The DEADLIEST Spiders in North America (and how to spot them)

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Learn more about the widow spiders in this video:

Here at MyWildBackyard we investigate the secrets of the natural world- secrets that can be hidden in our very own backyards! I want to share the incredible world of insects, spiders and other wildlife with you and inspire you to explore your curiosity. Get out there, and find your adventure!

For those who read the description- we've updated the channel! I'm working on adding more features to videos to better expand our conversations about the secrets we find in the natural world! Introducing the Creature Tier System! There are four rankings:
1. Staple - These are the lowest tier creatures. They are the most common species in a given habitat, and while they're not boring, they're really only exciting when you're exploring a new habitat and you haven't seen them before. Not something to write home about.
2. Neat - These are a step up from Staple. They don't make your entire day, but they are worth taking a closer look at when found. Definitely can be exciting to have a productive day finding many Neat species.
3. Wild - These are exciting to find. Whether they have interesting defensive features that offer a nice challenge in the field, are particularly cool looking, or maybe a little bit rare, Wild species aren't necessarily the MOST memorable of encounters, but they definitely make your day when you see them. An adventure featuring many Wild species will truly be memorable.
4. Gem - These are special. Usually involving extremely interesting biology and significant rarity, Gem species are animals that you really do not see every day. These species can make your whole adventure, and will be very memorable.

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

#blackwidow #spiders
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I want to thank you because
You have cured my arachnophobia
While I do have what I like to call a healthy fear of spiders since they can be dangerous I'm no longer scared of spiders


When I lived in Florida, Black Widow's were everywhere at work. They were around roof edge of the building and they loved to make webs behind the door handle. The store owner checked every morning and swept them off the door so no one would get get bit.


I have a huge widow in my basement since winter. I didn’t want to remove her when it was so cold out but now that the weather is nice I’m going to remove her and her new egg sac. I’ve never had to remove a widow before so I’m a little nervous, especially now that she’s a mama. These videos are so helpful and remind me to not be so fearful. As much as I love spiders, widows still make me nervous lol


you gotta love the dedication here - being able to show us all 3 color morphs in one video. what an absolute legend this guy is.


The fact, that you found another Red Widow and recorded it without any bites is a little detail, which makes me appreciate you more.
Other Youtubers would just make compilation and be done with it, but you did that extra mile, thank you.

I am looking forward to your South American related Spidervideos.


The red widow is stunning! She looks like a beautiful jewel with her gorgeous colours and patterns on her abdomen and long slender legs!!! 🕷🖤❤️


A few months ago I wasn't interested in entomology at all, but your channel has been a revelation to me, hands down the best find on YouTube for me recently. Can't wait for your South America videos.


You were a bit shaky with the red widow after the 2nd encounter. To honest, I don't blame you. It can show how unpredictable more animals can be. Like example how you got bit by the red widow and you weren't doing anything to harm it or anything. Maybe was just upset cause you disturbed it. Hard telling. Glad it didn't get as bad as others have witnessed.


Hey. Big fan of your videos. Glad you didn't get any further reactions from your red widow bite.
Got a bit of a practical question for you: I was wondering how you manage to keep those spiders from jumping off your hands first thing.
Your videos have helped me getting comfortable with free handling spiders in my flat, which given I live in central Europe isn't a very risky thing to do for me. One of the first things I've learned was, no matter how much you ever freaked out when a spider touched you is nothing compared to how much they freak out when you touch them. Which is understandable, given the size and risk difference. 
Putting those animals out of the flat without hurting them is easiest if you don't mind touching them and having them walk on your hands. But no matter what, pretty much the first thing they always do is leap off of my hand, , which then leaves me with the tough task of trying to coax them back on. Spiders always seem relatively calm when you handle them. How do you go about, essentially keeping them from panicking and shooting off?


i've actually been managing to get over my arachnophobia thanks to these spider videos - as well as youtubers like tarantula kat and exotics lair. there's actually been a few times where i thought tarantulas looked cute??? me from a year ago would never, i would've hauled ass dude. i do like the wolf spiders and jumping spiders though, i think. awesome content


Thanks for another great video!
My phobic reaction to spiders has basically vanished, replaced by fascination.
The other day I was holding a little male _Steatoda triangulosa!_
Also, that was some good bgm during the red widow sequence.


Thanks for the video, Master Spencer. It’s cool to see all three in one video.


Thanks to this channel I have a new look on Spiders. I think they are still scary looking but are cool.


You went from being creeped out by arachnids to cuddling them (just kidding).... I worry about you sometimes 😂 Very cool stuff!


Here in Argentina there are a lot and i mean A LOT of Geometricus, but very little Mactans, and the best part is they are right in my house and didn't noticed that they were widows till i saw them in your channel. Yesterday i found one of them munching on some kind of Wandering Spider/Wolf Spider, and that was very interesting, the fact that their venom can take another spider 8x bigger than them. Keep up the good content Spencer!


These widow spiders are among the most beautiful true spiders. The shape, the proportions, it's so elegant. The sheen on their body too. I use to be very scared of spiders, and I live way too up north to encounter widow spiders (in Canada). But it's not unheard of to find some in shipment of grapes from the US. That's how my fascination started. I was working in a bakery, and I was getting grapes for a desert, and I found the strangest... well, I'm not sure if it was just webbing or an empty egg sac, but I was fascinated. No spiders around me, but coworkers eventually found two. They got safely captured. After that happened I started researching because I'm curious about random things and... Years after, I now love these animals. Fascination won.


Do you know what my wife took from that mate? "He needs to clean his nails" 😆


Have you noticed any long term effects of the widow bite? I myself having been bitten on my right hand (she bite more than one dose of envenomation) my right hand had after effects, it heals slower than left and also noticed a couple months after the widow bite if I got a sweat bee sting on that hand near where the initial bite was it seemed to amplify the sting of the simple sweat bee, so I researched and some scientists believe that some compounds in the venom can actually bind to your receptors, have you noticed this yourself?


I remember one of Jack's videos saying snakes will not just bite at your ankles. While he's always seen with snake boots on 😅


If you were to be bitten by a red widow again, would the symptoms be any more or less severe (like immunity or allergic reaction)?
