Fallout 3 Best Start + Tips & How to Conquer the Capital Wastland

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This is a guide showing everything I wish I knew when I first played. Quests, Trade locations, Unique weapons, Pre war books, skill books and more!

00:11 SPECIAL stats

00:34 Vault 101
-Medicine Bobblehead
-Tunnel Snake Jacket
-All Armor and Weapons Possibly

2:53 House Ruins

3:16 Small Ranch
-500 Caps

3:51 Megaton
-Holo Rock
-Power of the Atom
-Wastland Survival Guide
-Armored Vault Suit
-Repair Leaks in Town
-Rock it Lancher Schematics

10:13 RobCo Facility
-Lying Congressional Style
-Big Book of Science
-Nikola Tesla and You
-DC Journal of Internal Medicine
-3 Pre War Books
-(Scrap metal)! Hold onto it

11:21 Tenpenny Tower
-Dart Gun Schematic
-Duck in Cover
-Lying Congressional Style
-Tales of a Junktown Vender

12:35 Unamed Location
-Lucky Glasses

13:10 Warrington Trainyard
-Tenpenny Tower
-Pugilisn illustrated
-Dean's Electronics
-Big Book of Science

17:13 Big Town
-Big Trouble in Big Town
-DC Journal of Internal Medicine
-Lucky 8 Ball

17:58 Hollowed Moors Cemetery
-Big Book of Science
-DC Journal of Internal Medicine

18:28 Germantown Police HQ
-DC Journal of Internal Medicine
-Lying Congressional Style
-Pre War Book
-Tumblers Today
-Fat Mam

22:10 Unamed Location
-Chinese Army Spec. Ops. Training Manual

22:28 Super Duper Mart
-Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vender
-Nuka-Cola Quantum Stash (1/3)

23:59 Unamed Location
-Pugilisn illustrated

24:14 Dukov's House
-Dukov's Special Key (1/3)
-Pugilism illustrated
-Duck and Cover

25:01 Rivet City
-Stealing Independence
-The Replicated Man
-Intelligence Bobblehead
-Ted Strayers Special Key (2/3)

27:01 National Guard Depot
-Pre War Books 6
-Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vender
-Duck and Cover
-Nikola Tesla and You
-U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipies
-Small Guns Bobblehead
-Experimental MIRV
-5 Mini Nukes

29:42 Scrapyard
-Grognak the Barbarian
-Guns and Bullets
-U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipies

30:24 Minefield
-Pre War Books 8
-Tumblers Today
-DC Journal of Internal Medicine
-Grognak the Barbarian
-Pugilisn illustrated

32:25 Tepid Sewers
-Dean's Electronics
-Pre War Book

33:40 Unamed Locations
-Guns and Bullets
-Pugilism Illustrated

34:36 Library
-Pre War Books 10
-Big Book of Science
-Lying Congressional Style
-Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vender
-Tumblers Today
-Guns and Bullets

36:54 RobCo Facility

37:57 Rivet City

39:32 Canterbury Commons
-The Superhuman Gambit
-Grognak the Barbarian
-Dean's Electronics

40:48 Paradise Falls
-The Break
-Eulogy Jone's Hat
-Speech Bobblehead
-Nuka-Cola Quantum Stash (2/3)

42:48 Unamed Location
-Nuka-cola Quantum Stash (3/3)

43:16 The Republic of Dave
-Pre War Books 2
-Perception Bobblehead
-Dave's Special Key
-Ol' Painless

44:01 DC Strip

44:35 Museum of History
-Lincolns Diary 
-Lincolns Hat
-Lincolns Voice
-John Wilks Booth Wanted Poster
-Civil War Draft Poster
-Antique Lincoln Coin Collection
-Action Figure
-Lincons Repeater

46:45 Fort Constantine
-Pre War Books 2
-Guns and Bullets
-Big Guns Bobblehead
-Chinese Army Spec. Ops. Training Manual
-Duck in Cover
-Big Book of Science
-DC Journal of Internal Medicine
-Fat Man
-T51b Suit

49:46 Fort Independence
-XP/Cap Unlimited

52:08 Aiding the Outcast
Рекомендации по теме

I love your no-bullshit guides. Your Skyrim guides actually got me to pick up the game and put another 15 hours into it.


There are plenty of videos like this for fallout games, but very few tips for the actual combat. Maybe do a follow up on that. Three examples:

if you hit key stim packs, you can use them even when knocked down via fire or explosion. This can be life saving.

Some armor will slow your movement, and no, it’s not just the ones that say agility -x. Vault security armor is an example of one that slows your movement but doesn’t state any agility penalty. You can hotkey armor just like weapons and it swaps instantly. You can use this to equip lighter armor while moving and heavy when cover or running away isn’t an option. This is especially useful for closing gaps as a melee character.

Stealth weapons like BB gun can be used to lure enemies to the place the bullet hit. You can use this to let’s say… lure a raider away from a certain hill and steal a super sledge from their base. Or lure a tough enemy into a line of mines and they’ll follow it like breadcrumbs.

If you heart this, I’ll give you a few more examples of tricks you can use for combat the game doesn’t tell you.


Please keep making fallout videos. They bring back so many great memories and I love them.


Don't forget that at Shalebridge there is an Ant Researcher who will always have a Big Book of Science on him when his body is looted...and he respawns every 73 in-game hours. The same is true of a Raider at Bethesda Ruins Offices East, who instead drops the Big Guns skill book. There is no need to ever use Tag skills or level up skill points on Science or Big Guns.


My first Fallout game. I still love it. Hasn’t aged that great due to the huge surgence in open world games. But back in 08, it was amazing. Also still love exploring downtown DC.

EDIT: I worded this a little poorly originally, but after so many replies, I will clarify. I meant the shooting gameplay has not aged well. It just is not a very smooth game. I do think the exploration has aged very well, and exploring downtown DC is still the best exploration in all of Fallout.

And I meant it when I said I still love it. But New Vegas improved the gameplay a lot.


It’s been how many years and I didn’t know the ghoul mask existed, it never ceases to amaze me how much content is crammed into these games


Every time he levels up: Level 2: 2:41 - Level 3: 8:26 - Level 4: 15:04 - Level 5: 20:17 - Level 6: 26:44 - Level 7: 33:00 - Level 8: 42:40 - Level 9: 48:50 - Level 10: (Doesn't show his choices in menu) I hope this helps :)


Most meta guide I’ve ever seen for this game. And a natural gift for narration. Excellent work friend.


Operation anchorage is literally a skip to end game card.


Tip: you don't have to buy the things for your home there is a wall in craterside supply (near the stairs you can see through a crack in the wall) that when you crouch and go third person if you get it just right you can loot a locker that has all the upgrades for free (it does count as stealing though)


There’s something so anachronistically awesome about wearing high tech power armor and packing a civil war-era repeating rifle.


Keep in mind that you don't have to buy all of the house upgrades except for themes because in craterside supply there is a hidden locker where you can get all of the upgrades for free


A guy outside of the robco facility called ‘Tinker Joe’ sells 10 scrap metal per day. He also owns Sargent RL-3


You were not born in the Rivet City bow. You were born in the Jefferson Memorial, in one of the rooms inside the basement level. You can find the gene projector and the weird ceiling light thing there as well.

Wasteland Survival Guide was also a skill book in New Vegas before Fallout 4.

Getting shunned from Rivet City only lasts for three days, like any location apart from Paradise Falls, where hostility is permanent. Rivet City's people will complain about you in idle chatter though.

No, Bethesda did not intend for the T-51b set you find in the Outcast VSS facility to be the same one Charon was wearing. They intended for it to be a Non-Sim Winterized version. Has the same white paint coating, but non-infinite durability and still 5 less DR than the Fort Constantine T-51b.


Your a legend man I'm playing fallout 3 right now in 2022 let's go baby. Another amazing video! From my favorite fallout bro!


I started the game around two weeks ago and I remember watching your guide before starting the game. I can't believe you made a new one lol, it's very helpful cause I'm kind of stuck at a hard section in the game atm.


Love your content dude, I’ve watched all of your best start vids, every skill vid for skyrim, all of it. Keep up the good work my guy 👍🏼


Wow, Truly a gem of fallout video content! Such ineffable knowledge to a newborn fallout 3 player but you made it so concise and understandable. What a legendary video indeed. Thanks!


There’s a locker out of bounds in Moria’s store, you can get the house items for free just by looting the locker that’s out of bounds. To get them you have to make sure you’re in sneak mode, while doing that hug the wall till you can peak at one the locker through the walls, next park is fun go third person mode and try and angle the camera into looking at the locker and steal all the house items. And just like that you didn’t have to pay a single cap for your home items


Wow. This run is crazy. You're in big town before Super Duper Mart. I always went there right after megaton. This is why I love fallout 3. You can just go anywhere and play it how you want.
