Oculus Rift S Hands On - Why It’s Better Than You Think

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I go hands on with the Oculus Rift S! The Oculus Rift S was available to try on the show floor at PAX East in Boston! In this video, I'll give you my hands on impressions on the specs, resolution, new design, price and more...

01:10 - Oculus Rift S Hands On
01:28 - Oculus Rift S Release Date
01:51 - Oculus Rift S Audio Test
03:16 - Oculus Rift S Optics / Resolution / Refresh Rate
04:42 - Oculus Rift S IPD Adjustment
05:08 - Oculus Rift S Insight Tracking
07:00 - Oculus Rift S Controllers
07:39 - Oculus Rift S Ergonomics
08:05 - Oculus Rift S Wearing Glasses
08:25 - Oculus Rift S Worth Upgrading From Rift

Check if your system is powerful enough for the Oculus Rift S with this official compatibility tool;

Let me know in the comments below what you think of the Oculus Rift S and what games you're most looking forward to playing on the new headset.

Thanks for watching []-)

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At 04:54 I had to blur out the video content. It was requested by Oculus to blur out the IPD adjustment software which I showed in this video. Oculus aren’t ready to show this yet but will be sharing more details on this soon []-)


Oh wow, I totally saw you record this at PAX. We walked past the Oculus booth and I told my friend "hey that looks like the YouTube VR guy I told you about."


I've been looking everywhere for someone who got a chance with the Rift S and addressed the concerns people have, and this video hit them all. Keep up the good work!


I love your videos man! Thanks for making good content, I bet you will be huge as VR is getting more popular.


Sometimes I think its better to be a VR Youtuber than a VR Developer.


Definitely looks nice.... but I agree with you, I'll hold on to my CV1 Rift (not to mention I have the sensors mounted so well, I am not looking forward at all to trying to get them OFF of the walls when the time comes)


The dropping of the built in headphones is a deal breaker for me.


This sounds like a good buy if you don't have the original Oculus rift yet


Big question, Why do they always get rid of the good stuff from version 1 and NOT incorporate it into V2? The earphones and the headset on the rift were 2 good things that should have been kept. Also the IPD adjustment on the original accommodates more people than the proposed S will.


A very welcome, refreshing and actually helpful review for the rift S. Been searching for such a review that doesn't omit anything, keeps you engaged and still keeps it under the 20 - 30 minute mark.
Thank you.


Great honest none biased review as usual, and totally agree with you. Am gonna wait for rift 2.0


Sold my Rift CV1 and got this, no regrets the increase in resolution and no sensors sells it for me.


I think this pretty much convinces me as a current rift owner not to buy it.


Since I have a oculus go and a wmr, I have to say I'm more excited about the Quest.


Due to Oculus discontinuing Rift sales on their website in late March I’d say it’s very safe to assume Rift S is being released at F8 on May 1st, I don’t think it would make any sense to spend more than a month only selling Oculus GOs.


The audio is really the biggest disappointment, the Koss drivers in the CV1 were the PERFECT headphones for VR. The large frequency spectrum and wide soundstage added so much immersion, earbuds can't even come close. Thankfully Sportapros are cheap & can be modded into something like the deluxe audio strap fairly easily.


I understand why enthusiast are not impressed with rift S, but for newcomers it looks like a great way to start. So far i have PSVR which i played hundreds of hours and I love it.
I built new rig for Christmas and Rift S feels like great way to enter PCVR. Big plus for me is the halo and slide design like PSVR to accomodate for glasses, because without them I see VR badly. I will be buying rift S because it looks great, price is good and Iam really excited for it.


For me the lack of over ear headphones is the deal breaker. The bump in resolution is nice, don't care much about the inside out tracking (although it's a great step forward) because I have a 3 sensor setup, but these things don't outweigh the crappy audio. The original Rift headphones are the best headphones I've ever used, so ditching them is a no go.


I have a Rift and I will be upgrading to this, the reduction in SDE and god rays, the res bump and no more sensors is enough of a reason for me


How much better is the screen resolution compared to the oculus go?
