Oculus Rift S VR Headset Review!

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We test and review the new Oculus Rift S virtual reality headset, which replaces the original Oculus Rift and Touch controllers. Here's how the new display looks, how well the inside-out tracking system works, and the range of motion for the new controllers. Plus, Jeremy makes a D-I-Y solution to adding quality headphones to the Rift S with a 3D printed mount.

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Shot by Gunther Kirsch and edited by Norman Chan

Tested is:

Intro bumper by Abe Dieckman

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Jeremy comes to the rescue with 3D printed mounts for the original Rift headphones! What a legend! Printing now []-)


Its easy to test how good is controller tracking around yourself. Open Tilt-brush and start drawing around you with your brush and then look what you have painted.


Legend has it that Oculas go controller is still rocking to this day.


Watch the Oculus Go remote that’s sitting on the table.

Tested is Haunted. Confirmed.


I saw like 10-20 different reviews of the Oculus Rift S and this one was the best by far, keep up the good work!


The coolest thing for me is they spent practically no time discussing any issues with the inside-out tracking. The fact that we've gotten that stuff feeling so good without concrete permanent external sensors is so damn awesome.


The Go’s Controller rocking back and forth is driving me nuts


Always like how Jeremy says, "and I'm Jeremy from TESted" as if Norm said it wrong or he's from somewhere else haha


They are only talking about the Oculus Rift S and the quest, so the oculus go controller is constantly moving back and forth to remind them that it still exists


For those that don't have a 3D printer, or don't want to go through the hassle, you should pick up a pair of Koss KSC75s. Cheap, amazing sound, and just slip over your ears. They are super comfortable and don't have a headband so you could use them with the Rift S.


Pre-ordered as soon as it became available! Built myself a capable gaming PC over Christmas.

Will be my first VR headset!


Being a rift owner, I appreciate the fact that oculus is working to make good affordable headsets, it's a great way to get more people into vr. This being said I think my next headset will be an index, it just feels like the next generation as it is better in every way. I'm one of those crazy people who are willing to spent a lot of money on a fun hobby (I preordered the original rift). Also I am definitely going to keep my rift because in the future I will be able to show my kids a piece of history, much like how my parents showed me old Nintendo games and what not.


The best, most comprehensive review of the Rift S. Well done, lads.


I can see folks passing if they own CV1, but I bought CV1 in Feb, and sold for 600! Rift S wins hands down from a usability perspective. I found the Rift to be uncomfortable, lots of face pressure, and the sweet spot was always sliding around. Granted I have a very narrow IPD and my eyes are deeper set, so I'm a bit worried Rift S won't be great either. But overall, this headset tackles a lot of my desired upgrades after a month of experience with the CV1 Rift. Reduced god-rays, sharper image, wider sweet spot with better lenses, and NO PIA external sensors! Pass-through looks like a huge usability upgrade - one that this review simultaneously praises as a huge feature, but also says isn't worth upgrading over. Passthrough seems like a pretty huge upgrade to me - at least I can tell my wife she'll never know when I can actually see her trying to laugh at me in VR ;-)


15:00 to test this more accurately you could get into a game and grab some long object (like a sword) and then hold the controller behind you pointing the object in your fov to see where it stops positional tracking


Thanks for talking specifically about echo 😊 This was my main question 😊


Cool! I've been looking forward to this review


I've owned all Oculus devices and have the S on order. I'll be buying again in 3 years. I considered other companies, but at $400, this is much better deal than $1k for the other systems. I can live with this for a few years. Next gen should be amazing, if they go by the cell phone evolution rate. Elite Dangerous was too difficult with the earlier models. I constantly needed to see my keyboard. Hope this solves that problem.


I just bought my first VR set and I chose the Oculus Rift S, yep I'm all new to this😑 thanks for posting I'm all ears.👀


I wish I had enough money
And enough space in my room
And a will to live
