It is the act of God being King. The signs and wonders 'are' the Kingdom! Matt 10;7, 8
In the life of Jesus we can see the kingdom in action. Matt 12;28. When it comes to the kingdom of God, scripture is referring to the overthrow of satan's work and God's active intervention in the lives of his people. Matt 4:23. The Kingdom of God has power to overthrough the rule of satan in this world.
Praise be to God. Amen


The Kingdom of God is pure peace and faith, a closeness to God, impossible to obtain with sin consciousness mindset, only with a victory mindset. When we know the Holy Spirit lives in us and we have all authority and righteousness.


The kingdom of god is within you, as it is within all of us, even those that do not believe. The goodness of humanity, the empathy, the care and love for one another, is the kingdom of god. Even the Pharisees hearts had the kingdom of within them, it is a natural part of all of us. This is how I understand it.


One interpretation I think you missed. Many times in the Old testament a passage had multiple meanings. For example in Hosea it said out of Egypt I called my son. This was talking about Israel but it was also talking about Jesus. Yet we could also apply it to ourselves when you consider Egypt as a metaphor for sin and slavery. Jesus often used ambiguous language so what he said could be applied in different ways. The kingdom was within him but he also wanted to place the kingdom of God in our hearts. The kingdom of God is not about restoring God to his rightful place is about restoring man to his rightful place. Remember Adam and Eve were created to rule over creation. God has always been and will always be king of the world according to the Psalms. Daniel says he rules in the kingdoms and affairs of men and gives them to whom he chooses. Jesus was planting seeds in people's hearts so that the kingdom of God would grow inside of them and change them from the inside out. As to the religious leaders Jesus wanted the kingdom of God to be in them. To me Jesus saying the kingdom of God is within you is a poetic way of saying, "Don't look for outward changes look for inward changes."


These are the type of discussions that need to be had when we gather together. They never get much play in a “preacher” center body, a little too much preacher idolizing going on. The idea of “among you” is really interesting as it acknowledges the Holy Spirit in the individual and the body as we are to share our burdens and encourage one another, thus the Holy Spirit among the body.

Stand up, put on that armor! You can only study and read about the practice of faith, and that’s encouraging, but until you step out in faith, it never gets exercised!


A good overall introduction, but let us not be afraid of the call to healthy inwardness and interiority, the call to a receptive contemplative union with Christ, our King!


The Kingdom Of God means The Holy Spirit lives within you.


Some of these comments smack of JW bias - they reject the doctrine of the Trinity. When someone is born again in Christ Jesus the Holy Spirit comes to live in that person (1 Cor.Ch.6v.19 and elsewhere). This could be construed as the having the kingdom of God within you. Of course when the Lord Jesus returns as per Daniel Ch.2v.44 the Kingdom of God will be among you, in your midst. (and How!)


Jesus was talking to and preaching to everyday people. He wasn't talking to Christians.


No one else think this relates to the Bhagavad Gita. How Krishna explains about entering into the kingdom of heaven (within you) even at the hour of death.


It's both within us and among us. Within only those who believe in Jesus. and among the pharisees to witness.


What he means is that the Kingdom of God is a situation or a condition you find yourself in.

Some people are ruled by the Devil, and others are ruled by God.

Thank you.


When Jesus is saying “For look! The Kingdom of God is within your midst” (or is among you) he was obviously referring to the Pharisees to whom he was talking. Jesus was God’s royal representative, the one anointed by God for the kingship. Hence, it could be said that “the Kingdom” was in their midst. Not only was he present in this capacity but he also had authority to perform works manifesting God’s kingly power and to prepare candidates for positions within his kingdom.


The right interpretation is "The Kingdom of Alahym is within you." As it is written, "Shamuth/Exodus 19:5. 'And now, if you diligently obey My Voice, and shall guard My covenant, then you shall *BE My treasured possession* above all the peoples – for all the earth is Mine – 6. and you shall *BE to Me a kingdom* of priests and a set-apart nation.' Those are the Words which you are to speak to the children of Yashara'al." It is not about "making it" to the Kingdom. It is about "being" the Kingdom, "being" His treasured possession. Henceforth, the Kingdom of Yahuah is within all who believe. Therefore, if you do not possess the Kingdom within you, you will not receive the Kingdom. You must possess it first, then you shall receive it. We are the Temple of Alahym (1 Corinthians 6:19). Remember?


The concept of the kingdom is in the mind.
