Why Do Addicts and Alcoholics Lie So Much

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Ever wonder why addicts and alcoholics lie so much? Not sure how to deal with it when an addict or alcoholic lies to you? If your loved one has a substance abuse problem, then they're probably not being totally honest. This video, by addiction expert Amber Hollingsworth, is full of expert tips on how to deal with lying.

In this video Addiction, Expert gives advice to family members about how to deal with lying from someone with a substance abuse problem.

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Lying and sneaking around. I grew up with an alcoholic parent. Not fun at all. And b/c of that, I don't drink and I would NEVER date/marry someone who drinks. Not going through that nightmare ever again.


I lie to my girlfriend sometimes to cover my addiction.... I hate it so much, I cry over it. Shes such a precious person... I love her so much and I hate lying and I want to overcome my addiction but when it comes to my addiction its so hard to overcome.... I was 32 days clean but had a relapse and now been struggling for the last week .... Being an addict sucks and I hate being a liar. During those 32 days I feel like I had so much honesty and integrity but since my relapse I've been off the rails....im so sorry


OH! This is good stuff. I've never thought about rearranging my words to get them to tell the truth. Thank you for this.


Amber I an so so thankful for what you do. Found this one today and it was what I needed to hear today.


My alcoholic husband lies about everything. I don't even ask about the drinking, he lies about money, bills, where he is going, seems he lies about anything and everything. I have to ask questions some times about finances, money, bills etc. So how do you deal with that??


My husband lies about everything when he’s drunk and sober. I know not to comment when he’s drunk. When he’s sober I call
Him out on his lies, he gets upset and picks a fight. How do I handle that.


this reminds me of that famous Huckleberry Finn quote: "If you don't ask any questions, I won't have to tell you any lies" When I was in elementary school, [ back in the Stone Age ] I had to read four Mark twain books in six years. It was a state pride thing for the people who wrote the rules for what Missouri school children would study.


Your content is amazing and thank you for the service you provide.


Parents told not to tell future daughter-in-law about son’s drinking problem. Advice given by social workers, recovering friend of 15 yrs. and others. Up to son to be truthful with her. Truth is out now after wedding, son never really shared the problem with her before the wedding. She hates us all.


My child’s father lied to everyone about having brain cancer for two years because he didn’t want to admit he had a drinking problem. It was to the point his body was shutting down and causing his “brain cancer” symptoms.


Excellent advice that i needed to hear! Thank you so much!


Both of my parents are addicts - I love them, but have lost an immense amount of respect and trust for them over the years. At this rate, there's no time left for them to earn it back. This is just the way it's gonna be.

If you're an addict and have children, please remember this can be you in the future (could be you right now). If you're a child of an addict, just remember that recovery is the responsibility of the addict and don't be afraid to keep your distance.


Wow! You are a Bada$$! I think I’ve figured out a few things from observing you...1) You know upfront they are likely going to lie to you, 2) You don’t take it personally so you’re not wounded, 3) You have no need for them to see you’re right, and they’ll see that eventually. My grandmother used to focus on what she wanted and made my grandfather believe it was his idea, like in “ My big fat Greek wedding” 😂 She didn’t need him to see she was right. She got what she wanted and he felt empowered! It’s a lost art that may be a tad manipulative, but everyone wins 😁


Excellent..I call it..pick your battles with a master method plan in place in which they no nothing about. Works every time right up to the final stage of admittance within themselves to finally accept and commit. The key is if that person has the self-respect to finally move ahead and leave the addiction and keep recovering one day or minute at a time.

Thank you for your inspiration. You really are great!


Famous alcoholic spouse line: "I'd like to tell you how much I drank but I lost the ability to count after the seventh drink."


I appreciate your videos. I feel I have been picking when and what to confront about. I follow these basic paths. But we are way down the road here. My ex-husband says he is an alcoholic. He has already been to 2 detox's and 2 inpatient rehabs over the last 4 years. Needless to say how all of it has continually negatively affected our child and myself. At this point, he still lies about drinking. He has clear patterns and signs, it's the same ole stuff same cycle. . I am so beyond over dealing with him and his inability to co parent. How do I just protect myself and our child from all of his lies and inconsistencies. I never wanted to be in this position. He calls in to me with all his lies and excuses, I am the one who has to always have a plan B. It takes a toll on me . Financially, emotionally physically. It has continually been disruptive to my ability to live a peaceful life. He can't hold a job. He is living off his grannies life saving and is draining it and nothing to show. He hasn't made a home for our child with him and he has had years ample time and the means and support. It's just not happening. So now what?


Should we call them out on their lying?i don’t probe and ask questions, I believe she tells me lies to guilt trip me to feel bad for her because there is always something that she wants.


do alcoholics often hallucinate or can alcohol cause someone to hallucinate? I have three grandparents who are deceased, my sister is a drunk, she claims she sees their shadows or dark figures around her room at night when she sleeps. She lies when she's drunk so it's hard to believe. and do they often blame the world for their own faults?


I can finally explain to my husband why i couldn't be honest with him so many times even though i wanted to so bad. The no tolerance rule made me cry... Everything is on point in this vid. I wish i lived in the states to have a therapist like u


Isn't saying i can tell you have been drinking putting the shame on and if they're not sober will you even get anything other than an argument at that time? Plus they may not even remember you calling it out so not sure if that would work
