Seated Weights Workout For Seniors (10 Minutes) | More Life Health

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Seated Weights Workout For Seniors (10 Minutes) | More Life Health

Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) in this seated dumbbell workout. Grab your weights and get moving with me!

If you don't have dumbbells you can use drink bottles or food cans.

Or you can just follow the exercises, without any weights.

(To get straight into the exercise go to 0:55 Seconds).

Make sure you do the warm-up before beginning.

WU - Marching on Spot - 30 seconds
WU - Shoulder Rolls x 5
1. Weighted Calf Raises x 10
2. Weighted Bicep Curls- Double Arm - x 10
3a. Shoulder Raises/Press - Double Arm x 5
3b. Shoulder Raises/Press - Alternate Arm x 5 each arm
4. Bent Over Rows - x 10
5. Knee Extensions x 10 each leg
6. Shoulder Shrugs x 10
7. Neck Flexion/Extension x 5 each way
8. Neck Left and Right Rotation x 5 each way
9. Bent Over Rows - x 10
10. Ankle Circles x 5 Clockwise, x 5 Anticlockwise - each leg

Do your best and any questions ask below!

- Mike

DISCLAIMER: More Life Health offers health, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. All videos and information is not medical advice. Mike is a licensed Physiotherapist; however, he is not your Physiotherapist and cannot diagnose you over the internet. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor should it replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a Doctor or other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice from your health-care professional because of something you may have read on this site. The use of any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk You should consult your Doctor or other health care professional before starting a More Life Health program or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Do not start this fitness program if your doctor or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately.

#morelifehealth #weightsworkoutsseniors #seniorsfitness
Рекомендации по теме

am 91, last 4 yrs. doing most of things you are teaching. enjoy following you step by step, plus adding some of your methods. when was 39, ran a 100 mils one month


I do these exercises with my 94 year old mother weekly. Keeps her young and alert.


Very helpful. Designed for seniors who generally need exercise more than non-seniors! Thanks a lot!


First time with you, love seated with dumbbells and also your stretches before a workout and a balance workout. Have fibromyalgia and all these exercises help me alot. Thanks


I'm a 39 year old with multiple chronic health conditions. i am working up to 2 pound weights (using bands for now). I've been alternating seated cardio and strength training. thanks for the video, it reminds me that i can do this!


I love ALL your videos. I am 62 and have osteoarthritis and they are perfect! You show the correct way to do the exercises, therefore I am not injuring myself and delaying my progress. Thank you again for a wonderful channel!


I used these exercises with my 87 years old mom to get her mobile and stronger. Thank you for this and all your videos. So helpful❤


My 93 year old Dad and I (age 67) just started doing this workout together. It's wonderful!! Thanks so much!


I love more life videos w/ Mike bcuz he explains the benefits of each work out as he demonstrate how to do them. I do find them helpful in my daily regime for better mobility, range n motions.


Gosh, I am 59 and really enjoyed this work out. Thanks so much. I have just found your channel and I'm looking forward to trying out your other workouts. Thanks so much!


Am adding the weights to keep in shape - Helps that I can sit while doing it. Thank you for all you do.


thanks so Mike!! am 82 and do these and tai chi every day! have really cut any falls I have had and feel stronger!!!


Thank you for all your videos I'm 52 but because of years of physical labor I feel much older. Your videos are helping me feel well again! Thanks! :)


I am so impressed by older lifters as I am 64 myself. Amazing what people can do if they are patient persistent and consistent. All those little strength increase accumulate to feeling better and easier daily routines in life.


Great exercise.... It makes me feel much better....Thank you Mike!


Yessss it really does make you feel better ❤ thank you Mike


Thanks so much for all your exercises Mike Helping us through lockdown too!


I was off my regular exercise due to a knee problem. Been meaning to due some weights, but never got around til recently.. Very glad I did, and no impact on the knee.


HI - just joined in. I was doing weights with a CrossFit gym - then cancer and now chemotherapy. I've lost a lot of muscle plus developed some balance issues. These exercises are perfect to regain my strength. Thank you!


Who knew that a 10-minute workout could make you feel so good! Thanks, Mike!
