The Best Cinnamon Buns | Richard Bertinet | Gozney Master

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Gozney | Outdoor Pizza Ovens | Wood & Gas Fired Ovens

These aren’t just cinnamon buns, these are master baker Richard Bertinets BEST EVER cinnamon buns. Sweet, sticky and so moreish, these are the perfect treat to try out in your wood fired oven this weekend...🔥

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For The Dough;

200g Full Fat Milk

2 Medium Eggs

600g Strong White Bread Flour

25g Fresh Yeast

50g Caster Sugar

10g Salt

200g Unsalted Butter

For The Filling;
150g Unsalted Butter

250g Soft Brown Sugar

2 Tsp Cinnamon

For The Egg Glaze;
1 Egg

2 Tbsp Full Fat Milk

For The Sugar Glaze;
100g Caster Sugar

100g Water


I’ve made these twice now and they’re by far the best cinnamon buns I’ve ever had. The two slight modifications I made 1. A pinch of salt in the cinnamon sugar butter filling and 2. After cutting into strips but before cutting into thirds, chill the strips for a few minutes. I may have a warmer than average kitchen but I found the chilling helps get the cleanest cuts possible


I just tried this cinnamon buns recipe over the weekend in my regular home oven at 395 and the buns came out so perfect and yummy; I topped it with fresh homemade caramel and the taste was out of this much better than the cinnabon buns. All my friends wondered how I got that braided pattern...thanks to Chef Bertinet.


They are phenomenal! Only thing I'd add to the recipe is more cinnamon and that the dough should be rolled out to 90 x 45 cm to ensure you get the right amount (24) of buns. This will give you the right size for a 12 muffin tin x 2. Also note that if you are using a conventional oven, 180c fan would be better and maybe turned down to 160c after 10 minutes and cooked for longer, 25 in total. The recipe's great but could do with some better writing up.


Gosh, I love watching him work. Find it soothing. “Butter, sugar, what’s not to like?” Brilliant.


It amazes me how people make their cinnamon rolls so different. Love that oven!


it's so amazing watching chef Richard in his nature, doing what he does best. You could see the way his hands are just used to the techniques and he is just doing what he loves. It's just beautiful to way


Made these a month or so ago. Just beautiful. My only tip might be to chill the dough slightly after the bulk ferment. I found when I was halfway thru braiding the dough was starting to prove again fast, which meant half of them I just rolled up without braiding and laid them on their ends, all bunched together on a pizza tray. But that worked out well too, I had a giant pull-apart with about 6 individual bins in it. And then 6 braided ones. The dough is a dream to work with really, and the buns are somehow light yet rich all at once. Make them, you won't be sorry.


I like the braiding technique. I haven't seen that done before.


The dough is very soft and nice to work with. I used only about 1/4 or 1/3 of the filling, It turned out great and just the right sweetness and no mess! I took the advise from some of the people here and set oven temp to 350F convection. I think the oven temperature called out in the recipe is for an open oven so temperature is higher. They are done in about 20-22 minutes. They are delicious and light. One the recipe, I used high sugar instant dry yeast 0.4oz (40% of the recipe) instead of fresh yeast. I made 12 larger size "rolls" using individual muffin cups. Thank you for the recipe.


I made these yesterday and they are fantastic! Previously I’ve made my cinnamon buns, the traditional “swirl” pull apart buns, with a tangzhong starter producing fluffy, light, moist buns. As much as I’ve loved those, I prefer these twisted cinnamon buns! Among other things, I like that they are sticky and not gooey.


I made these tonight for the first time and I can confirm this recipe is the best so far! :)


As soon as he started speaking I knew his cinnamon buns would be the best ever!


The sheer panache with which he casually flicks that spray of flour across the dough and into his bowl - sublime... 🖤


I have never seen him before. I loved watching his gentle strong hands and movements as he made them. He was giving them love and respect. Lovely!! I am going make these and try to hold the dough gently like he did. love it.


So I made this recipe and as others have said : it is incredibly delicious 🤤 the dough is fairly easy to work with (as baking novice!) And even with too much cinnamon (I accidentally used 2 TABLEspoons cinnamon instead of 2 TEAspoons) it still tastes great. These buns are really the best I have ever tried.

I rate this recipe a 100/10 !

Thanks so much for sharing this recipe.


Aboslutely the best cinnamon buns recipe that I've ever made. The braiding technique is beautiful and works well with this dough or a cold brioche dough. Thank you Richard Bertinet!


I listened for a full fifteen seconds before I realized he was speaking English.


For the french who want to do the recipe from the video :
Recette brioche à la cannelle;Ingrédients pour 15 brioches :Pour la pâte;
200g de lait entier

2 œufs moyens

Farine de pain blanc forte 600g

25g de levure fraîche

50g de sucre en poudre

10g de sel

200 g de beurre non salé (température ambiante)

Pour la garniture ;
150g de beurre non salé (température ambiante)
250g de sucre blanc mélanger à 30 grammes de mélasse 

2 c. À thé de cannelle

Recette :1.Commencez par faire la pâte.Mettez le lait et les œufs dans le bol d'un mixeur, puis frottez la levure avec un peu de farine sur le dessus, ajoutez ensuite la farine, le sel, le sucre est le beurre .2.Mélanger à vitesse lente pendant 4 minutes, puis augmenter la vitesse à moyenne et mélanger pendant 8 à 10 minutes supplémentaires jusqu'à ce que la pâte se détache proprement du côté du bol.3.Former la pâte en boule et la mettre dans un bol de farine propre. Couvrir et laisser reposer environ 45 minutes.4.Pendant que la pâte se repose, profitez en pour faire la garniture  ; dans le mixeur ajouter et mixer le beurre (tiède) jusqu'à qu'il soit bien mou, ajouter le sucre et la mélasse, mixer encore un peu puis ajouter la cannelle.Mélanger jusqu'à ce que tout soit bien incorporer.( laisser la mixture à température ambiante)5. Quand la pâte a fini de reposer, fariner légèrement une surface de travail et rouler la pâte en un rectangle à peu près de la taille d'une feuille de papier A3. Soulever la pâte quelquefois, assurez vous qu'il y a un peu d'air pour pas quelle ne colle 6.Étalez la garniture sur le dessus de la pâte.Mieux vaut étaler une fine couche sur toutes la pâte que en mettre trop sur le milieu par exemple.7.Avec la longueur face à vous, pliez le rectangle en deux dans le sens de la longueur pour enfermer la garniture et coupez-la en largeur en 15 bandes d'environ 3, 5 cm chacune. Ensuite, utilisez un couteau bien aiguisé pour couper deux fois la longueur de chaque bande pour faire trois brins. Tresser les trois brins ensemble et répéter pour faire 15 tresses individuelles. 8.Prenez chaque tresse et enroulez-la sur toute sa longueur pour créer un nœud. Graisser assez de  moule à muffins pour contenir les nœuds et les placer à l'intérieur. Couvrir et laisser reposer 30 à 40 min.9.battre un oeuf avec un peu de sel, etalez sur les brioches, pas besoin d'en mettre beaucoup, juste un peu pour la dorure .10. Dans un four préchauffé à 190-200 degrés, faire cuire pendant 15 à 20 min ou jusqu'à qu'il soit bien doré 11. laisser refroidir un peu (le mieux est de les manger tiède/chaud) et saupoudrer du sucre au dessus 12. Déguster


I just made it this morning - half dose I made 13 - they are delicious - I actually didn't have strong bread flour used 00 flour and it worked anyway - great recipe - brilliant Thank you again!!!
