How Addicts Lie

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This video is a reaction to Insight's Fat Fighters panel.

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The It's Always Sunny Episode was S09 E04 "Mac and Dennis Buy a Timeshare"
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So apparently Drinkwater is a legit last name in Australia and it might not be a stage name. That's still comedic to me. It also doesn't make the second part of the original point untrue. I had too many examples to show of people in bigger bodies virtue signaling about how much water they drink.

Edit: I keep getting messages about this so I'll state it here. Kelli Jean Drinkwater did not die in 2017. That was a hoax and it's why I didn't state it in the video. She has film credits up to 2020 on IMDB. I checked for that during the research because it's been 10 years since Fat Fighters was filmed so that is a possibility. Obviously something like that would indicate how dangerous this lifestyle is so typically it's something I check for if the event is old. Kelli is still alive as far as I can tell.

Jennifer Lee also appears to still be alive as she wrote an article for Taylor & Francis Online in 2022.

Second Edit: Multiple swimmers in the comments have said at peak fitness, they would have trouble swimming 2.5km (1.5 miles) in day.


Telling a morbidly obese person, "Don't lose weight. You're beautiful just the way you are." is like telling an alcoholic, "Don't stop drinking. You're such a fun drunk!".


"I drink 2L of water a day, I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, I swim an hour a day and exercise a lot" (magicaly proceeds to be morbidly obese)


As a fat guy, I had no idea how much I was eating.
When I actually started controlling my intake, I lost 70 pounds in 4 months.


"i swim 1.5 miles a day." gravy....


Crazy how so many fat people are running 2 miles a day while on an extremely healthy eating plan, drinking tons of water and still not loosing weight? Really makes you think


The best secret eaters episode was a couple who said they only eat healthy and moderate portions but keep gaining weight.
So they filmed them for the week and sure enough, all good food and moderate portions….
Then they got weighed after the week and they had lost a few lbs each 😂😂
They literally proved that
1) that isn’t their typical diet.
2) dieting works
3) they were lying 😂😂😂


Normal people: So what do you eat in a day?
Fat people: I don't have to justify my existence to you!


As a certified lifeguard, she is not swimming anywhere near 2km a day. That's psychotic even for athletes. The few competitive swimmers at my pool take rest days, and typically swim less than 500m before taking a breather and practicing a different stroke. (These are student athletes)


People are *LYING* to themselves?? Man it’s almost as if *EVERY* problem in society can be traced back to *DELUSION*


I had a friend who was morbidly obsess at 14 years old. You could always hear her breathing, especially when she was sleeping. She always said, "I have a hormone problem, I was born with." Yet, whenever her mother went to the grocery store she got a food list from her and bought her whatever she wanted, and yes, it was a bunch of junk.


As a 7 year “recovering” heroin addict, (they say you’re always in recovery, not that I’ve relapsed. ) I can see a lot of my old behaviors in fat advocates. It’s really sad. Can’t imagine where if I’d be if society told me to be proud of what I was doing.


"I eat meat." then exactly 4 seconds later "I'm primarily vegetarian." This lady is so fucking lost


Deflecting questions.
- "You don't have any health issues?"
- "No, I'm perfectly happy."
That wasn't what she was asking! Sigh.


I am male and in my 20s, I run ~3 miles a day and lift weights. I once tried to swim a mile and nearly drowned (and I'm a decent swimmer, can hold my breath over 2 minutes). Swimming is hard as hell, this chick just lied to everyone in that room.


She came on a discussion panel to judge everyone and forgot she, herself, would be judged.


"You're asking me to justify my existence" they keep using this line to defend against answering any questions. Literally no one is asking them to justify their *existence*--that's an absurd idea.


Going to type from the heart here; I’m permanently disabled after a failed spinal fusion that got infected with MRSA. I spent almost 10 years in a wheelchair or with a walker. I ballooned up to 260 lbs. After seeing a new doctor and working like crazy, I can now walk with a cane only. I will NEVER use my disability as an excuse to be fat. I dropped back down to my normal 210 lbs (I am 6’2”) but had been having issues with the “opioid epidemic” people influencing government and the doctors kept cutting my meds. I’m back around 220 lbs but finally have my rheumatologist that does my pain management now. I wanted to share all that because these people make me sick. I would give just about anything to be able to go to the gym and lift weights again and they can’t be bothered to do the work. The only exercise my body can tolerate is walking and I walk 1-2 miles a day, even when it hurts like hell.


There is no possible way you can swim that much every day and be able to carry that much weight. I swam in highschool and had to eat until I was sick to not lose weight this lady is cap queen


As a former competitive swimmer who swam over 10ks every session she's Lying 100% on swimming 2.5ks. I'd give here 500m if im being generous
