The Dark Side of Highly Sensitive People (HSP) [8 Mil Bonus]

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We made a video about dark empaths, but what about the dark side of highly sensitive people?

What is a highly sensitive person? An HSP is someone with a heightened central nervous system that causes them to be more physically and emotionally responsive to certain stimuli, or “things” part of their surroundings. HSPs are people with distinguishing qualities, including attentiveness, creativity, and more. However, just like anyone else, HSPs also have their not-so prideful qualities that balance out their good ones. Are you curious as to what some of these qualities may be, and if you or a friend relate to any?

Script Writer: Maryann Opida
Script Editor: Vanessa Tao
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Voice: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Cristina
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

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Thank you to everyone who celebrated reaching 8 Mil subscribers with us! It means a lot to be able to serve you.


As a HSP, I envy those who go through life unbothered and carefree. It's really stressful and overwhelming be overly sensitive, it feels like this world is too hostile.


The insecurity part hits hard like a knife stab to the heart. Seeming over-sensitive often leads to people judging you as weak. They'll either humiliate you or try to not associate themselves with you especially if you are a guy. Practicing having a cold poker face to hide emotions often comes off as rude, reserved and peeps never really get to understand how you are actually feeling. It's more of a curse than a condition. You understand the whole process as in whats happening and how it's happening and still won't be able to control your silly tear ducts.


For the young HSPs, I hope you all can find patience to be your strength. I believe that as we grow older, we might be more successful in dealing with our sensitivity without the hormonal boost


I always wondered why I cried at such little things, now I know I'm a HSP.


“HSPs are creative, very sensitive and take things too personally sometimes.”
_[INFPs and INFJs joined the chat.]_


ENFP + HSP and I always feel like I'm too intense for people. I love/hate this about myself. Last point about being insecure really hits home. Most people who aren't in tune with their emotions or view the world as black and white can't understand us. To fellow HSPs out there, learn how to pick your friends carefully as we can be easily affected by their moods & how they treat us. The world needs people like us. I appreciate the fact that we can feel the full spectrum of all our senses deeply. Emotions like grief, love, sadness. Enjoy processing the ups and downs. Life is an interesting ride with us ❤️


Wow 😮I’ve been told I’m too sensitive all my life, but ppl also wonder how I have a six sense about situations that always come true. I hate being surrounded by loud ppl, and I also in tune with tension in the air even when others don’t notice. I have found I’m more productive when I’m working from home, and I hate shallow inauthentic conversations. Your video is spot on, and an eye opener ❤


As a highly sensitive person such as myself, I can say that this is quite accurate. Or maybe that's just for me, who knows. Not everyone is the same.


The problem I have with being hsp is that it's a lot easier for me to become very depressed, sometimes it can swing instantly from being happy to feeling very depressed and alone. You want to be able to deal with it but you don't know what will work besides what you've already tried. People around you just don't always know what it's like or how to support which makes it even worse.


i'm so glad you mentioned how HSP could be mistook for Bipolar Disorder. I now feel like I understand myself better, as I am super sensitive and could use this definition to describe myself to others. Thankyou!


Wow, this is a very accurate summary! Took me 35 years of not fitting in and lots of suffering to find out that this is actually a condition and that I am not alone. About 15% of people are wired like this, but noone actually told me how normal my feelings and perceptions are for people like me. 10 years on, it still is not easy, you called it the dark side of hsp for a reason. Our society is not made for us to navigate by intuition and selfless acts alone. We would end up taken advantage of, ridiculed, at times destroyed socially. Oftentimes, we develop chronic health conditions. But we never give up hope in humanity, keep trusting in positive karma and, well, keep going until this world has become a better place for us to thrive.


Is it just me, or does anyone else almost cry when they watch Psych1Go videos that relate to them because they’re FINALLY being understood?


1. HSPs are critical 0:45
2. HSPs can be moody 1:36
3. HSPs are emotional sponges 2:26
4. HSPs are easily overwhelmed 3:07
5. HSPs can have difficulty setting boundaries 4:03
6. HSPs can be inscure over their sensitivity 5:00
I hope I could help!


I’m so happy these things are being talked about. I thought something was wrong w me most of my life.


Didn’t expect how accurate this would be. Wow 😅 sending love to all the other HSPs out there 💛


I am a very emotional person. And I agree to all of this.
I cry when I'm stressed
I cry when I'm frustrated / mad
I cry when in sad (duh😭$
I cry when embarrassed /humiliated
I cry when happy
I cry when anxious
And I cry when over whelmed


Pff, so accurate.
Every single one, it makes living almost unbearable, you don’t feel like you belong and nobody understands you and labels you as weak or weird form the beginning, it causes you to go into yourself more and be reclusive. Ya hit the nail on the head, nice job! 👌🏼


I've never watched a video that described me more fully or accurately. Nearly every word, every sentence, I was internally saying "Yes... YES!" It's both a blessing and a curse, but man, is it exhausting.


Well put! You basically summed up all my struggles with life. I think the biggest downside to being an HSP: the lack of legacy on how to manage the downside of being an HSP. It would have been nice if as kids, a knowledgeable adult could have noticed I was an HSP and taught me tools and strategies for managing it. Instead we're left to struggle and bcuz we're kids we don't have context for the upsets that everybody else takes for granted.

I have worked very hard to develop strategies and work through baggage so my dark side is more easily regulated, and I can experience more peace more of the time.
