Autism Routines (My Morning Routine 2022)

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Autism Routines (My Morning Routine 2022)

Here is what my daily autism morning routines looks like in real life.

This has been a long time in the making but here is what my morning routine is like. Showing you my autism routines this year.

First I wanted to do this as I have had a lot of requests for this and I thought it is about time to do it.

So I usually get up around 5-6 AM when my little boy wakes (yes he’s that kid 😂) - my partner hangs with them for 30 mins while I get myself ready.

I first get fully dressed and take a drink of water (no shower right away as you’ll know why)

Then I go down stairs to the bathroom and use the toilet. Once done with the toilet, I then start my miracle morning.

It starts off with brushing my teeth, then on to the miracle morning this consists of these times in this order for One minute.

- Silences (sitting in science)
- Affirmations (reading out my goals)
- Visualisations (looking at a vision board of my goals)
- Exercise (yoga, Tai Chi or simple push ups)
- Reading (try reading an ebook to improve my reading)
- Journaling (writing my thoughts down in a journey on my iPhone /iPad)

After this, I know i am going to work out shortly with a long walk, or run or work out so I wait to shower until i have fully worked out.

These are all to help my mental health, focus and sensory issues and they work brilliantly.

What does your morning routine look like?


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Thank you for being you and doing this wonderful work!


Nice routine! I thought some of it sounded familiar and then I head "The Miracle Morning". My morning routine is usually the one thing that I can look forward to always being the same and is the most comfortable part of my day. 3:45 am wake up and eat baked oatmeal (same breakfast 5 years running). Then I do all the brush teeth, fix hair and all that. Then head to the gym at 4:30. Workout for an hour and then head to work. My wife and I have discovered that I am a whole lot more functioning and less prone to meltdowns when I am actively in the gym.


I got a new job and am working on a new routine, it's been really difficult, I find I auto pilot to what I'm used to doing. My new routine is alarm goes off at 5:45am, snooze button until 6am, put coffee on, poop, 6:15 have a cup and read stock market reports, 6:30 exercise for 20 minutes, pour protein after 1st set, drink after second, after third have meta mucil, I call it poop juice, sit and have a coffee until 7am then go lay out clothes, shower and get dressed until 7:30, silent meditation until 7:40 then leave for work by 7:45am, arrive at work at 7:55am.


Thanks for the video! As someone struggling with my morning schedule I appreciate you sharing your routine.


So that’s why I do that, I always like to get up before my daughter. Prepping myself for breakfast time.
Seem to be learning about myself through your videos 👍


Dan, great video, I tend to stay up late but now want to wake early. I like to do mirror affirmations as well. (Mel Robbins Hi five habit type)
Also, in one of your shorts about autism hacks, you mentioned ufo's. Currently working a funny type of related thing, will let you know.
Also excited for nope movie and loved Super 8 - (2011), alien movies with some mystery and suspense.


I do most of this stuff my first thing I do attempt to wake up after 5-10 extra minutes of resting then I get up at 630-830 I then watch TikTok or YouTube shorts for things to one wake me up or two make me happy then I eat breakfast for exercise I walk between my work and back for two reasons one my ability to go for a while without getting tired is small so I use it to help get me more ability to exercise longer and two to make sure I have the energy I need at work now quick tips about me my mind and body are a little out of sync when my mind is not happy I get mentally exhausted but my body doesn’t care when my body is tired and my mind is happy I’m too focused on the happiness to notice that my body hurts so that’s why I look for things on TikTok or YouTube to make me happy so I have the energy to start the day another thing about me is that my physical body is strong and has good muscles despite a little pudge but despite that my ability to keep up use of those muscles is hard due to my ability to keep air going despite good breathing that’s y I walk to work and back


It's so interesting to hear what you do in your own morning routine!🤗 Must admit that I also have a pretty strategic morning routine myself(at least that I do the exact same things every morning). I could learn something about your routines, cause I'm not that great at getting my body psychologically ready for the day🤸🏼‍♀️ Usually, I wake up around 7; going straight to the kitchen to get a beverage before heading into the bathroom to get myself ready (skin routine, makeup, etc). (Some yt video playing on low volume in the background). After this I give myself good time to eat something light. End it all with finishing up in the bathroom before heading to work👟


I instantly noticed you changed your profile picture, I guess that’s part of noticing change quickly


Can you recommend a video for a 9 years old a day routine? Want to introduce my kid to a different kind of interesting stuff. Thank you.


For the past 5 years I’ve tried and tried to make a morning routine. I get all excited for it but then it never works out. Same thing with exercise. I’d do workout routines for like a month and then I’d completely give up. Lol nothing works 🤷
