Neck Strengthening Exercises - Ask Doctor Jo

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Let’s get started. Make sure you keep your neck in a neutral position with all these exercises, lined up with your spine. You should start off with a very light resistive band for the neck muscles since they are smaller muscles. I will use yellow for these exercises, which is the lightest band. Make sure you don’t choke yourself while doing these!

For the first set of exercises, put the band on the outside of your head on the side you want to strengthen. Then hold it on the opposite side. Don’t let the band slip off your head and pop you! Now bring your ear down towards your shoulder, but try not to lift your shoulder up towards your ear and keep it down. Slowly take your ear down, and slowly come back up. You don’t have to go far, just make sure you are controlling the band with the exercise, and try not to move your whole body. Then switch sides.

The next exercise is a chin tuck. This is not taking your chin to your chest, but it is actually pulling or retracting it inwards. You will have a lot of chins if you do this correctly. Now put the band behind your head, and hold the band in front of you. Tuck your chin in and hold it for 3-5 seconds and come back out. If you can’t keep it from sliding on your hair, you can wrap it around the back of your neck, but you might not get quite as much resistance.

Finally, you will do a neck rotation. This time, you will wrap the band behind your head and cross it in front of you, so there is an X in the band. Hold the band in front and slightly out to the sides. Rotate your head slowly to one side, and then to the other. This is like you are looking over your shoulder behind you.

You can also ice your muscles after you exercise for 10-15 minutes to cool the muscles and help prevent inflammation.

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Doctor Jo is a licensed Physical Therapist and Doctor of Physical Therapy.


Neck Strengthening Exercises:

PRODUCT PLACEMENT DISCLAIMER: This video represents the honest opinions of Doctor Jo. Thank you to Sunny Bay for providing Doctor Jo with a free Microwaveable Neck Heating Wrap to use in this video.

DISCLAIMER: This video and any related comments are not medical advice. Doctor Jo is a licensed Physical Therapist and Doctor of Physical Therapy; however, she is not YOUR Physical Therapist and can't possibly diagnose you through the Internet. So don't use this information to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they have given you. This information should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any medical condition. If you are not properly diagnosed, this information won't help, and it could make things worse. If you experience any pain, stop immediately and see your healthcare professional.
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I didn't know warming up your muscles meant literally warming them up.


Many thanks Dr Jo
Another very useful exercise
I am still using your CP knee exercise
and was recently able to run 5k with knee issues
Thanks really appreciate your kindness for sharing your knowledge and expertise


That chin tuck exercise seems to give nice relief from having a stiff neck from working too many hours on the computer.


Another great exercise, thanks Doctor Jo. Good job well done.


Thanks for this my doctor recommended me your channel for my neck issues


LOve the excercise, loosing muscle on one side of my neck, hope it helps that.


If you can't afford, a tube sock filled with rice heats nicely in the microwave as well.


haha I didn't know this was actually a thing, I already do these to help me resist getting a concussion from punch.
I also do jaw exercise with the resistant band.


Thank you Dr. Joe you are a life saver.


Hello doctor. Im having a lot of online classes and my neck is very stressed and so is my back. I try to walk a bit but im not able to do cause of exams. Pls suggest some excercises for the back also. Im doing all your neck exercises as of now.
Thanks and regards


I really am happy I came across this video, it is impactful!


thanks a lot for your Videos, that help me a lot. many of your excercises are implenmented in my traning.
greetings from germanY


Doctor before doing these exercises, is it necessary to warm the neck? Or I can do it immediately? And the rubber, does it harm the neck if it were tough and with high resistance?!


I teach my patient these ex but use my hand .thanx Dr jo


I had a neck injury a couple years back and any minor bump to my head causes headaches. Muscles on the back and left side of my neck will flare up. Any recommendations on exercises beyond what is on this video?


Hi Doctor Jo, How much time should be spent daily doing these exercises?


Can you plz teach few more for my cervical pain!


Do you have any tips for reduce trapezius inflammation?


Hey doctor jo,
Can we do theses after I recover from a whiplash injury?
