Protect Your Energy - Qigong Exercises for Psychic Protection - Empath Training

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Build your Guardian Energy (Wei Chi) with this Qigong Exercise for psychic protection. This is ideal protective empathic training for highly sensitive people and helps to both protect your energy and remove negative energy.

This training is especially useful for people with weak auras, which leaves them vulnerable to psychic attack. In this video I lead you through visualizing two different aura colors to build the Qi (Energy) and Shen (Spirit) layers of your energy field.

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I’m so glad I found this!!! I’ve been going through a deep transformation in my life and I am realizing how much of my issues have been caused and intensified by my weak aura and energy sensitivity. I let so much in that I don’t even know what my true self feels like. After just one session of this routine I can feel a huge difference, I know this will be an important part of my process of realigning with my higher self and protecting my energy. Thank you so so much 💚 🙏🏻


That was incredible I immediately felt the power field encase me. I’m an empath an Iv been struggling for years with stabilising my body mind and energy, especially after I invest a lot of time on centring myself but as soon as I interact with the outside word I’m immediately effected again and is been an ongoing struggle for me. I’m so glad I found this exercise I will be doing this regularly now. Thank you so much 🙏🙏🙏


What a beautiful meditation! Thank you!
By the way, what books would you suggest on qigong?


Will be coming back to this one! oof, I needed that. Thank you for all you do!


As soon as I put this video on the TV I feel a shift. I can breathe better. I have been using this every night for approximately 2 weeks. I have noticed I am more conscious and present.
Sometimes, I do it 3 times in a row because it feels so nice. And since it is so easy to follow, I will do it when I am in my backyard or in the park.
I feel the golden light rising up from the earth. Your direction makes it easy to picture the light flowing through me.
Great video!


Pleasure watching this practice, Nick. Do you recommend this routine be put at the front or back of a longer routine?


Wearing mittens/gloves when it's cold or vynile/latex gloves (health practitioner) would it interfere with the benefit of QiGong? Can we still move energy wearing these on our hands? Bright Blessings!


This was very energetically empowering. Thank you brother.


I'm 48 and found out recently I'm a empath. Growing up with out internet, it wasn't too easy knowing why I couldn't fit in. Plus when younger teachers and parents we're not informed about empath children. Last month I been doing lot's of research about being a empath. Too bad this information about how to protect my energy came to my so late in life. If I would known this as a child my life would have been very different.😥


As a energy healer I will definitely will be doing this routine before each session! Thank you!!!!


really felt myself connecting with my own energy and protected - thankyou


I need the strongest removing attachments and protection you got, hour long please. I don't have my powers


Is this not Tia Chi? Looks exactly same as some of the moves they do with that? 🤔


What a great way to start the day, thank you!


I haven't even tried this yet, I've just been watching the video to see what qi going is all about but wow! I felt this very calm peaceful energy just from watching the video alone. I'll definitely be trying this! Thank you 💜


I find this so helpful after i am done working. it's so simple and every time i do it, it goes a bit deeper! Thanks.


This was great, thank you! Where is that awesome tree house?


Hey Nick,
I've been doing Qigong for decades for health and martial arts and your video was a great reminder of always being being the student. I needed a method of protection as I have always been way too empathic and always dealing with "the dark side" lol! These movements were greatly effective and without a lot of new age fluff. Straight to the point, no nonsense work. Thank you Sir!


I do this almost daily ... 3/4 speed or 1/2 thanks for posting 83 yo tai ji player also I remove my watch during this practice ..


Thanks for this just did an exercise called Clearing the Eight Nests, which was great but made me feel too open. This helped me feel sealed up again
