The Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist // Bishop Barron at 2020 Religious Education Congress

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For my keynote talk at the 2020 L.A. Religious Education Congress, I spoke about the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Vatican II says that the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. However, recent polls show a widespread misunderstanding of the Eucharist and a massive failure in communicating the doctrine of the Real Presence. It is time for all of us—Catholic catechists, educators, and evangelists—to pick up our game about this absolutely essential sacrament!





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I am a Protestant and have been all my life since I was baptized in the Episcopalian Church. I watched and intently listened to Bishop Barron's entire sermon on Christ in the Eucharist. This was the first time I have ever fully understood this doctrine, and it has given me a lot to consider and pray about. Thank you, Bishop.


Born into a Muslim family, rejected it as a young child, travelled the world and looked for answers . I was a seeker with an insatiable hunger for wisdom. I wanted the answers for why are we here? What is our purpose ? What happens when we die ? Who's god ? Why is there suffering and evil in this world ? For 10 years I was heavily involved in the new age movement practicing anything that falls under the term of ‘trendy spirituality’ from kundalini meditation and yoga, law of attraction, tarot cards, chakra and energy healing, astrology, manifesting with crystals and other pagan based rituals.. THANK YOU BISHOP I was baptised into the Catholic church at Easter and I owe it to you, your wisdom and beautiful sermons that helped me understand our lord and saviour jesus Christ . ❤


I have joined the Priesthood and will be ordained in 2 years. Very happy for the Holy Eucharist 🥰


For 30 years I wanted to become a Catholic. When this miracle happened for me by Msgr. Esseff it was done in a very humble way without anyone knowing it. I will never forget it. My heart swelled not with pride but with the love of God. I became God's cheerleader for one year after receiving for the first time. I believe and receive. Praise God. ❤️


I went to a Catholic mass today for the first time after denying for 5 years. I’ve been Protestant and after a deep study of the early church fathers I have decided to convert. I saw the Eucharist and felt unworthy to even look at Him so I left. Pray for me. I need to go to confession and start the RIC something. I was salivating at first before the weight of my sin fell on me. This is the real deal. God bless you all and may The One Tue God bless you with Eternal Life.


Receiving Jesus in the Eucharist is the best thing in my life.


I am transitioning from the Protestant church to the Catholic church, so this is extremely helpful. Thank you so very much Bishop Barron!


I’m getting baptized April 8th so grateful and thankful to be able to participate in the Eucharist


I am a recently confirmed Catholic and firmly believe that the body, blood, divinity and spirit is present in the Eucharist. 🙏✝️🛐🙏🏻


I seem to spend my life clinging to the coat tails of holy and wise people. Thank you Bishop Barron for allowing me to hang on to you and your wonderful words.


This is a speech that should and will go down in Church history. Thank you, Bishop Barron.


I was raised catholic and lost my way in my teenage years because I felt the church refused to challenge me intellectually. I’m 25 now and I have found god. I still believe the church has lost its way a bit but thanks to the good bishop and many others like him i have found my way again!


I was away from the Church for 2 years and suddenly I had the desire to receive the Holy Communion, but I put off my conversion and I felt ill, I again desired to receive the Holy Communion, to be healed. So I went to confession and received Jesus, and Jesus gave life in me. Many walk away from Him, but He's always there, ready for us and forgiving without making us feel fearful. How ungrateful we are. Forgive us Lord, for our offenses.


Powerful! If only we could give this talk a million likes! Thank you, Bishop!


I never doubted this. In fact, I had a literal life saving Eucharistic miracle in 2012. My Doctors can't figure it out. But here I am alive and well.


My belief in the Holy Eucharist is the reason why I never left my Catholic faith "Do this in memory of me" and "Today I shall see you in Paradise" . To me these are Jesus most holy words He gave to us here on earth. Deo Gratias.


As a Protestant Minister, this was the most powerful presentation of the meaning of the Eucharist I have ever heard. My celebration of the Sacrament will never be the same. God bless you, Bishop.


Truly, Jesus is present in the Eucharist. My Lord, and my God!♥️🙏


Thank you for sharing the story of St. Thomas Aquinas crying during the Eucharist. There are times that I am moved to tears of joy and gratefulness for the work of our Lord Christ Jesus.


This is so NEEDED by our people in the pews on Sunday! Continue to spread this message Bishop Barron - thank you!!
