Bishop Barron on the Mass

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Why is the Mass so important? Why is it the “source and summit” of the Christian life? It is the most beautiful encounter between friends and it is an anticipation of the play that will be our permanent preoccupation in heaven.

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Thank you, beautiful. Protestant here, intrigued by the Catholic way.


I am a convert from atheism and from protestantism. The Divine Liturgy is one of the gifts of the true orthodox faith. Some who condemn Vatican II I think are confused between what Vatican II said and what people did with it. Our Mass today is very weak, in my opinion, and I've seen the liturgy in multiple forms, including traditional Latin Mass, Eastern Orthodox Mass, and others. Here's the thing: it's not the Latin young people are looking for, really. What they're looking for is that rootedness in something that goes far beyond this generation or this century or this era, and connects us to all who came before and all who are to come. It's not that we shouldn't have had liturgical reform or that we shouldn't have started using the Vernacular instead of Latin. The issue is too much changed at once, and the changes are NOT resonating, and the idea that it's just old people who can't get used to change has to go: YOUNG people are FLOCKING to Traditional Latin Masses. I saw one girl still in her teens (or early 20s at most) say "If you're not choking from the incense it's not Catholic enough."

It's not really the Latin. It's the strength, the solemnity, and the strong sense of connectdness to ALL of our past and ALL of our future.

Your Excellency, tell your brother Bishops: countless of us, including even recent converts, are not looking for "new and exciting." What we find "new and exciting" is what we might call, like the old protestant tune says, "That Old Time Religion." Please push harder to get it for them. For us. For the Faithful.

Gimme that Old Time Religion, give me that Catholic Tradition.


We don’t go to the mass because we HAVE TO. We go to the mass because it’s a privilege and we are blessed to be free to go.


Thank you!! for this video.
I didn't grow up in a Catholic School, so I had very little teaching about the mass,
And just few years ago
I had a huge conversion
And I truly mad the Risen Lord in the Eucharist!!!
And I've been a Catholic my whole life. My prayer is that all priest would talk more cuz there is never enough to preach more of the real Presence at Mass Heaven!! came down to earth. I mean how can even we talked about the mass it's a mystery that he became Bread, &Wine, He makes himself so little, I love the Lord!! with all my heart. So my spiritual eyes been open
And I'm praying for all the people that will see this video so they can say I want to know more I want to taste more. Thank you and God bless!!


The Holy Mass is everything - the most important part the Church and our Faith it is Heaven on earth. It is God with us. It is our Heavenly food Jesus here on earth offering Himself everyday to us. I love the Mass and would go every day to attend Mass. Am 88 yrs old an unable to attend personally but able to watch in tv or Internet. God bless you Barron for explaining it so well. Without the Mass life would be unbearable.


I love Bishop Barron, but I'm a little taken aback that he didn't use the word sacrifice one time unpack the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass


I can't wait to go to Mass every Sunday. Love it Father.


I'm just here for the "Liberals/Modernists vs. that this topic tends to produce. :P


Please, in the charity of Christ I ask you to get a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. You will find the answer to your comment. ( you took my reply out of context, very unchristian. )


I love you Your Excellency, you're such an inspiration to me!


The sacrifice! You must tell people about the sacrifice! They'll understand eventually but you have to speak about it.


God's revelation of himself to me through the Mass.In a nutshell that is what I have experienced on my journey.A lifelong Catholic , altar boy, regular family upbringing, long time choir member, developed a love for the Rosary.I guess I could go on.The realization of the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist is something where I now say Yes of course why didn't I see it before. It's mystical and yet so normal.


Tamberines and guitars, less reverence, less respect, a focus on the congregation vs a focus on God. No wonder people have no idea what is going on. LESS is LESS! As a millennial who recently discovered that the Traditional Mass is more than simply Latin, I join the call to return to the pre-V2 liturgy! A Bishop Barron YouTube video can't fix the unfixable!


It’s my thought that he has read (and memorized) each and every book behind him.
We love you Bishop Baron.
God bless you and all the work you put into it.


Extraordinary Form is the answer father!


Interestingly, the word liturgy comes from leitourgia, which translates to "public work". As a priest, I find myself encouraging people to mass as an act of duty that will reap future benefits for them spiritually and generally. It would be nice to encourage them on a basis of leisure that communicates the beauty and greatness of the divine, but alas, our masses convey very little of that reality.


Being one of those Catholics who, for just over a year now, has stopped attending Mass, I wanted to share a few verses from the Bible that recently struck me with fear and awe and love at the words of our Lord:

"He that is not with Me, is against Me; and he that gathereth not with Me, scattereth." Luke 11:23

"I am the LORD your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide and I will fill it. I would feed you with the finest of the wheat and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you." Psalm 80:8-10, 16

Come, O brothers and sisters, the Bridegroom calls us to the royal banquet! When He walked among men in the flesh, He ate with poor sinners in intimacy and preached repentance and the coming of the Kingdom of God. He wrought miracles and wonders in their lives. In our Mass, He does this still, veiled under signs and mysteries.

"How precious is Thy steadfast love, O God, the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Thy wings. They feast on the abundance of Thy House and Thou gavest them drink from the river of Thy delights. For with Thee is the fountain of life and in Thy light do we see light." Psalm 35:7-9

And finally, let us also meditate on how strange it is that the greatest holy martyrs among our forefathers, preferred to risk their lives in times of Roman persecution, to attend liturgy, in the dark of the early morning or late at night, rather than be absent.

Come, O brothers and sisters, the Bridegroom calls us to the royal banquet!


Your Excellency,

I was born and raised Catholic and I couldn’t agree with you more about holy mass! Actually, I just got done severing at holy mass as a altar server. I been a altar server for 20+ years and still does it at age 34. I went to catholic private school from 5th grade onward but the day that I finally understand just how important the holy mass is, was the day that I became a altar server:)! To be so close to Jesus Christ is so beautiful and so emotional


If you have a loving relationship with God through daily prayer among other things, you will love going to Mass. Many Catholics show up to Mass as if to a stranger's house so I could argue many of the same 70% Bishop Barron talks about don't like spending an hour of their time with Someone they don't know. I believe the majority are not against God but somehow with the devil's help have pushed God aside and chosen the world first. Yes the 70% were Baptized, yes they were Confirmed, yes they're called Catholics but have they made a commitment to Christ? Do they know, love and serve God? I pray for all non-practicing Catholics because somehow they've forgotten the simple fact that the more you love God the more you'll feel His love for you - and there is nothing in this world as wonderful as this! Nothing even close!!! It is a wonderful banquet but 70% of Catholics are spiritually starving. In other words if you love God, Mass is a celebration with your brothers and sisters before God ("For where there is two or three gathered..."). I pray at least an hour a day but I always, always look forward to the joy, honor and blessing to attend Mass and celebrate as a community and receive what the song calls "amazing grace" from all aspects of the Mass including the heavenly blessing and grace of the Eucharist. Thank you Bishop Barron and all the clergy as well as all the support that make the Mass possible.


The greatest absurdity ever put out by the Roman church was that the creature could eat its Creator. Trent is very clear on what the Mass is. It is an actual bloodless sacrifice, it is propitiatory in nature and Christ is immolated in the process. In other words, Christ dies during the Mass in an unbloodied fashion, basically burned alive, the meaning of immolation. It is not biblical, transubstantiation is not biblical. Christ died once and for all, His sacrifice had only to be done once and no, He does not get off His throne and move body, soul and Divinity into a cracker every time a priest commands Him to. The Mass is an abomination.
