Fallout 3 Best Start + Tips & How to Conquer the Capital Wastland

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This is a guide showing everything I wish I knew when I first played. Quests, Trade locations, Unique weapons, Pre war books, skill books and more!
00:11 SPECIAL stats
00:34 Vault 101
-Medicine Bobblehead
-Tunnel Snake Jacket
-All Armor and Weapons Possibly
2:53 House Ruins
3:16 Small Ranch
-500 Caps
3:51 Megaton
-Holo Rock
-Power of the Atom
-Wastland Survival Guide
-Armored Vault Suit
-Repair Leaks in Town
-Rock it Lancher Schematics
10:13 RobCo Facility
-Lying Congressional Style
-Big Book of Science
-Nikola Tesla and You
-DC Journal of Internal Medicine
-3 Pre War Books
-(Scrap metal)! Hold onto it
11:21 Tenpenny Tower
-Dart Gun Schematic
-Duck in Cover
-Lying Congressional Style
-Tales of a Junktown Vender
12:35 Unamed Location
-Lucky Glasses
13:10 Warrington Trainyard
-Tenpenny Tower
-Pugilisn illustrated
-Dean's Electronics
-Big Book of Science
17:13 Big Town
-Big Trouble in Big Town
-DC Journal of Internal Medicine
-Lucky 8 Ball
17:58 Hollowed Moors Cemetery
-Big Book of Science
-DC Journal of Internal Medicine
18:28 Germantown Police HQ
-DC Journal of Internal Medicine
-Lying Congressional Style
-Pre War Book
-Tumblers Today
-Fat Mam
22:10 Unamed Location
-Chinese Army Spec. Ops. Training Manual
22:28 Super Duper Mart
-Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vender
-Nuka-Cola Quantum Stash (1/3)
23:59 Unamed Location
-Pugilisn illustrated
24:14 Dukov's House
-Dukov's Special Key (1/3)
-Pugilism illustrated
-Duck and Cover
25:01 Rivet City
-Stealing Independence
-The Replicated Man
-Intelligence Bobblehead
-Ted Strayers Special Key (2/3)
27:01 National Guard Depot
-Pre War Books 6
-Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vender
-Duck and Cover
-Nikola Tesla and You
-U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipies
-Small Guns Bobblehead
-Experimental MIRV
-5 Mini Nukes
29:42 Scrapyard
-Grognak the Barbarian
-Guns and Bullets
-U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipies
30:24 Minefield
-Pre War Books 8
-Tumblers Today
-DC Journal of Internal Medicine
-Grognak the Barbarian
-Pugilisn illustrated
32:25 Tepid Sewers
-Dean's Electronics
-Pre War Book
33:40 Unamed Locations
-Guns and Bullets
-Pugilism Illustrated
34:36 Library
-Pre War Books 10
-Big Book of Science
-Lying Congressional Style
-Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vender
-Tumblers Today
-Guns and Bullets
36:54 RobCo Facility
37:57 Rivet City
39:32 Canterbury Commons
-The Superhuman Gambit
-Grognak the Barbarian
-Dean's Electronics
40:48 Paradise Falls
-The Break
-Eulogy Jone's Hat
-Speech Bobblehead
-Nuka-Cola Quantum Stash (2/3)
42:48 Unamed Location
-Nuka-cola Quantum Stash (3/3)
43:16 The Republic of Dave
-Pre War Books 2
-Perception Bobblehead
-Dave's Special Key
-Ol' Painless
44:01 DC Strip
44:35 Museum of History
-Lincolns Diary
-Lincolns Hat
-Lincolns Voice
-John Wilks Booth Wanted Poster
-Civil War Draft Poster
-Antique Lincoln Coin Collection
-Action Figure
-Lincons Repeater
46:45 Fort Constantine
-Pre War Books 2
-Guns and Bullets
-Big Guns Bobblehead
-Chinese Army Spec. Ops. Training Manual
-Duck in Cover
-Big Book of Science
-DC Journal of Internal Medicine
-Fat Man
-T51b Suit
49:46 Fort Independence
-XP/Cap Unlimited
52:08 Aiding the Outcast
00:11 SPECIAL stats
00:34 Vault 101
-Medicine Bobblehead
-Tunnel Snake Jacket
-All Armor and Weapons Possibly
2:53 House Ruins
3:16 Small Ranch
-500 Caps
3:51 Megaton
-Holo Rock
-Power of the Atom
-Wastland Survival Guide
-Armored Vault Suit
-Repair Leaks in Town
-Rock it Lancher Schematics
10:13 RobCo Facility
-Lying Congressional Style
-Big Book of Science
-Nikola Tesla and You
-DC Journal of Internal Medicine
-3 Pre War Books
-(Scrap metal)! Hold onto it
11:21 Tenpenny Tower
-Dart Gun Schematic
-Duck in Cover
-Lying Congressional Style
-Tales of a Junktown Vender
12:35 Unamed Location
-Lucky Glasses
13:10 Warrington Trainyard
-Tenpenny Tower
-Pugilisn illustrated
-Dean's Electronics
-Big Book of Science
17:13 Big Town
-Big Trouble in Big Town
-DC Journal of Internal Medicine
-Lucky 8 Ball
17:58 Hollowed Moors Cemetery
-Big Book of Science
-DC Journal of Internal Medicine
18:28 Germantown Police HQ
-DC Journal of Internal Medicine
-Lying Congressional Style
-Pre War Book
-Tumblers Today
-Fat Mam
22:10 Unamed Location
-Chinese Army Spec. Ops. Training Manual
22:28 Super Duper Mart
-Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vender
-Nuka-Cola Quantum Stash (1/3)
23:59 Unamed Location
-Pugilisn illustrated
24:14 Dukov's House
-Dukov's Special Key (1/3)
-Pugilism illustrated
-Duck and Cover
25:01 Rivet City
-Stealing Independence
-The Replicated Man
-Intelligence Bobblehead
-Ted Strayers Special Key (2/3)
27:01 National Guard Depot
-Pre War Books 6
-Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vender
-Duck and Cover
-Nikola Tesla and You
-U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipies
-Small Guns Bobblehead
-Experimental MIRV
-5 Mini Nukes
29:42 Scrapyard
-Grognak the Barbarian
-Guns and Bullets
-U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipies
30:24 Minefield
-Pre War Books 8
-Tumblers Today
-DC Journal of Internal Medicine
-Grognak the Barbarian
-Pugilisn illustrated
32:25 Tepid Sewers
-Dean's Electronics
-Pre War Book
33:40 Unamed Locations
-Guns and Bullets
-Pugilism Illustrated
34:36 Library
-Pre War Books 10
-Big Book of Science
-Lying Congressional Style
-Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vender
-Tumblers Today
-Guns and Bullets
36:54 RobCo Facility
37:57 Rivet City
39:32 Canterbury Commons
-The Superhuman Gambit
-Grognak the Barbarian
-Dean's Electronics
40:48 Paradise Falls
-The Break
-Eulogy Jone's Hat
-Speech Bobblehead
-Nuka-Cola Quantum Stash (2/3)
42:48 Unamed Location
-Nuka-cola Quantum Stash (3/3)
43:16 The Republic of Dave
-Pre War Books 2
-Perception Bobblehead
-Dave's Special Key
-Ol' Painless
44:01 DC Strip
44:35 Museum of History
-Lincolns Diary
-Lincolns Hat
-Lincolns Voice
-John Wilks Booth Wanted Poster
-Civil War Draft Poster
-Antique Lincoln Coin Collection
-Action Figure
-Lincons Repeater
46:45 Fort Constantine
-Pre War Books 2
-Guns and Bullets
-Big Guns Bobblehead
-Chinese Army Spec. Ops. Training Manual
-Duck in Cover
-Big Book of Science
-DC Journal of Internal Medicine
-Fat Man
-T51b Suit
49:46 Fort Independence
-XP/Cap Unlimited
52:08 Aiding the Outcast