3 Reasons to Practice Qigong instead of Tai Chi with Jeff Chand

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Here are 3 reasons why you should practice qigong instead of tai chi.
Now, I first want to mention that I think all forms of tai chi are great, yang, chen, wu, sun. I do find that tai chi chuan can be challenging to learn without a good teacher and going to classes regularly. Qigong, how ever is much easier to learn and practice. Qi gong helps your qi, chi, or ki move very quickly and it is easy to do, even at home. There are many forms of qigong as well. Some are very complicated and some are easier. You get the most out of qigong practice it you simply...practice!

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I used to do Tia chi with a lady on YouTube on the 8 brocades. When I was very sick you came on my YouTube and I did your movements in my sick bed. Now I'm up and at it once a day, at the very least, and I'm glad to be alive.


I am so happy that I found your channel. I’ve been practicing Qigong with you for about a month I feel like it’s making a difference for my anxiety and fatigue.


I found tai chi more difficult to remember so I practice Qigong, by I realise that they are both beneficial.


Very good to find your youtube channel! I agree with your take on taichi/chigong. I am practitioner of tai chi and it is very beneficial to me with regular practice; however the chigong has a different emphasis and is much more easily learned, especially if you can't study with instructor. Here is where your videos are so helpful, as we can learn this easily from you! Practice is key! Please continue your work here! Maybe give us a graduated instruction, over time, from the simplest to the complex chigong work? Thank you for these presentations.


I would say that #2 is a good thing. The frustration piece is the benefit. This (imo) is where practioner's can learn and develop memory and skills thus improving various psychological health (i.e., focus, attention to task, awareness internally + externally, confidence...etc.). Sure they may be stressed at first but what they are learning is to adapt to this stress making them more resilient. As always though, i appreciate this video and shared perspectives :)


I am currently learning Tai Chi. I find it hard to keep up with people that have been doing it for years. The instructor has his back to us which means we can't see what he is doing with his hands. For some reason I am always going the wrong way to everyone else. I like it and will stick at it. Qigong from your videos are a lot easier to do, they don't stress me out like Tai Chi does. I like the way you explain everything. Thank you for all your videos.


Hi I’m practicing Tai chi since 1991 and I like it but now I’m practicing Qigong for the past two years it’s helping a lot in terms of health issues thank you very much.


Thank you for the explanation found myself getting lost doing the tai chi movements. Not sure whether or not I was doing it correctly ..you had helped me made my decision easier…going to try qigong!


Thank you, Jeff, your explanation of the differences and benefits of both Qigong and Tai Chi is very clear. I am determined to learn Qigong and practice it as regularly as I can. Thank you again, for creating this very helpful info!


You said it so well...I concur with your points. While I enjoy Tai chi and respect the beautiful art and health aspects it can be a challenge for said reasons and so I prefer for now Qigong.


THANK YOU I was having a hard time trying to figure out the difference between the exercises and which one to practice. you really help me to understand which one I needed to practice and that is the Qi Gong. Thanks again, love your videos.


Thanks for this helpful video.
Some martial arts, specifically Soo Bahk Do and some schools of Tang Soo Do incorporate qi gong into their practice. I do Tae Kwon Do and though not a part of our training, I do the 8 brocades as an introduction to yoga and stretching.


Thank You..This is exactly what information I was seeking...extremely help in making my decision.


All movement can be considered a type of qigong, if you move your body you move your Xue and your Qi.


If you have the privilege of learning from a good qigong master, then qigong is good. If you have the privilege of learning from a good taichi master, then taichi is good. If you try learning from youtube alone, most people can't get very far.

taichi = qigong + martial art.

taichi movements are (mostly) not repetitive, qigong are (mostly) more repetitive.


hi Jeff thank you. for your amazing videos and very ARTICULATE! thank you.for your wisdom. and advice I am following you and try this.God bless


Thanks. Good info. I have a friend who has practiced Tai Chi for years and she loves it. I looked at a few videos and it looked confusing. I don't have the money for professional instruction at the moment but am struggling with health issues. Like you said, I found Qigong easy to learn and immediately beneficial. If I am in a rush or am just uncomfortable and not at home, I can practice a few moves and get immediate relief. I have even found it more helpful than yoga, which I have practiced for years. I guess my Qi needed some assistance. Lol. At some point I plan to practice more advanced martial arts but it is not the right time. Thanks again for your content!


Some good practical points, but in practice there's a big overlap between qigong and taijiquan. Many parts of the taiji form are repeated as qigong exercises, and some qigong systems are based on fighting moves (e.g. wuxing ziran gong).


Thank you for your teachings, I am your student of Qi Gong, I appreciate you !


Thanks a lot Jeffrey for this explanation. I am Qi Gong Monitor and actually I am preparing an event to celebrate the World Day of Tai Chi & Chi Kung and this explanation helped a lot. It is really not a matter of one modality being better than the other (cause actually Tai Chi is a great form of Chi-Kung), it is just important to know both and decide which one suits you. If one choose both, than great. Thanks a lot.
