My spouse is not motivated

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This lady is the real deal. When you listen to her, your heart perceives the scripture, even if she doesn't directly quote it. She should have millions of followers.


I’m in this exact place in my relationship but we are not married yet. He loves me and cares for me and my kids and works hard but he is not responsible at all! He doesn’t have any goals or motivation. I am sick with disease and I have to take care of all responsibilities and it’s getting harder for me as I get sicker. I want to feel like when I am resting and sick he will take care of our responsibilities such as paying the bills, cleaning up a little around the house, and taking care of our health insurance etc. We live together and he’s setting the example for my children too. My son sees him being lazy so my son gets lazy. I am always the one having to get on the kids and him to do their responsibilities and it’s so frustrating that I get resentful. On the other hand I appreciate him working hard and caring about us and I do tell him that and try to show that. I go back and forth with being loving and then getting angry and it’s draining on my health. What do I do?
