7 Ways to Sample Living with Less

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“There are two ways to be rich: One is by acquiring much, and the other is by desiring little.” —Jackie French Koller

From the moment we’re born, we’re told to pursue more. Advertisements from every television, radio, newspaper, magazine, billboard, and website scream to us on a daily basis that more is better. But we all know, deep-down, it’s not true.


 You can read more tips in my book, The Minimalist Home.

Find Becoming Minimalist on Facebook, and Joshua Becker on Instagram and Twitter


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1) Clothes: we wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time

2) Decorations: remove some decorations in your home: (unmeaningful decorations)

3) Toys: remove a few of them in the play area.

4) Cooking utensils: use less of them, use the basics

5) Television: remove it or put in the basement for a while

6) Clearing up your countertops : it will bring you peace

7) Furniture: it takes a lot of space. Try to remove some.


Clutter bug had great advice on stuff on counters - that is the stuff you use, so get rid of the stuff you don’t use in the cabinets and you will have a place to put them away. I have done that and it works.


I used to think my Mom was nuts when she said she only needed two weeks worth of outfits. Now that I'm older, I agree. I like to have a little variety between tops and bottoms but I have donated so much in the past year that will benefit others. Mom used to say that keeping something you don't have or need and someone else does is a sin. She wasn't even spiritual but felt so strongly about this that she'd give away things she actually used to someone who needed it more.


I’m 3 years in and I absolutely love how my home looks and feels. I still have a box that I slowly fill up with random items I no longer need. Excellent video for beginners. 💗


All good ideas. Would you ever consider giving us a tour of your house, some drawers or closets?


I love reducing clutter. I’ve actually come to resent Christmas. I don’t like getting new things, it’s stressful.


When my only child was small, he had too much, literally. When he was at kindergarten one day, I went through and got rid of the age inappropriate things (baby stuff), threw away the broken, and took half of the rest of it and boxed it up. I put those away. Six months later, I did the same thing again, only I boxed what was left, and took out those put away. His reaction to that at first was, oh, Mom cleaned that up. He literally did not realize how much had disappeared. When I swapped them out, he had new things to play with. As you mention, he took better care of his things, and he wasn't overwhelmed by how many of them there were.


Thank you. I keep trying to cut down but still have way too much stuff and often feel overwhelmed by it. I'm going to start by putting all my hanging clothes in the wardrobe in my spare room and only bring them through to my own wardrobe when I actually wear them. It will be interesting to see what never gets taken out of the other wardrobe. Then I'll do the same with the items in drawers. It feels like a good way to get started!


It has been wonderful doing these things you just shared! I found The.Minimal.Mom last April, then I heard about you when she interviewed you and read your book. Each of these ideas make life so much simpler and freeing. I have found I have to continually work at keeping the spaces clear. But worth it? Thank you so much!


I have been decluttering for years. I going on 3 yrs I got rid of a lot...but my mama and brother actually loaded up things I left in apt and drive 45 mins away to bring it to me 😣 This past year I have gotten rid of so much stuff and it feels so good! I am almost there!!!


I don’t put decorations unless they’re functioning such as clocks, curtains, and mirrors. A bookshelf of my favourite books are decorative enough. Furniture is also decorative enough for me.


I think boxing up items for 3 to 6 months is a hallmark towards minimalism. I have done this for about one year. I find there were items I forgot exist and can easily replace. Other items I needed and continued to use. I also removed items thinking i needed it and then changed my mind.


Removing decorations: Check
Removing utensils: Check
Burn TV in backyard: Check


Some of my family members living in nyc small apartments need this advice, their mOtto is how much more can I fit in this tiny space 🤣


These are great! I did all 7 over 3 years. It has truly taken anxiety away, helped me keep the house cleaner, and most of all given my family of 5 more time together! Thankful I watched Minimalism on Netflix when it came out and have read Your books Joshua, your blog, Simple magazine, and videos...which All gave all of us the last motivation we needed and helped us stay at it.


I love everything about your videos, thanks for being an inspiration!!! I began my minimalism journey about 3 years ago, I didn't realize it then. After I began watching you and a few other YouTube channels, I realized this is what I have been moving toward. I wish I would have started many years ago. I have 3 children on this journey with me. They are grown and wish they would have started sooner, also.


* I took away some decorations and donated them to Goodwill. I love the empty space that created.

* I use very few utensils for cooking. We can cook variety of dishes with only few utensils.


Funny thing .... 4 years ago, I got ride of my TV. It took a month to get used to its absence. After watching 'stuff' for years, I realised I could do more purposeful activities that worked for me, rather than being distracted by the convenience of "entertainment", at the push of a button. . I still enjoy the quietness here and I actually don't want another TV.


Sometimes I feel like throwing the TV off the roof, and the cellphone can go with it. ☺️


I always watch these videos to find inspirations to continue minimizing. I'm stuck but thank you for the great ideas you mentioned. Thank you!
