SUPER STRONG Self-Working Card Trick! Tutorial

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Learn this insane self-working card trick that fools everyone including magicians! The method to this card trick is super simple yet so mysterious that no-one will be able to figure out how you did it!

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Hope you enjoy this tutorial!
After you’ve learnt the methods and have done the trick loads of times as I have. You be able to quickly count the key card position while the cards are spread on the table even after the spectator chooses the card! It’s such a fun trick!
Follow me on Instagram: @magicsteveuk


I'm sorry, but I couldn't see when you 'found the key' during the performance. You went directly to the spread without doing that, unless you didn't mix the cards at the beginning, which is not the case.


Thank you Steven for sharing a brilliant card trick. Can you also please teach us the black magic, lol, you used to peek at the 26th card in your performance? It definitely wasn't a false suffle in case you knew the 26th card already. There wasn't a jump cut in the video editing either. So, to stop us going crazy, would you please explain how you did that? Thanks.


The last comment is exactly why I was going to comment. Your performance doesn't match your explanations but it will work if following your tutorial. You have another trick which was impossible to get the planned results but I changed it up and looks and performs better. Thanks for the magic.


Good trick. I like it and I'm sure it will become part of my repertoire. However, I think you should explain what happens if and when counting the 26 cards after you locate your key card there isn't enough cards to complete the count straight away. In that case, you just continue the count starting from the face of the deck. Less experienced magicians probably won't know to do this. Yes, good trick. I like it! Thanks for sharing! P.S. I like the fact that you have a copy of 'Mark Wilson's Complete Course in Magic' on the shelf behind you. I give a copy of it to all of the new magicians I meet. Heck, I still refer to it myself at times and I've been performing for over 25 years now.


Hi Steven another really fab card trick. I added a slight twist at the front end by testing the spectator's ability to cut exactly to the 26th card and then getting them to confirm by counting face up to the 26th card. Keep up the great work Also loved "The GREATEST Card Trick Ever - TUTORIAL! " Cheers mate.


Why are all of these comments hate! Steven, you put so much effort into your videos and thank you for being such a good teacher! Keep on going!


I think the trick was very good, the explanation was good. Also, if you saw the beginning of the trick and there was something you didn’t understand or maybe something wasn’t said in the beginning you could still figure out what he is talking about. So all you people who don’t have anything nice to say to this man who is showing you his tricks for free, so just keep your mouth shut and say thank you 10:55


Love it!!! Thank you for the tutorials. They make me look like a pro!


Great trick, it takes few times to understand and practice.


It's a great trick for beginners to learn :) I have many more variants of it as I'm sure you have also


I can't help but notice your performance didn't use either method explained in the video. You start with your "spectator" shuffling the cards and then you go straight into the selection. Your performance didn't have an opportunity to look at the 26th card. Can you explain that please?


Very nice trick. Was that a false shuffle you did at the beginning? You never counted to the 26th card so guessing you had already done it before the video started.


Great trick Steven, nice and essy for my arthritis in my hands! Thank you so much mate 😊❤


I have the book, and it is a fooler. Even you preset the key card, you can still do some false cuts and shuffles. Also the additional shuffles by the spectator and cutting of the deck sells it 👍😊👍


I earnestly feel you should have a relook at your tutorial!
Is the Selected Card will be at 25th position or 26th?

Let me recall the steps involved in the tutorial:
Pick the cards in the following order,
1. Cards 10 and 20 are held by the spectator.
2. Card 22 is given to the magician, who has the Key Card (KC) at the 16th position.
3. The top card of the pile of 10 is the Selected Card (SC) by the spectator. He places the pile of 20 on top of it.
4. Then, the magician places his pile of 22 on the combined pile of 10 and 20.
The order of the piles is now: 22-20-10.
The positions of the Key Card and the Selected Card in the deck are 16th and 43rd, respectively. There are 26 cards between the Key Card and the Selected Card.
At this stage, cut the deck roughly in half into two piles (say..) of 24 and 28 cards. Place the pile of 28 on top of the pile of 24, as demonstrated by you. Now, the positions of the Selected Card and the Key Card in the deck are 19th and 44th, respectively.
This leads to the following order: 18-SC-24-KC-8. There are now 24 cards between the Key Card and the Selected Card.
Hence, counting after the Key Card up to the Selected Card, it will be the 25th card and not the 26th. The Selected Card will be 26th only if we start counting from the Key Card.
Can you please check and clarify? Thanks!


Fantastic trick 🎉🎉🎉i really love this channel ❤❤❤ if you can upgrade the audio quality, i will love this channel even more. Again this is a great trick. Keep it up 👍👍👍♠️♥️♣️♦️


In your performance you did not spread the cards after the spectactor shuffled, how did you know what the key card was?


Good trick (“less is more” style)! Only a remark: sincerely I have no idea how it’s possible to know the identity of the top-26 (key) card following your presentation. That is with two overhand shuffles ( but not Ireland style in order to maintain 26th in its position, peeling cards one by one near the center…). So your version is unexplainable to me!!


I keep multiple decks with me, all of them have my favorite key card at the bottom, so I can always find their card no matter what deck they choose.
