How To Make SUPER STRONG Wax Melts For Beginners: Blending Waxes Together For Better Scent Throw!

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In this video I'll be going over how to make SUPER strong wax melts by blending 2 waxes together for an even better hot throw as well as giving you my recipe for wax melts! Blending these 2 waxes together makes the PERFECT wax melts. They break apart super easily (just like you want) and are super strong (some customers have told me they're stronger than Bath And Body Works Candles!!) 2 Cubes will last a decent amount of time and fill a large area depending on the fragrance used.

Things I Used In Today's Video (Some links are affiliated):

Waxes Used: IGI 6006 & IGI 4625 (Can find both at most suppliers!)

(This is not the scale I used today but one that I have used in the past, the one I use now is no longer available)


**Stuff I Use For My Business (Some links are affiliate links which help my channel and business grow at no extra cost to you!)**

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Use Code: "1994CANDLE" at checkout for 15% off your purchase!

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*DISCLAIMER* Always make sure to test your candles and never just use my (or any one else's) process without testing. Every wax, wick, and fragrance combo can and usually will change your entire candle! You MUST test before selling your own candles.

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Never seen a person with such a genuine


Excellent tutorial! Thank you so much for sharing!❤❤❤


Hi! New subscriber here! Loving your videos and your gentle demeanor. I've already learned so much from you!


What a sweetheart!!! Thank you so much for sharing, I was so confused and needed this tutorial. Subscribed happily❤❤❤


Hi, Nick! Thank you for another GREAT video! It just happens that I love making wax melts/tarts for friends of mine who have no business being near a candle flame!!!! I would like to have your opinion of the wax that I currently use for melts/tarts. Although I am grateful for your ideas about blending waxes, I have never been quite secure enough to try that. Instead, I have relied upon Pillar of Bliss (Nature's Garden). I get wonderful cold and hot throw, and the melts release easily from the clamshell. Have you tried Pillar of Bliss? If you have used it, how does it compare with the wax blend that you demonstrated in this video presentation? I really am curious about your thoughts. Again, thank you for your work in this art/business, and thank you, too, for sharing so much. As always, your video presentations have a way of keeping me current in candle making. Take care!


New here and watching your video. Thank you for going over everything and going slow about each thing.


Thank you, love it very much, you made the project seem so easy. Thank you for explaining. Will love to see more videos like this.


I love this! I will have to try this blend. I use problend 650 now. I love it but always want to experiment!


SO helpful!!!! Thank you so much! Subscribed and highly recommend you


I just subscribed. I enjoy your videos and how easy you teach. I've been looking for best wax for wax melts and this was perfect because I already use 6006. Thank you!


I use Soy A27. I love the texture of it and it throws really well, but it’s really hard to get in the USA.


someone took this recipe and slightly altered the measurements and is selling it on their pateron btw, i was subscribed to theirs specifically to have access to the recipe & noticed it was basically the same as this. i wasnt sure if u were aware so i thought i would let you know. thank you for this video.


Thank you ❤ I had all of these things already so I’m about to go make some❤ what is the cure time you go by for these?


Thanks could you do more videos on 6006 wax please thanks


Thank you! Good tutorial and you seem so sweet


Great video! This confirmed for me my thought on adding a little parrafin wax to my Apri-Coco Wax for firmer, less messy melts! Everything else seems to be just as making my candles as well... but did I miss the approximate temp you poured into the clamshells? (I purchased mine from a candle supplier: either Makesy, Dream Vessels, or 16 17 some months ago lol)

Thank you!


Hi Nick, do you think I could mix problend 650 with igi 4625? What percentage would you recommend?


I use 464 soy wax for squeezable melts … can I use it for these ?


Hi! New subscriber here! Loving your videos and your gentle demeanor. I've already learned so much from you!
