How to cook a filet mignon (FOOL PROOF)

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How to cook a filet mignon (FOOL PROOF)

Filet mignons have a bad reputation. They are the most expensive cut on the cow despite being lean. Due to the lack of fat, they are less flavorful than something like a ribeye or NY strip.

Despite this, I think they serve an important purpose. When introducing someone new to the world of steaks, filet is a great place to start! They are extremely tender, and while not always the most flavorful, they are always a crowd pleaser. This is my favorite way to cook one indoors!

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Thank you guys for watching! I know some people stand by reverse sear as the best method, but I like this way for 2 reasons:

1. With reverse sear, you need to be aware of the internal temp not rising too much since it’s already cooked, and I find that getting a thick crust can be a challenge

2. This method is lower stress. You aren’t filling the room with smoke directly before eating, and you have 10-15 min to get the rest of the dinner ready while it’s in the oven

Reverse sear might get you a slightly more “perfect” steak, but all in all, this is my favorite way. Re. the grey band, sear for less time and it will be smaller!


I bought a cast iron frying pan and followed your instructions closely, especially the part where you salt the steak the day before, which I had never done before, then the basting and the oven part. I even used a thermometer inside the steak. I love steaks and tried many times to cook them at home with varying results, but this time it was WOW. And that crust! Thank you!


Lost an hour of sleep, and now all I can’t think about is this beautiful chunk of filet warming my belly 🙃


I made filet mignon for the first time ..ever..last night using your technique. It turned out amazing!! Beautiful crust, tender, juicy, medium rare and melt in your mouth perfection! I would say it was the best steak I ever had.
Steak is my favorite food and I'm new to cooking it myself, this was only the 4th steak I've done. I want to say thank you for sharing your video and sharing you technique. ❤


Okay, man, you have the recipe for filet mignon, one of the most if not the most difficult steaks to get right! Tried your technique today and now your technique is mine as well. THANKS!


This is typically the way I cook filets indoors. I think another main benefit to this method is the thermometer is truly in charge to insure proper doneness. It’s quite easy to go “over” during the sear portion of the reverse searing process, in my experience.


Agreed, this is definitely a less stressful way to cook a steak, as well as a more consistent way.. Reverse sear will have slightly smaller grey bands, and more edge to edge pink, but it's certainly a lot more work/stress to obtain, and very easy to overcook it that way.


Very informative and easy to follow, great video!! Would love to see more vids like this on different cuts! Maybe next one can be about cooking ribeyes?


Loved this video. Hope this style becomes a series for all types of cuts!


I was skeptical of the 200 degree F, but it came out perfect. I usually blast it at 400 at least for 4-6 minutes after searing. That method seems to be the consensus amongst most people with the only difference in slight temperature preference and time. But this really is simpler and in my opinion better because of how even it cooks and how you can control the doneness by just letting it go a minute or two longer. If you get that wrong with the high heat method, it can go from rare to well in a hurry.


Hope to see more videos like this in the future!!! Seriously love videos with this style.


Just made this and it’s a serious game changer. Received nothing but praise. Thank you Max!


I Love the video! It worked really well and tasted great too. I found that you don’t necessarily need to stick it in the oven especially if the steak is not as thick as yours.


I discovered the magic of A5 American Wagyu filets and I'm never going back. Expensive? Oh, hell yes, but completely worth it.

Where other A5 cuts are almost too rich, and you can't really eat a lot of it, A5 filets are marbled like a Prime ribeye. So it's the perfect blend of fat richness and amazing tenderness.


Used this a couple months ago for a stay in Valentine’s Day with some Omaha Filets. This changed my mind on filet mignon and now I get why people are so obsessed with it. I’m making them again tonight, and doing a mash with broccoli rabe on the side, and I want to add a little red wine with that butter sauce as the meat comes up to temp in the oven. I came right back to this video. Thanks for the tips!


Love his videos, great preparations and visuals
Fun fact : i'm a vegan all my life 🤣😅


Hi max! watching the premiere right now. I love the long videos. Keep up the good work :)


Hey max first time commenting! I love your content but not so much for the actual content itself but for the passion you put into your work. Yeah ive been improving my cooking but i love watching you love what you do! Truly inspiring, have an amazing day and thanks for your time and effort.


I've come up to a very similar approach to cook a fillet. Even timings and the temperature to pull at.
But there are still some little new details for me to try, thanks for the video!

Compared to reverse sear, from my experience, the way you've described just results in a steak that's better.
I have no problem to get an evenly cooked fillet with a thin grey band, when using avocado oil.


Honestly that's looks amazing as hell. Great job max your content is always impressive 👍
