Does Being the Alpha in Marriage Lead to Failure?

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Patrick Bet-David explores the question: Do Alpha Women Destroy Marriages? Watch to uncover the truth about alpha women and their impact on relationships.
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I'm a big believer in not airing your dirty laundry for everyone. If you have problems and frustrations, sort them out in private and as a team. You are married, you're supposed to have each others backs, not tear each other down.


The woman was disrespectful, she basically threw him under the bus back stabbed him in front of everyone, not about alpha it’s about simple respect


Hmmm... been married almost 40 years. Have grown children. Both hubby and I have always worked outside of the house due to necessity.
What it took was TEAM WORK. We both made decisions together. It wasn't always easy, but we tried to value each other and each other's strengths.


I would never do that to my husband. My husband has been ill for years and I backed him / helped him run his business. It takes both of us to make it. Whether I have to make money at times, or he does. We are partner's, we are BEST friends.


The equivalent of this is a man standing in front of a crowd and saying his wife never cleans or cooks or does anything as a stay at home mother. Pretty embarrassing


I make money, my husband runs the household. I don’t question anything he does. I don’t know how to do housewife duties other than cook. He does all that and more! Going on 20 years married, works perfectly for us. He protects me and the kids and household. He’s a great one! ❤


I think it's hard for both the husband and the wife. A man needs to feel like he's needed and relied upon and a woman wants to feel like her husband is providing those things as well. So when you have a husband that's not able or willing to do and be those things, then the woman has no choice but to take on an alpha role. It throws off everything. Emotions, strength and stability.


Weaponized incompetence, also called strategic incompetence, is when someone knowingly or unknowingly demonstrates an inability to perform or master certain tasks, thereby leading others to take on more work. This generally occurs in two domains—in the household, between partners, and at work, between colleagues. Consistently, weaponized incompetence leads to an unequal division of labor.


Her approach is completely wrong...dont emasculate your husband in private and definitely not in public. If she wants her husband to have a breakthrough, support him through ups and downs...dont air out your marital frustrations in a public setting. Some women just dont understand men...


She embarrassed her husband and was totally out of line. Shows you where the marriage was at.


Can you make this a topic on your next podcast? A lot of alpha women can relate. We love our husbands and they do add value in our marriage. However, they seem to not be as motivated or inspired to be and do better until “I” set the tone and direction for success. It can be very frustrating and exhausting taking lead every time.


When have men ever said they are frustrated because their wive's don't make enough money?
The double standard is insaaaane.


I make 15 times more than my husband. I am also older than him. Before we even contemplated being together we worked on him. I told him I need a man that can guide me, today I am helping you so when I am down you can help me. We started as friends. I just wanted him tk be a better man he had so many problems in life but he wanted to be better, and then he wanted to be better for me. I noticed how much he struggled but never gave up. He has become a wise man I am proud to stand behind him when he protects me and beside him when we make decisions. I respect his decisions and he asks for my opinions ❤


In our house im the captain. I run the day to day. My husband is the alpha he settles any disputes between our boys and makes the final decision on major things like buying a home. Im fine with it because i trust him to protect us and make sure we don't fail. This isn't for everyone but 20 yrs in i can say it works great for us.


Some people have drive, ambition and intellect. You need to find someone who is similar.


Her comments about her spouse would have been just as bad coming from a man. Mutual respect is so important.


Lots of men wants an easy life and avoid making decisions because they were spoiled by their mothers and have no ambition at all to be the alpha male. It’s the easy way out of responsibilities.


You KNOW that if he was to stand up there and give his side of things it would be OVER for him and I’m sure he doesn’t want to lose everything he has.


What shocks me most about modern day marriages is how often I've seen wives completely disrespect their husbands in public. I'm 61, and I don't recall that ever happening until about 20 years ago...and it became fairly common. To me, it's the kiss of death for the marriage. Sometimes it's subtle...rolling of eyes when he speaks. Sometimes it's overt, public confrontation. But it's grim, 100% of the time.


I was the breadwinner, husband was a stay at home Dad until I was done work. The pressure was to much for me. The marriage ended in divorce.
