8 Lies Addicts/Alcoholics Tell (Warning!#7 Will Be Upsetting) 😠

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If you're addicted loved one is telling you these things, you're being lied to. How many of these lies have you heard?

00:00 8 Lies Addicts/Alcoholics Tell
00:46 #1 "I only hide it because..."
01:46 #2 "This is the first time that has happened."
02:13 #3 Finding evidence and being told, "That's old!"
02:43 #4 "It's the only thing that helps me with _____."
03:42 #5 "Everyone is doing it."
04:40 #6 "It won't happen again."
05:19 #7 Any version of, "It's your fault."
06:05 #8 "I'll pay you back."

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So tired of the lies, sneaking, hiding. I don't have the emotional energy to fight to help them anymore.


You are describing my life with my alcoholic husband. It is so very disturbing, but good to know that I am not paranoid


Addiction is pain. For everyone involved in the addicts life.


It appears that when the person says "This is the first time " what they really mean is "This is the first time I was careless enough to leave it out in the open or do it out in the open".


The "you knew who I was and I liked to drink before we dated" excuse. I heard this all the time.

"I'm just going for a walk to get some fresh air" I learnt meant they were going to buy alcohol


Help yourself. Can't change other people, but you can visualize them well. Stay strong mamas.


Yip. I've heard #4, #5, #6 and #8 over and over and over again. I also use to get "I only had two drinks " and "someone spiked my drink" all the time.


Yep! My mother hid Vodka bottles literally everywhere! My husband hides his hard stuff but keeps his beer in the garage frig. I don't say anything. I found the hard stuff before. I told him he does not need to hide it from me. Something told me where it was. He never responds. Silence. I have to say I don't trust him. It's constant anxiety.


Family members sometimes do these things too because our addiction to the person leads us to make bad decisions, lie, manipulate and cover up too.


I have heard many many young movie stars say.on tv celebrity gossip shows "I'm doing what everyone else is doing. I'm just blending in with everyone else in my social circle. I don't drink any more than any one else. If I left the cocktail party circuit, I would not have any friends."


"you are always trying to diagnose me" haha! Favourite one from my ex.


"I'll be there soon"
"I'm at a friend's house"


“It’s your fault” my cousin is struggling with his alcoholic wife with sadly narcissistic tendencies and has absolutely accepted this lie in the past. He is starting to see though her drinking is a nightmare in their marriage but she is the breadwinner and holds the financial strings which makes it really hard. The wife ever since he has known her has had an addiction problem with alcohol and dhe now blames him entirely so she can continue this lifestyle unchallenged . There is never one photo or video we see on social media that she does not have a glass of wine in her hands. Your videos really help me trying to understand this and her behaviour because I’m very close to my cousin and hate to see him treated this way.


"It's the only thing that makes me feel normal."


I’ve heard all of these over the years. I am hearing some change talk. Never thought I’d hear that. I’ll take any baby step.


That’s a good one Silva, my son saids that exact thing. Even ask me” do you need anything while I’m there?” Don’t come back for hours


The one I'm never able to overcome is "I use drugs to cope with. . ." But in my son's case, he says he uses because everytime he got clean before, he just wanted to end his life. After over 2 years on the streets, addicted to fentanyl, he's checked himself into detox twice, the last time was in Oct, he left after 10 days, just when he was supposed to go to a rehab facility.
I know when he says this, HE believes it (he's basically played this same negative "reasoning" in his mind for so long that he's convinced himself of this) I tell him that he's never gotten off this drug AND followed up with 24/7 help in a rehab program. I've even said to him "give it at least 6 months and if you don't feel the tiniest bit better, then you can at least say you tried" but all I ever hear is "nope, I KNOW I'll never be able to handle all the pain I feel if I'm not high"
Is there a different way to combat that mindset or something different I could be saying?


1. You give me anxiety.
2. Your (missing) father did this to us.
3. "Mom still drinks". (To grandmother- which is a lie).
4. I promise I'm done this time.
5. Just play invisible.
6. Get mad at parent for having 30 year old pay rent. (Minimal).
7. What's wrong with you? You're always blaming me for your problems.
8. I quit drinking. (After finding mini bottles all over the place).
9. I only drink at music venues.
Ad infinitum.

An alcoholic will stop drinking when the desire to move on is stronger than the desire to quit.


So many of these hitting home. This is exhausting..makes me sick how many times I’ve been hurt with, “it won’t happen again”.. it does. Cheating, lying, hiding. 😞 I won’t leave though..too much love there


I've heard almost all of these. He fully blames his need for alcohol on ME. 😁

He blames the fact that I've called the police twice over the course of our 2 year relationship...on ME.

Currently, it is a violation of his probation to consume alcohol and yet, he's been drinking almost every night while I'm away at work.
I know, because when I come home I can smell it on his breath.

He goes on long walks in the middle of the afternoon - carrying his giant coffee mug that never seems to be empty anymore & as soon as he comes home, he'll go brush his teeth!!

Today, I discovered a half empty bottle of bloody Mary mix that he'd stolen out of my pantry, along with an opened (half empty) bottle of Tito's vodka in the trunk of his car & guess what he said when I saw them?!

He claimed he bought them for the construction crew doing work in my apartment complex!!!! 😮😂
Yes!!! Half empty bottles!!!!
He bought them for the construction guys!!!! 😂😂😂😂
And, he actually proceeded to run across the parking lot to give the bottles to them!!!!
And, he also actually told them not to let me take them!!!! 😅😮😮😮
But, as soon as the coast was clear - that's the first thing I did!
I ran & threw them down a nearby storm drain before he could see me!!
I mean...MY GOD! This is my life!!!
