RAW vs JPEG Explained! Take your photography to the next level!

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RAW vs JPEG Explained! Take your photography to the next level!
In this video I will show you the difference between RAW and JPEG files, advantages and disadvantages.
It is really important to know the difference if you are serious about the photography.
Hope this video will help you.

Have fun!


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JPEG: if you have no intention to do post production editing

RAW: if you have intention to do post production editing


When you brightened up that cliff and all the details appeared out of nowhere it blew my mind! I've ordered my first DSLR and lens today, I'll definitely be shooting raw! Thanks Nemanja!


I didn't know Eden Hazard is Photographer!


JPEG = [Compressed] Less Quality + Less File Size
Raw = [No Compression] Ultra Quality + Huge File Size


I knew the difference but I didn't know that it was soooo big.
Thanks for opening my eyes


Comparing the files with food was the best explanation I had about it. So clear that it is impossible to forget.


Best explanation I've seen on RAW vs JPEG. Great work Nemanja!


I’ve been shooting jpeg for over 15 months now and this video just blew my mind! I’ll surely try out raw


And I like the background: Life is like a camera: Focus, Capture, Develop. Awesome!


RAW format is really amazing and its disadvantages are nothing in compared to that of the JPEG format. RAW is far more better than JPEG. Thanks for such an amazing explanation !!!!


I was a bit skeptical at first but I was INSTANTLY sold after he slid the shadow slider on the underexposed raw file.


Oh, thank you Nemanja! As a former physicist and computer graphics professional before seriously taking up photography in retirement, the differences were clear to me. But, how to explain them to nonscientists? Hopefully the "camera brand X has better color science than brand Y" crowd won't discover your heresy. However, since they may attack you through moral arguments, I do want to suggest that the difference is important even when you haven't made some exposure or initial white balance mistake. There are valid artistic and even professional reasons to do color toning in post-production, even if you "got it exactly right in camera".

One technical point. The big irreversible step is when you truncate from 12 to 15 bits to 8 bits. The entire game here, as you pointed out, is to delay that truncation as much as possible, to just before you send out the final product. Since your eye separates red, green, and blue the total number of colors is less important than the number of shades of each primary color. So, JPEG gives you 2^8 or 256 shades of, say, red. 14-bit raw gives you 16, 000 shades of red. If you do anything like change the white balance or especially use tone curves, vibrance, or clarity adjustments then you start to stretch and compress the distances between adjacent shades. Suddenly, something that was too small to see becomes visible as an artifact, as your examples showed.

My moment of truth was about two years after I bought a Canon Rebel XSi. I knew that it had an option for raw output, but I couldn't be bothered. I took a trip to Alaska, which because of life's little surprises, turned out to be a trip of a lifetime. After I came back, I figured out how to do raw and largely converted. After two years of learning, I realized that my Alaska pictures could be vastly improved by post processing. I started using my new skills on them, and very quickly ran into the problems you showed. So, my Alaska pictures, taken in weather conditions that professional photographers would have killed to experience, remain forever frozen in amateurland. I see nothing wrong with recording both JPEG and raw, but keep the original data as well for your unique images, in case you later grow as a photographer or artist.


I seriously love the enthusiasm that you bring to every single video. I love the way you explain things and I love the little bits of humor you throw in your videos! You are seriously the best Creator I have ever come across. I can not express my gratitude for you continuously posting amazing videos.


There's an old saying that goes something like: "When the student is ready, a teacher appears."

I know I'm late to this party, but I started to research raw format and came across this great video. It's what the Internet promised to do: make the knowledge of others available to anyone.

Well-done. Thanks.


I've never understood why anyone would spend large amounts of money on a good camera and lenses, then shoot JPEG!


Wow, the difference is incredible! I just bought my first DSLR and I'm so glad I stumbled across this video, not played around with settings much so far but after watching this I've just switched to RAW! Thank you.


The best description of raw vs jpeg by far! Thanks brother! You are the best


I already know something about the difference but this video clear all my doubts about RAW vs JPEG.
THANKS for the video!😍


First I learned something from this video.
Essentials are however:
1. One will need editing software to make RAW file even usable in the browser or for the printing. JPEG is a ready image.
2. RAWs are in the magnitude of 5 times bigger than JPEG and not for immediate use on Instagram or social sites.
3. If you have an understanding of OR good control over exposure and prefer natural light photography you can rely upon JPEG, for RAW you need to be fully aware of the editing process. And in cases where post-processing is needed RAW is essential.
4. RAW + jpeg is the way. With RAW you can RECOVER details: It is a safety mechanism, so essential to know.
5. An underexposed picture is always worse than an overexposed one (except in low light portrait), as you will introduce noise by increasing the brightness of an under-exposed image. So use exposure compensation mechanism while shooting itself.


You explained it in a fantastic way... I specially liked the part how you explained the disadvantages of RAW files..
