RAW vs JPEG: What Your Camera Isn't Telling You

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Dive into the RAW vs. JPEG debate and uncover the surprising truths behind camera histograms and image quality. Discover why the histogram on your camera might be misleading you and the advantages of shooting in RAW for dynamic range scenarios. Plus, learn when JPEG might be enough for your photography needs, especially in the age of impressive phone photos. Join us as we debunk myths and illuminate the best practices for optimal image results.

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Another thing though, which I have noticed myself doing quite a bit lately - I would bet dollars to donuts that at least half of the hobbyists who shoot RAW actually just click the AUTO button in Lightroom for exposure / saturation / WB / etc. control anyways, and export that to jpegs with only a little bit of fiddling with the sliders at most.

So basically you are still using a preset of sorts in that case - just not one from the camera manufecturer, but one from Adobe. Sure, a dozen-core multi-GHz desktop computer can still run much more advanced algorithms than what you can reasonably expect from the in-body jpeg engine... and of course you still retain a lot more dynamic range, lateral control, etc. from a RAW if you ever want to go back and re-edit something.

But one should be aware that if you shoot RAW and then just click AUTO in LR, that's relinquishing quite a bit of control. (I'm trying to ween myself off of it, even for straightening up the horizon - it's an OK guideline most of the time, but IMO still not 100% foolproof.)


If you are using any kind of photo processing software, it makes no sense to not shoot raw. In each of them it takes only one click to see a processed version. Klick on Auto and you see it. Then work from it.


Also the camera profile effects Lightroom Classic when you have your preferences set to use camera profile. Also the camera display histogram depends on the camera profile.


I would like to know if I can't trust the histogram on the camera, what should I trust? Should I just trust the exposure level indicator? I am using a DSLR, so would it be different on a mirrorless camera? Thanks


I got my first DSLR (D40, natch!) back in 2013 and I've been shooting RAW (NEF, ORF, whatever) from day one. Post processing IS part of taking a picture in my opinion, and even for phones I go with the ones that can actually shoot RAW and let me do my LR work on the pictures.

Especially since I shoot, like, a *lot* in low light and thus at higher ISOs, I'm super glad I have my RAW files from years back and can get quite a huge boost in image quality with LR's new AI Denoise function. You wouldn't have nearly the same capability with OOC jpegs.


I’ve been going through photos I took 8-10 years ago and kicking myself every time I notice that I shot something in jpeg knowing that I’m limited forever to how much post-processing I can do to them. My rear end is so sore from all that kicking😁 Luckily I did smarten up over the years and now I shoot raw 99% of the time.


Good stuff, but please try not to talk over each other. Very distracting.
