How To Build A BIG CHEST With Light Weights (Light Weights with Big Gains!)

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You don’t need heavy weights to build a big chest! You can utilize light weight by using some unique techniques to help you build muscle. Now you don’t need to worry about having to go to the gym to get a big chest, you can use the dumbbells that you have at home. Let’s get started with the techniques on how to build a big chest with light weights only.

Technique #1: USE A PRE-EXHAUST EXERCISE. When you are trying to put size on a muscle or body part, you want to start with a compound movement like a chest press. Compound movements will utilize more than one joint. The chest press, you bend at the shoulder and the elbow, and you are also using more than one muscle.

Technique #2: ISOLATION EXERCISE. This involves only using one joint in the exercise. For this you can do chest flys, where you are only using the shoulder joint. Use light weight and aim for 15-20 reps, which will bring a lot of blood flow into the chest.

For the compound movement, I want you to aim for 8-10 reps of slightly heavier weight. You want to pair both of these exercises together, and complete a total of 4 sets of these exercises with compound movements. Try to go lighter with the first set, and focus on the mind muscle connection. So, let’s do this workout together to build a big chest with light weights only.

Exercise #1: CHEST FLY (Mid/Overall Chest). Again use light weight to get it started, and loosen up the shoulder joints. Focus on utilizing slow and controlled movements, to really focus on working the chest only.

Exercise #2: CHEST PRESS using a slightly heavier weight than the fly movement. Get a deep stretch at the bottom of the movement, and explode on the way up. Do not rest between these 2 exercises. The only rest period is switching the dumbbells for each exercise.

Rest for 1-2 minutes after doing both exercises. You are going to do 4 total sets. Once you are done with these exercises, we are going to do another compound set of exercises for your upper chest.

Try to use an adjustable bench at a 30 degree angle for these exercises.

Exercise #3: INCLINE CHEST FLY (Upper Chest). Keep your core tight, and press your lower back into the pad. Avoid arching your back because that changes the angle and turns it more into a flat bench. Use a light enough weight where you can go till failure with 15-20 reps.

Exercise #4: INCLINE CHEST PRESS (Upper Chest). Again, use slow and controlled movements as you are pressing the weight up and control the weight on the way down. Explode on the way up, like you did on the flat bench for the pressing movement.

Again, you are going to do another 4 sets of these exercises, with 1-2 minutes rest after doing the pair of exercises each set.

Finish this workout off with one more are going to do DECLINE PUSHUPS using a flat bench. Put your hands on the bench. Even though your body is at an incline, your chest are underneath your chest instead of above your chest, which makes it a decline pushup. This will work the lower chest to finish the workout. Do as many reps as you can until failure, as your chest is going to be exhausted after the 8 total sets of the prior exercises.

Alright guys, that wraps up this video tutorial on how to build a big chest with light weights only. Make sure to subscribe to our channel for more videos on how to build more muscle at home and get ripped!
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It's one thing to try and build a big chest using light weights... It's another thing to actually DO IT! In today's video I'll share exactly how to structure your chest workout to build a rock-solid chest without the heavy weights. Comment below and let me know what you think!


Hi Gary, I’m 66 yo and have been following you for about a year now. Your work outs make sense for us older guys with normal joint issues. I notice that you are a man who trusts in the Lord. Me too! Love to talk to you more about that.


I did this routine yesterday, and it was tough. For the flat bench superset, I used 35# dumbbells for the chest fly and 55# for the chest press. For the incline superset, I dropped the weights to 25# and 45#, respectively. I could only do 20 reps of decline push-ups afterward. Next, I did my shoulder routine and then used a modified version of your 3 superset dumbbell arm routine doing only the first and third supersets for 4 sets each. I used 35# for skull crushers, 25# for curls, 45# for bench press, and 25# for cross-body hammer curls. I'm 76 years old.


Your suggestions are spot on. I’m 53 and I’m always trying to prevent shoulder injuries. So, I would warmup my shoulders with light plate movements. Trying to get them loosened up before my heavier bench presses. Well, I NEVER felt my chest and would never get sore. Regardless of reps or heavier weights. Shoulders always felt wrecked. I finally performed some light flys beforehand and increased the reps and like magic, extremely sore for the next 4 days!!! Never been so happy and in pain at the same time!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

UPDATE: I’ve been doing this routine for 3 weeks and I can say doing the chest flys ABSOLUTELY are the best thing to activate the chest muscles. I am guaranteed chest soreness the next day. I do two sets of 20 lbs flys then the bench dumbbell exercises (3 sets). Then another set of flys with 22.5 lbs and the declined bench press (3 sets). Another set of flys with 25 lbs dumbbells. Lastly, the push-ups. I can honestly say that my chest is super pumped and I only stop whenever I feel my chest cave in which means it’s exhausted and my shoulders are jumping in to help the cause. I’m very grateful for your advice. Would you happen to have a video for back???


Glad I found your channel, 61 and started working out 6 months ago at home. I have a bench and dumbbells .
Actually, just learning how to use it all properly from you ! Thanks and God Bless!


Hey there Gary. I’m 55 years old and just started working out about three months ago. This Video is My new favorite! My Chest is already burning 🔥 Awesome, Thank You 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Great info on 30 v 45 degree incline for older guys and easier on the shoulder joint. I’ve never heard that before, and as an older guy who works out, and has joint discomfort at times, thanks !!


Hi Gary I am in my 60s now n have been working all my life have been very Impressed by your workout videos very inspiring looking for similar videos specially for older men like me.. Thanks!


I am so ready to incorporate these movements into my routine!!! Got me stoked!!!


Excellent video. Exactly the advice I needed as I look for ways to maximize my workouts using lighter dumbbells. Thx!


Thank you so much for what you’re doing. You’re very good about taking everyone’s level of ability and age into consideration. I am 64 and working with a shoulder and knee that’s pretty much shot and your videos are helping me to continue safely in something I so enjoy doing. God bless,


Great call on the 'lighter' weights.
As one commenter below said, it's great for the older crew.
What many fail to understand, is, light weights & high reps really forces a huge blood flow to the muscles. Time under tension is the key to all of this.
I'm 74 now, and have got biceps for the first time in my life. Incredible?!
I do pyramid sets. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 etc. (thats 55 reps.) If you do sets like that the benefits are fabulous.
The use of 'lighter' weights has huge benefits. For which I am most grateful. The HIT, a la Mike Mentzer might suit the younger dudes, but I got away from that because the strain was hurting me. But I did take away from MM's training the 'time under tension' principle which has been invaluable to me progress.
And BTW, there are little baby delts starting to sprout...'unbelievable'?!!!

Thanks, Gary.


Great pre exhaust positioning technique employing the flat & 30 degree bench ending with decline push-ups


Thanks man, just in time for my chest workout tomorrow 👍


THanks Gary, great video and great demonstration stay well !!!


I’m getting older now been lifting all my life and your approach is helping me so much keep up the good content


Keep making theses videos please isolating specific muscles. I enjoy watching you. Your videos are consize and well explained. Thanks much appreciated.


Hey Gary, as a runner and triathlete your videos are excellent as I focus more on strength training and less on cardio. At 71, I have found a combination of two different compound movements per set are an excellent way to get a great workout in a time efficient manner.


Hi Garry thanks for the tips..just started to go on the gym..Ill try that tommorrow.


Your channel just showed up in my recommended channels. I watched this video and really like the straightforward presentation. I did this workout yesterday and was even able to do it from memory because there wasn't so much flashy editing and talking in between. I have to tell you, it is almost 24 hours later and my chest is still swole from this workout. I paired it with the triceps exercise from another video you uploaded and I can definitely feel it. I'm 48 years old and I've gotten back in shape over the last few months after a long hiatus, but your videos I think are what I've been looking for to give me that extra something in my workouts. You got a new subscriber. Great job!
