Why I Quit Full Time Gig Work

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Why I Became a Part Time Gig Worker, this is why I left from being a full time gig worker to a part time gig worker. Overall this has allowed me to concentrate on other business opportunities while bringing in some money with these apps like instacart, doordash, shipt, and even spark.


I am a gig driver that mostly uses instacart to make some money, this has been my full time job for almost a year, and I have learned alot over that short period of time. Hoping to share tips and advice with you all!
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-Users must be using the latest version of the app and have a connected payout method (Venmo or Paypal) in order to qualify for the Solo subscription bonus.

-Subscription bonuses will be processed every Tuesday for the previous week (Monday-Sunday) to the Venmo or Paypal connected to your Solo Wallet (30 days to claim funds).

-Bonus is only valid for US-based gig workers. Terms are subject to change.


I just wanna say thank you for the honesty. Also the house number thing sucks! Lord help us if EMT needs to find these people. Just Saying.


I did gig work when I was in the military because I had nothing else to do in my free time. Now that I'm largely out I'm playing catch up with friends and family. Maybe one day I'll get back in the grind but for now I want to enjoy my free time.


Next video “why I’m going back to gig work”


I'm still a full service shopper since 2019 but now in a few weeks I am going part time with it due to starting a new job and working other business ventures.


This was good bro. Some people really need to hear this type of message from those with a good following so they don't get stuck 💪


total relate..that what I did a while back, just the apps to fill in the gaps but focus on more passive things for the future. BTW I'm taking that Marvel hat lol


Love your video, but...I would love to get STUCK making $200+ per day!! 🤣🤣


I was telling my sister in law that gig work is def addictive because it's so easy to turn on and make money.


Just start watching your Chanel you doing amazing I working in area where is Tatwar guy with so many amazing tips I will be honest with you we making 150 $ before Costco drops in Virginia it’s sad to see what you guys pick up there support you


Gig work is only good for a side hustle...not a main source of income. Too unpredictable and you can get deactivated on these apps at any moment for no reason.


“It was not easy. I was mistaken.” Has been my motto these first few weeks of gig work 😂


What kinda business you got man I might wanna buy something


Yes this is something I have been doing for a while. I focus no more than 6 hours on gig work a day so I can put my time back into either my life or YouTube. It's a smart choice and when you have things like YouTube, Amazon...etc it truly does make a nice little business for yourself. I look forward to the day I can bring it down to 4 hours a day, that would be pretty sweet.


Great video, I can see why full-time is too much if you do other projects...would you consider making a video on furniture flipping with Amazon?


I can definitely relate.... good for you! 60 hrs a week leaves not much time for other things. I also work part time and instead of working all day long on the days I was working I also realized I wasn't shopping at the best times of the day like I do now. Like you I also still make good money working less hours. I am happy for you that you made this change.


I think the decision is which road you wanna go down. I make 55k + currently but I have to bust my ASS work long hours and answer to my managers calls all day long. I hate being under people and if you want the freedom bad enough gig work is worth it. Also on the down side money is a guess and so is income which scares me. I did door dash for a while but I don’t have the patience to sit and wait for orders full time.


i only do instacart part time now ...too...


Holy crap I would never drive that far. Gotta being less than 7 miles for sure.


Currently still full time for the last 2 years. It's definitely tough, but still better than taking orders at a regular job. My plan is to do this until I'm 35 and then reevaluate. I know it can be taken from me at any time, so I'm not gonna take it for granted. I'm gonna run my car into the ground and make as much as I can. Hopefully my large crypto investment takes off and my condo builds some equity. In a few years I'm hopefully in a good place. Good luck boss!
