Do You Have ADHD??

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Complex Borderline Personality Disorder: How Coexisting Conditions Affect Your BPD and How You Can Gain Emotional Balance. Available at:

In this video, we're going to discuss what it means when you think you might have ADHD and what to do if you believe you do. We'll discuss the different symptoms of ADHD, including memory loss, cognitive overload, and more. Hopefully, after watching this video, you'll have a better understanding of what ADHD is and how to get the help you need. Remember- there's no single answer for how to deal with ADHD, so don't hesitate to reach out for help if you need it!

Daniel J. Fox, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist in Texas, international speaker, and a multi-award-winning author. He has been specializing in the treatment and assessment of individuals with personality disorders for over 20 years in the state and federal prison system, universities, and in private practice. His specialty areas include personality disorders, ethics, burnout prevention, and emotional intelligence.

He has published several articles in these areas and is the author of:

Complex Borderline Personality Disorder: How Coexisting Conditions Affect Your BPD and How You Can Gain Emotional Balance. Available at:

Thank you for your attention and I hope you enjoy my videos and find them helpful and subscribe. I always welcome topic suggestions and comments.
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Oh man, watching my favourite psychologist stuff his mouth with marshmallows while explaining psychology was not something I thought Id be witnessing today, youre a treasure to the science😊


I was treated for borderline symptoms for 18 years before I got my ADHD diagnosis. The assessment for ADHD was very thorough (and so long, took aprox 5 hours) and I was surprised to learn I have it. It was explained to me by the doctors how some ADHD features can look like borderline - impulsivity, inability to control/ manage emotions, seeking constant stimulation/ mining for dopamine through sexual promiscuity, risky behaviours, etc. I'm so confused right now as to what is what, and what to treat and how to go about it.


The risks this man endures for us! Seriously, thank you Dr Fox for all you do.


I love the tone of this video. I'm not sure if it was intentional, but you can tell that Dr. Fox knows people with ADHD will be watching it and how to make the video well suited to us.


I have low level ADHD with a sidecar of Anxiety and Depression, and it looks like BPD traits.
Masking, stress, diet, anxiety, depression, etc lowers the number of marshmallows I can process. ADHD overload triggers my maladaptive behaviors… thanks to this channel I’ve been able to recognize the splitting as it starts. So when I’m ruminating and spinning I can tell myself to put down my communication devices and wait until the splitting stops.


Hi Dr. Fox, would you be able to do a video on being less forgetful with ADD/ADHD? Some tips or exercises to help with mindlessness would be wonderful. We really appreciate your content 😊


5:21 when the marshmallows started falling I cackled with laughter!
I have ADHD that wasn’t diagnosed until I was 36, and after my elementary aged son was diagnosed. The analogy of information just dropping out is so spot on!
Stimulant medication helps my brain slow down enough to be able to grab that information, but behavioural strategies and executive function skills are vital because those are what enable me to retain and to process the information.


i’ve been watching your videos for a couple of years now. i suspected i had bpd during my third or so intense heartbreak. it also turned out that i had undiagnosed adhd that i couldn’t find treatment for until a few years into my phd program. i’m sure you’re familiar with the women being under-diagnosed issue. i think the frustration of being so misunderstood most of my life was a huge factor in the severity of my shame and bpd traits. i relied heavily on romantic partners to validate my struggles with adhd and alleviate my intense emotional pain. i went through a lot of therapy and i’m significantly better at relationships (actually engaged now). i hope to see you make more adhd videos soon because you have been so helpful in my bpd recovery, and adhd is another thing i hope to learn to manage better. thank you for everything!


I started the video with the intention to watch it with my highest attention and focus as possible. It took me a whole hour to finish it... tell me I don't have ADHD.. and I didn't even need to look at the comments, my thousands of thoughts and monologues which I went through were already enough. it really sucks...


Thank you for this video and all videos relating to personality disorders as it helped me to understand and help my partner. Would you be able to do another video about A.D.D/A.D.H.D and different strategies that could help and explain the effect of medication good and bad?

Thank you for your help in other videos! It's great to see someone getting rid of all the stigma around personality disorders and explain the full picture.


Can't wait! Thank you for all your work Dr. Fox ☺️


Really enjoy your content. I was wondering if there has been definitive studies showing differences of BPD brains with MRIs


Adhd does present differently in males and females. Some are more hyperactive and struggle to focus but this again is on a spectrum. Other times it feels like you are tired, unmotived and even chronicly depressed. I personally dont relate to this brain strain aspect as being the core of my symptoms. Fun to watch though and glad it wasnt a YT Short vid, they bug me.


Omg!!! In my opinion, one of the best example of ADHD!! I’m sorry I had to laugh Dr. !!😂 I work with learning disabilities students and this makes perfect sense to me!!! I have ADD and I understand why I feel so overwhelmed at times. Thank you Dr.! Excellent!👏🏽👏🏽👍🏽👍🏽


That’s great ... I needed a bit of a giggle this morning.


What do you think of Dr. Gabor Maté's assertion that ADHD is caused by early trauma?


You can tell those last 3 marshmallows were rough lol, thanks for your dedication as always Dr. Fox :)


"You're not supposed to talk with your mouth full, but it's for education!" Every intellectually curious person understands this statement. lol

EDIT: I laughed so hard at this, I'm bookmarking it. If I'm ever sad about the state of the world, I'm coming back to watch this video.


Man, they wronged you with thumbnail. Request another.


Omg this is so accurate!! I am amazed. I will use this analogy in the future.
