BONUS EPISODE: Leighton Flowers: The Bible Verses That Made Me Leave Calvinism DMW#212

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In this bonus episode, Greg sat down with Dr. Leighton Flowers. Leighton is a Pastor, Professor, and Apologist. He is the creator of @Soteriology101 . In this episode, Leighton explains the reasons why he left Calvinism after 10 years, and what bible verses led him to that decision. It was an interesting episode. Enjoy!
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Love Dr Flowers. He makes things so clear and deals with the contradictions that calvin's followers present.


Their view of God is not High enough. They can't fathom God giving us free will and still be able to have His perfect will accomplished. We can only be predetermined robots. They claim a higher view of God but I find that to be untrue.


Dr. Flowers is my guy! His videos kept me from going down the road of Calvinism a few years ago and his resources have helped me show people the flaws in Calvinism. Very thankful to have found him and grateful for his misnistry!


The following 2 verses prove Calvinism is false:

“you were also RAISED WITH HIM THROUGH FAITH in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead. And when you were dead in your wrongdoings and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He MADE YOU ALIVE together with Him, having forgiven us all our wrongdoings, ”
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭2‬:‭12‬-‭13‬ ‭

These verses say 4 things:
FAITH precedes being raised to LIFE from the dead
This happens while we are dead in our sins and when we are ungodly.
This happens before God spiritually circumcises us and frees us from our bondage to the flesh and sin.
This says/means: ungodly humans - who are spiritually dead in their sins - and who are uncircumcised and are thus still in bondage to their flesh/sin CAN HAVE FAITH. People dead in their sins HAVE THE ABILITY TO HAVE FAITH.

FAITH is a prerequisite to being raised from the dead/made alive.
Faith precedes being raised to new life (being born again).
Life comes after/through faith.
Faith comes before life.
But Calvinists say we get life first to be able to have faith (to then be made alive again).
But this text clearly says we are dead when God makes us alive - that rules out the Calvinist regenerated life.
This is a verse saying dead people who are in bondage to sin can have faith.

James White tries to say the circumcision in verse 11 is Calvinistic regeneration:

“and IN HIM you were also circumcised with a circumcision performed without hands, in the removal of the body of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ, having been buried with Him in baptism, in which you were also raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.”
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭2‬:‭11‬-‭12‬

But it can’t be because:

verses 12-13 say we are made alive (through faith) while we are still uncircumcised - i.e. faith and life come **BEFORE** circumcision.

And verse 11 clearly says the circumcision happens IN HIM - and that would mean Calvinists are saying you get IN CHRIST before being regenerated.
And Ephesians 1:13 says we are only sealed IN HIM
after we believe:

“In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation—having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of the promise, ”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭1‬:‭13‬ ‭


Amazing interview. I wish this brother and Your Calvinist would just chill regularly with Flowers and crew. So much better than formal debates that are “one and done.” The fellowship vibe is appealing because it lacks the emotional and defensive posture that debates often times produce. As a non-Calvinist I have much respect for their friendship to Flowers and humility. ❤


I love that you are able to have guest on like this even if you disagree. It's so important to love each other in the body if Christ. Also I have learned so much through leightons ministry!! God bless you both for being great examples of Christ love to eachother.


Not familiar with this guys podcast but so appreciate his demeanor and spirit of brotherhood. How refreshing!


Every time I listen to Flowers talk about Calvinism, and Provisionism, I'm reminded that without God's effective Grace, giving me a new heart, I would never have believed in Him!


I have listened to Leighton as a gift from the Lord starting 6 years ago to a confused me and a somewhat distraught me. Raised in Dallas Seminary circles, I guess it was explained to me that except for the L in Tulip, Calvinism is pretty much a correct way of seeing things, but it messed me up. I could hardly ask my questions because I felt so dumb and out of sync with the scholarly ones who taught Calvinism with such confidence. Not only that, but in many teachings, Calvinist thought is woven in with no real addressing of the inconsistencies with basic gospel-enlightening verses. One example of a hard question for me was, "If I pray for an unbeliever to be saved, isn't that praying against God's will if that one is not elect?" I was afraid to make people stumble concerning Scriptures like " He has mercy on those whom He will have mercy, " etc. I gave up reading and thinking on it, and prayed that if it was important for me to understand, the Lord would bring the right info to me: Praise my kind Lord God: youtube gave me Soteriology 101, A good friend gave us The Augustinian Roots of Calvinism by Ken Wilson, and a scholarly peer review paper on that book, and What Love is This, by Dave Hunt (I found that one in an obscure place). 9 months of reading with my husband left me way more at peace. Way more. Now my struggle is with the "so called Lordship Salvation" which seems connected with Calvinism vs. FREE grace. Final Destiny by Dillow (I have it...but whoa getting my brain and heart around it is a challenge for sure. So grateful for believers willing to help the body by teaching what God meant in His beautiful, glorious Word.


Leighton at the "Why Calvinism" conference reminds me of the movie Blade. He's the day walker lol.


It’s sad how many in here don’t truly know Gods word. The doctrine of election is such a beautiful story of Gods love towards His son and vise versa. People are so wrapped up in their carnal flesh that they can’t submit to Gods word. SMH


Thumbs up, because LF Soteriology 101 is in the house 🏠


You can hardly hear them, why is the sound so low, I need to keep the sound almost on maximum to hear anything!!


So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy.


When I left Calvinism, I found out my closest “friends” considered me an enemy.


What troubles me is how any Christian becomes a Calvinist, Provisionalist, or Arminian by a person and not by Scripture alone.


that's Dr. Leighton Flowers, not Mr. Flowers


Can a Calvinist assist me with this question? Can a person enter heaven if he does not go to a reformed church or believe reformed doctrine? Thank you in advance and please make your answer short and to the point.


Troubling, narrow, and agonizing is the way of the truth, Jesus said.


Jesus said to them, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?”
