How To Research Your Service Connected Disabilities

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When you figure out how to research your service connected disabilities you can educate yourself about your disabilities, what types of secondary service connections you might be able to file, and most importantly if your current disability is even something that the Veterans Benefits Administration will compensate you for.

I am often asked questions about researching disabilities and I think what you guys are asking is how I would do the research so this is exactly how I would research service connected disabilities. Hopefully, something I do on the screen will be something that you can use in your research project.

You are going to need to download 38 CFR Part 4 The Schedule for Rating Disabilities in PDF format.

I like to download the PDF so I can search through it and highlight things with PDF Pen and I also will copy and paste things into a google document so I can get all my research in one document.

If you’re on a Mac here is a link to PDF PEN.

Here is 38 CFR Part 4 The Schedule for Rating Disabilities in PDF format for download.

Here is the M21-1 Adjudication Procedures Manual in a PDF download

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