BEST starting stats in Fallout 4! #fallout4 #fallout #fallout4gameplay

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Bros gonna walk out and see 5 deathclaws after that violation of luck


I got 0 luck and found FIVE deathclaws at the museum where one can spawn


i always max out charisma then put the rest into intelligence and perception. gotta have those dialogue options


I use this build. I walked outside. There’s a death crawler right there waiting for me.


Max out intelligence. It will make you level up faster and therefor give you the quickest route to buying special stats or perks


The best way is the one that fits your play style


Endurance, Strength, Charisma and Luck is mainly what you want to focus on if your building a great character. Then later on you can max out your other perks.


You want your stats placed in such a way you count for savant, lockpick, and hacker as they become available. The rest go into either charisma or help set up whatever build you're working towards


Okay so from what I’ve learned from various videos is that no one agrees which starting stats are best. Just choose what you want honesty


For any difficulty outside of survival, you can make practically any build. Just make sure to have enough points for lock picking and hacking.

For survival mode, perks that would usually seem unimportant, can now be of great use to make this mode more enjoyable and favorable to the player. So for me, leveling up seemed to be the best way to ensure I had better options for which perks become available to me, as a lot of valuable perks for this mode require higher Special stats and in multiple Special trees.

Best way I’ve found to level quickly, while not having to dump too many starting points into one tree, was to put enough points in Luck to obtain Idiot Savant on the first level up. Rank 2 of Idiot Savant is where things really pick up and that’ll require you to get to level 11. So I go ahead and put 4 points to Intelligence to boost my EXP gain and to have enough points for the hacker perk. Idiot Savant works best with low Int but Int gives more EXP the higher it is. Keeping Int at 4 and obtaining Idiot Savant by the first level up, seems to out perform just having max Int from the get go. At level 11 you rank up Idiot Savant to multiply EXP by 5 while still reaping some benefits for the boost to EXP by having 4 Int. Survival mode also has an increased EXP gain, so this helps as well and supports the rather low Int. By level 11 EXP gain sky rockets and by that point in the game, you’ll have figured out which way you’ll want to build out your character.

So for me I go with 3 points in Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma. Then 4 points in Intelligence. 5 in Agility and the rest in Luck. When I leave the vault, I read the Special book found in Shaun’s room, to add a point towards Charisma. Go save Preston and his peoples to get the Perception Bobblehead, to be able to unlock the lock picking perk. And that’s a fairly good start imo for survival at least.


I'd invest on Luck for Idiot Savant and abuse XP Farm in Sanctuary Hills. It was worth it


10 Strength, 10 Endurance, 4 Luck is the best in Survival. The Special book is gonna add 1 to Luck So you can get access to Idiot Savant, then get the Intelligence Bobblehead to gain access to Medic.


Never go over 9 you can always get the bobble head if you want 10. I spent a bunch of time doing the math on getting 100 in every skill and 10 in everything. It’s possible but requires planing. I had like a whole sheet of paper I had made notes on.
Edit: also plan for armor bonuses. You can get away with like 8 in perception if you plan to wear sunglasses, etc.


Until you get that Perception -(1) glitch


Whatever you do in fallout 4, remember always take the sneaky archer playstyle


4str 1end 4per 6ch 6int 2ag 5luck survival thank me later

Book into int. Get the lucky 5 perk first lvl 7 int perk 2de for crafting antibiotics rest is optional. Easy 10char with gear 3de lvl up the demolition perk after concord

Craft strong gear to mitigate dmg
Or use end based gear for combat


It is best to fill the force almost to the top, since thanks to it you will be able to carry more weight, and for beginners who do not know what is useful and what is not, Because they grab what they see.


I made out charisma so I can keep asking for caps for simple tasks. I got over 2000 caps cause of it. Also put a couple of points in intelligence. You get more xp. But not to many points, maybe like 4, so you have a chance for idiot savan.


If you don’t max up charisma immediately, you’re playing the game wrong


Luck fills the crit bar faster and has wonderful crit perks. 9 luck for better criticals, critical banker, grim reaper sprint, and four leaf clover. Idiot savant is a great perk for leveling too.
