The Truth About my 30,000 Steps a Day Challenge

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0:00 Intro
1:00 The Incredibly Surprising Results
3:23 Why I'm Glad I Did It
7:52 Your Comments
9:43 NordVPN
11:10 Outro
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Im just Have to put it here - you are the one of the few most original, most entertaining content creator that YT will ever get


It's a real watershed moment you realize it's not "I don't have time to do X thing" and instead it's "I'm not making X thing a priority right now". Forced me to really confront my priorities and, counter intuitively, stop feeling guilty about the things I wasn't doing. When I realized I was deliberately not prioritizing the thing I wasn't doing somehow it made me feel more comfortable about not doing it, as opposed to feeling like "Gah! I should be doing this thing but I'm just soooo busy!"


What this video proves is that many of us in your audience need closure. We won’t allow you to do a 30-day challenge and wrap it up with a “meh.” Thank you for the summary, for the closure, and, as always, thank you Nathan Wells.


In regards to the non-weight loss, you are actually pretty spot on why you didn't lose extra weight on 30k. Your body does want to maintain homeostasis to some degree and eventually if you increase your output too much, your body will compensation via lower energy elsewhere (higher hunger, lazier motion, lower brain usage). This can vary wildly person to person, in both directions. Its why some people never gain weight (their energy burn shoots up, hunger plummets) and why others struggle with weight loss (their energy plummets and hunger skyrockets). Most people are in the middle of course.

Influencers who tell you they know the formula to all of this are lying, its automatic and highly individual and only very early on in terms of research. In Craig's case, we don't know if the extra steps triggered the compensation or his already lower starting weight, or some combo of that (and tons of other factors).


I used to be a mail man and would walk 20-30k steps a day. Its hard to imagine doing something like this everyday that isn't required for work. Thats a lot of time to walk around everyday for ~15miles


Just sharing info. I went to see a postural physiotherapist because I was constantly aching while running. Turns out, I had ruined my running shoes by using them also for walking and I don't walk the same way I run so the whole shoe wasn't doing its job properly anymore. I changed shoes and my knees haven't hurt in a year now.
So bear that in mind, if running suddenly hurts, maybe you messed your shoes.


I think the thing about walking or exercising in extreme amounts, is that people overdo it to a point where it don't fit into their everyday routine - so if drains them mentally and physically during the challenge, and after, they revert completely. :)

What you want to do, is to look at what you are doing right now. And find ways to increase that to a realistic point. Preferably in a way that feels effortless. For me, my 'baseline' was 5.000 steps a day. So I chose to walk 30 minutes to the bus, instead of 15 minutes like I had been doing. (each way) Since it was only 15 extra minutes, it didn't feel like that much of an extra effort - but it is enough that I now reach 7.500 steps a day. Sometimes more, because the goal I have is realistic and 'effortless' - so it feels 'easy' to walk a little extra. Because it is something you want to do, and praise yourself for doing that extra - instead of punishing yourself for not reading an unrealistic goal.

Had I gone from 0 minutes to 30 minutes, it would have felt much more difficult, because the extra time spent would feel like a lot compared to what I was used to. So finding your baseline, and then increasing it little by little, that is how you build a habit. :) (though a challenge is super fun to watch)


I really appreciate that with all the talk of wind, you didn't let me down, and threw in a fart joke. Thank you.


Would love to see an update from your year of no alcohol challenge. Do you guys stick to the post challenge rules? Has habits changed? And other questions my brain can't seem to remember right now.


I love Craig's green guitar and his loyalty to it over the years


Got a genuine lol out of me with the "is your kid named Adolf" question.


I'm struggling doing 10, 000 steps a day, You're a champ!


Back in October I managed to average 20k for the month. It completely changed my baseline activity level. Getting 30k every day is wild. It takes so long to get sometimes.

The main reason I walk as much as I do is because of the improved sleep. If you find yourself having difficulty falling asleep (I had for most of my life), just increasing physical activity can solve the problem. My clock was closer to 30 hours than 24 and exercise can nearly fix that.


Love your videos! I'm not surprised that you didn't notice any major benefits with increasing to 30, 000 steps a day. Seems surprising, but "10, 000 steps a day" was chosen arbitrarily, mostly as a marketing thing, and your instinct to say "I dunno, get between 5, 000 and 12, 000 steps a day" is actually right! This has been studied thoroughly, and for most people, getting between 6, 000 and 8, 000 steps a day is ideal and more than that doesn't seem to have any long-term health benefits.


I'm glad you discussed this because my impression of the 30, 000 Steps Challenge was that you were pushing yourself past what was beneficial. I recently discovered the second wind in myself, so I feel better about pushing through a challenge - after a rest.


I became a big walker in 2020 and now I look forward to capping off my workday with it. Nice way to switch gears and get my heart rate up. I recently ran a half marathon which I trained a lot for. It was awesome and as soon as it was over I stopped running completely. I just don't love it. It was a challenge and now that's over. I still walk every day though!


This is PRIME YouTube content. You are killing it my dude.


I was once told:"You always have time to do [x], you just choose to prioritise other things." Like family, social life etc 🙂


I would love to see challenges that make Chyna's life easier :) Like a gastroni-meh series or meal prep? It seemed like 30k steps just meant less time with family and friends


We had a couple geese and chickens growing up, the geese were there to protect the chickens and they did their job very well. The chickens were completely free, they had a coop but we never closed them in at night. Never lost a chicken to predators. Geese are fierce!

I had a friend who learned the hard way, I told him not to mess with the geese, but he thought it would be fun, as you can imagine it ended with him running as the goose repeatedly pecked him on the butt. 😅
